View Full Version : ابزارها و کامپوننت های دات نت

بابک زواری
دوشنبه 15 اسفند 1384, 19:11 عصر
دوستان این تاپیک رو زدم تا اگر ابزاری یا کامپوننتی یا سورسی رو میشناسید که فکر میکنید
1- ابزاری هست که به درد بقیه میخوره
2-سورسی هست که نکات مهمی برای یادگیری داره ( با ذکر نکته )
3- کامپوننت راه بیاندزی هست
خودش رو یا لینکش رو برای بقیه هم بدید. با این کار اگر کسی هم از وجود یک ابزار بی خبر باشه ؛ همین که از وجودش و یا امکاناتش خبردار شد میتونه بره دنبالش.

الزامی هم برای ارائه مطالب به شکل فارسی نیست ؛ همانطور که آقای اینپرایز یک ابزار رو با مشخصات کامل و لینک سایت و منابعش معرفی میکنه شما هم میتونید همانند ایشون عمل کنید

سه نکته بسیار مهم :
1- ارائه کرک ابزارها و کامپوننتهای دارای حق کپی ممنوع هست .

2- ابزارهای دارای حق کپی رو میتونید فقط معرفی کنید .

3- حدالمکان برای فایلها لــــیــــنـــــک بدید تا حجم سایت بالا نره و برای توضیحات خودشون رو اینجا بذارید .

بابک زواری
دوشنبه 15 اسفند 1384, 19:18 عصر
ابزاری برای زبان #C که در آدرس زیر میتونید امکانات کامل و همچنین دمو آنلاین و نسخه نمایشی اونو رو ببینید

ReSharper was created with the single purpose in mind: to increase the productivity of C# developers. It
comes equipped with a rich set of features, such as intelligent coding assistance, on-the-fly error highlighting
and quick error correction, unmatched support for code refactoring, and a whole lot more. ReSharper's tight
integration with Visual Studio .NET provides quick and easy access to all of its advanced features right from
the IDE.

Error Highlighting
Error Quick-fixes
Refactoring Support
Live Templates
Figure: Inline error highlighting and fixes

Figure: Code generation

Figure: Pre-compile checking and syntax highlighting

با نسخه سازگار با VS2003 که من کار میکردم عالی بود ؛ امکانات فوق العاده ایی داشت نمیدونم که نسخه سازگار VS2005 داده شده یا نه

بابک زواری
دوشنبه 15 اسفند 1384, 19:23 عصر
FxCop is a code analysis tool that checks .NET managed code assemblies for
conformance to the Microsoft .NET Framework Design Guidelines. It uses reflection,
MSIL parsing, and callgraph analysis to inspect assemblies for more than 200 defects
in the following areas:

Library design


Naming conventions




Figure: Microsoft FxCop


Download FxCop 1.35 Beta 1
FxCop 1.35 Requires .Net 2.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&DisplayLang=en)

FxCop self-extracting installer (http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/fxcop/FxCopInstall1.35beta1.EXE) (3.61 MB, 12/13/05)
FxCop .msi installer (http://www.gotdotnet.com/team/fxcop/FxCopInstall1.35beta1.MSI) (3.81 MB, 12/13/05)رایگان هم هست

دوشنبه 15 اسفند 1384, 19:30 عصر
سعی میکنم بیشتر کنترل های مربوط به User Interface رو بذارم
Custom bitmap button

بابک زواری
دوشنبه 15 اسفند 1384, 19:30 عصر
As a project or company grows, managing code standards throughout your team becomes virtually impossible. But consistent code is crucial to future development and maintenance. Built in C#, SSW Code Auditor lets you take control of your code and automatically review your web apps and projects - giving you more opportunity to spend time where it really matters.
http://ssw.com.au/ssw/codeauditor/images/CodeAuditorWelcomeScreen.gif Figure: SSW Code Auditor

اطلاعات بیشتر

بابک زواری
دوشنبه 15 اسفند 1384, 19:38 عصر
NUnit is a unit-testing framework for all .Net languages. Initially ported from JUnit (http://ssw.com.au/ssw/redirect/JUnitdotorg.htm), the current release, version 2.2, is the fourth major release of this xUnit based unit testing tool for Microsoft .NET. It is written entirely in C# and has been completely redesigned to take advantage of many .NET language features, for example custom attributes and other reflection related capabilities.

