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شنبه 08 فروردین 1383, 18:28 عصر
سلام ؛

دیروز به پیشنهاد یکی از مشاوران دانشگاه ( و بدون رغبت و میل اولیه ) داشتم منوآل رشته های ارائه شده در سال آینده تحصیلی رو در مقاطع مختلف بررسی میکردم . مطلبی که خیلی توجهم رو جلب کرد ارائه دو شاخهء دوره کارشناسی ارشد با عناوین " تولید بازیهای رایانه ای : گرافیک" و " تولید بازیهای رایانه : برنامه نویسی" بود :) در این دورهء کمی بیشتر از یکساله ، دانشجویان مفاهیم زیر رو یاد میگیرن :

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Theory and Practice of Games
The module provides a context and background to the use, types, design and development of Computer Games and develops the more generic skills required to work as team member in computer games production. Basic game documentation will be covered and principles of developing a successful game, alongside a critical analysis of game structures. A series of games professionals will be invited to speak, in order to create a greater understanding of the industry.

Graphics and Visualisation
This module will provide you with a theoretical underpinning and detailed explanation of the power of visual information, the development of modelling and rendering processes and the enabling of specific visualisation using Java 3D.

Visualisation Programming
The module develops a basic level of programming in an imperative language to enable use of a propriety graphics API for coding visualisations. The emphasis of the module is on extending knowledge and its critical application in problem solving.

Computational Geometry
The module introduces computational geometry as the discipline amalgamating geometry and computer science. Whilst much computer graphics is based on computational geometry it also has applications in visual simulations beyond graphics. For example, collision detection, path finding and environment sensing are geometric modelling not graphics issues.

Physical Systems Simulation
The module provides the skills to model physical systems and develop algorithms to provide visual simulations of physical environments for applications such as virtual reality or computer games.

Interaction Engineering
The module develops application of a propriety API from visualisation to full multimedia capability within a software engineering context. The emphasis of the module is on extending knowledge and its critical application in problem solving.

Computer Games Project
The module enables students to systematically the apply skills and techniques acquired elsewhere within their courses in a practical computer games project. Students work on a more substantial project and are able to develop a more finished product suitable for a portfolio with a view to gaining future employment. The module also permits individual exploration in a direction chosen by the student.



اگر دوست داشتید میتونید اطلاعات بیشتری از سایتش (http://www.wmin.ac.uk/solape/item_admission.asp?ID=3495&amp;wp=pg)دریافت کنید . با اندکی فضولی متوجه شدم یکی از کتابهای "درسی" این دوره کتاب Game Development and Production است که روی حوزهء مدیریت و منطق چرخهء حیات یک تیم توسعهء بازی فوکوس کرده و البته برای ارضاء حس فضولی تونستم این کتاب (http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1556229518/ref=sib_rdr_fc/104-7994696-1114321?%5Fencoding=UTF8&amp;p=S001#reader-link)رو بصورت الکترونیکی پیدا کنم :

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Writing comprehensive design documents, accurately estimating tasks and schedules, setting up a comprehensive QA plan—these are all important aspects of the game development process that are often underplanned. Game company executive Erik Bethke provides a guidebook that discusses these issues, along with detailed coverage of development methods and project management techniques, all from the perspective of someone who has learned the hard way and is still learning.

* Find out about every aspect of game development and production from concept on a napkin, through development, release, and beyond into patches and point-releases.

* Understand the challenges that game developers face in producing successful game titles.

* Learn how to define the key elements and requirements of a game.

* Discover how to create and maintain schedules using Gantt charts and resource usage charts.

* Learn how to use Unified Modeling Language to improve the efficiency of your game development process.

* Develop an understanding of how intimately your business parameters affect your game designs.

* Explore strategies for landing a job in the game industry.

* Find out about outsourcing different parts of game production, such as motion capture, music, voice, and sound effects.


ان شاء الله سر فرصت این کتاب رو تو داونلود سنتر قرار میدم تا علاقه مندان این حوزه ازش استفاده کنن . :)

موفق باشید :(

یک شنبه 09 فروردین 1383, 21:16 عصر
جالب بود ! باید زودتر جنبید !

ممنون ...

یک شنبه 09 فروردین 1383, 22:51 عصر
مگه داونلود سنتر سایت راه افتاد؟