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یک شنبه 20 اسفند 1385, 10:54 صبح
1- فرق بین Build و Rebuild چیه ؟
2- Clear Project چکاری انجام میده ؟
3- اگه بخواهیم کدی که در Vb.net 2005 نوشته شده مثل vb6 کامپایل شود چکار باید بکنیم ؟ یعنی اینکه مثلا وقتی برنامه رو کامپایل می کنیم تمامش کامپایل نشه فقط اون قسمت از کد که اجرا می کنیم اجرا شه ؟( این آخری فکر کنم امکان پذیر نباشه چون با روح .Net سازگار نیست چون .Net کد کامپایل رو درون حافظه می گذاره تا در اجراییات بعدی و یا اینکه در قسمت های بعدی برنامه ، برنامه به سرعت اجرا شه ! )

یک شنبه 20 اسفند 1385, 11:03 صبح
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Difference between Build Solution and Rebuild Solution option in VS.Net

VisualStudio.Net provides us with two options for compiling and creating builds for our application. They are Build Solution and Rebuild Solution options which can be accessed from the Build menu. The differences between these two options are

1. The Build Solution option compiles only those project files and components that have changed since the last build. For example consider that you have two projects Proj1 and Proj2 in your solution MySolution. When you compile the solution using Build Solution option after making some changes to Proj1 only Proj1 will be compiled and built but Proj2 will not be compiled since there are no changes to it.

2. On the other hand the Rebuild Solution option builds all project files and components irrespective of the changes made to them. For example consider that you have two projects Proj1 and Proj2 in your solution MySolution. When you compile the solution using Rebuild Solution option after making some changes to Proj1, both Proj1 and Proj2 will be compiled and built even though there are no changes made to Proj2.