Figure: NUnit

اطلاعات بیشتر

بابک زواری
دوشنبه 15 اسفند 1384, 19:44 عصر
PowerToys for the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer and Distributed System Designers
This set of add-ins augments existing functionality in the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer and the Distributed Systems Designers. The Design Tools Enhancements add-in provides a common set of features that can be used by both the Class Designer and the Distributed System Designers, such as pan/zoom window and rich formatting commands. The Class Designer Enhancements add-in provides additional functionality for the Visual Studio 2005 Class Designer, such as HTML export and nested type creation commands. This download includes all necessary source code and a Visual Studio project template for creating your own add-ins for the Visual Studio 2005 designers. The Class Designer is a developer productivity tool available in Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition and above, which allows developers to easily visualize, design, refactor, and document their code. The Distributed System Designers enable software architects, operations managers, and developers to visually design service-oriented solutions and validate them at design time against their operational environments. The Distributed System Designers are a core component of Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects and the Visual Studio 2005 Team System

اطلاعات بیشتر در آدرس

و کلیه پروژهای دیگر این سایت در

بابک زواری
دوشنبه 15 اسفند 1384, 19:49 عصر
به نظر من که به Resharper سرتره و مشکلات کم تری داره

CodeRush is a developer productivity enhancement tool that integrates Visual Studio .NET. CodeRush provides extensive visualisation, selection, clipboard, navigation and template tools, and works with both C# and Visual Basic .NET. Features include:

Icons - Different types and members (for example, classes, enums, structs, methods, properties, etc) with icons that allow you to modify the accessibility
Structural highlighting - lines on the left hand side make it easy to see the start and end of nested statement blocks. A configurable line on the right allows you to ensure lines of code don't become too long when developers use different screen resolutions
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to expand, contract and comment selections based on statement blocks
Documentor window - allows you to visualise complex XML documentation markup
Smart cut and paste - automatically selects logical code blocks when copying, and adapts pasted code to the situation. For example, inside an if block, "=" will automatically be converted to "==" in C#.
Advanced bookmarks - remember the column position as well as the line and allow you to easily move between different locations
Templates - common blocks of code can easily be inserted with keyboard shortcutshttp://ssw.com.au/SSW/Standards/DeveloperGeneral/Images/CodeRushIconsInCode.gif
Figure: Visual indicators inside your code
Figure: Visual accessibility modification in code view
Figure: XML documentation previews
Figure: Automatically insert templates for commonly used code

سایت تولید کننده

سه شنبه 16 اسفند 1384, 09:42 صبح
Rapid Layout .NET is a layout panel for Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 that transforms the development of windows forms or dialogs.

It enables GUI designers to quickly align components against form borders, special guide lines or other components. The spacing, positioning and sizing of components will be perfect regardless of window size, font style or language.



چهارشنبه 17 اسفند 1384, 00:49 صبح
Windows XP style Explorer Bars
Free for download
Windows XP style Explorer Bars/Task Bars/Web Views - call them what you will - are all
the rage at the moment. There are many great free Explorer Bar controls available on the
net such as Derek Lakin's Collapsible Panel Bar, Darren May's Collapsing Group Control,
and Tom Guinther's Full-featured XP Style Collapsible Panel. Most of them don't support
Windows XP themes, or if they do, they "fake" it by drawing the gradient/arrows
themselves, or by including the necessary images in the assembly.

چهارشنبه 17 اسفند 1384, 02:31 صبح
Fully Customizable XP Progress Bar

بابک زواری
چهارشنبه 17 اسفند 1384, 22:45 عصر
عزیز جان از ProgressBar جانوس استفاده کن که همه این استایلها رو داره (با کلی امکانات اضافه دیگه).

مزیت این پروگرس باره اینه که سورسش هست و علاوه بر استفاده آیتم یادگیری و نحوه نوشتن کامپوننت و پراپرتی و .... رو هم داره .

چهارشنبه 17 اسفند 1384, 22:46 عصر
Rapid Layout .NET is a layout panel for Visual Studio 2003 and 2005 that transforms the development of windows forms or dialogs.

It enables GUI designers to quickly align components against form borders, special guide lines or other components. The spacing, positioning and sizing of components will be perfect regardless of window size, font style or language.


کسی از این کامپوننت استفاده کرده؟
وقتی که من پنل مخصوص این کامپوننت رو به فرم اضافه میکنم پیغام زیرو میده:


در پناه حق موفق باشید و پرتوان

بابک زواری
چهارشنبه 17 اسفند 1384, 22:58 عصر
ابزارها و مستندات و خرت و پرتهایی که به درد برنامه نویسی میخوره

Download MDAC 2.8 Service Pack 1
Get core Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC), including the SQL Server OLE DB provider and ODBC driver, in a redistributable installer.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=2&p=1&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=http%3a%2f%2fgo.microsoft.com%2f%3flinkid%3d4231 757

SQL Server Express Utility
SSEUtil is a tool that lets you easily interact with SQL Server
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=34&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3dfa87e82 8-173f-472e-a85c-27ed01cf6b02%26DisplayLang%3den

Windows Mobile 5.0 Developer Resource Kit (1/19/2006)
Everything you need to start developing for Windows Mobile 2003 and Windows Mobile 5.0 based devices.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=46&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3d3baa5b7 d-04c1-4ec2-83dc-61b21ec5fe57%26DisplayLang%3den

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Documentation and Samples (December 2005) (12/12/2005)
Download the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SQL Server Express) Books Online and samples.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=49&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3d9697aaa a-ad4b-416e-87a4-a8b154f92787%26DisplayLang%3den

Microsoft Windows SDK for the February 2006 CTP (2/16/2006)
The Windows SDK contains pre-release documentation, samples, and tools designed to help you develop Windows applications
and libraries using both Win32® and WinFX® technologies in Windows Vista
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=51&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3d9be1fc7 f-0542-47f1-88dd-61e3ef88c402%26DisplayLang%3den

Visual J# .NET Version 1.1 Redistributable Package(4/9/2003)
The Microsoft® Visual J#™ .NET version 1.1 Redistributable Package includes everything you need to run your Visual J# .NET
applications on a computer that already has the Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 installed.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=53&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3de3cf70a 9-84ca-4fea-9e7d-7d674d2c7ca1%26DisplayLang%3den

Windows Script 5.6 Documentation (12/7/2005)
This download provides extensive reference and conceptual documentation for all of Microsoft Windows Script Technologies
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=57&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3d01592c4 8-207d-4be1-8a76-1c4099d7bbb9%26DisplayLang%3den

Windows Script 5.6 for Windows 98, Windows Millennium Edition, and Windows NT 4.0 (9/18/2004)
This download installs Microsoft® Windows® Script containing Visual Basic® Script Edition (VBScript.) Version 5.6, JScript® Version 5.6,
Windows Script Components, Windows Script Host 5.6, and Windows Script Runtime Version 5.6.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=63&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3d0a8a18f 6-249c-4a72-bfcf-fc6af26dc390%26DisplayLang%3den

Web Application Stress Tool
The Microsoft web stress tool is designed to realistically simulate multiple browsers requesting pages from a Web site.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=66&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3de2c0585 a-062a-439e-a67d-75a89aa36495%26DisplayLang%3den

SQL Server 2005 Samples and Sample Databases (December 2005)
Download over 100 samples and three sample databases for SQL Server 2005.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=84&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3de719ecf 7-9f46-4312-af89-6ad8702e4e6e%26DisplayLang%3den

Visual Studio 2005 Automation Samples
These code samples show you how to build VSMacros projects, add-ins, and wizards to make your teams more productive and to
customize Visual Studio 2005 to the ways you like to work.
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=144&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3d79c7e03 8-8768-4e1e-87ae-5bbbe3886de8%26DisplayLang%3den

Microsoft CRM 3.0 SDK (2006)
Microsoft CRM 3.0 Software Development Kit (SDK).
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/info.aspx?na=22&p=149&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=10&SrcFamilyId=&u=%2fdownloads%2fdetails.aspx%3fFamilyID%3d9c178b6 8-3a06-4898-bc83-bd14b74308c5%26DisplayLang%3den

پنج شنبه 18 اسفند 1384, 02:00 صبح
XP-Style Button
XP-Style Button provides the look and feel of a button with any of of the three built-in color
schemes of Windows XP and will also work with earlier versions of Windows, or using a
color scheme if you use Windows XP. You simply don't have to worry about how the
button will look like on different versions of Windows - it will always look the same.

پنج شنبه 18 اسفند 1384, 02:33 صبح
اینم SandBar‌، توی دات نت 2005 هم جواب میده، نسخه مجانی رو برداشتن نسخه آزمایشی 30 روزه رو میتونید از اینجا بگیرید:

شنبه 20 اسفند 1384, 06:15 صبح
چرا، منم گرفتم. برای من هم همین پیغام رو میده. البته من از 2005 VS استفاده می کنم. فکر کردم شاید به خاطر اونه

بابک زواری
سه شنبه 23 اسفند 1384, 14:18 عصر

Microsoft .NET Monitoring

http://manageengine.adventnet.com/images/spacer.gifhttp://manageengine.adventnet.com/images/spacer.gifhttp://manageengine.adventnet.com/images/spacer.gifhttp://manageengine.adventnet.com/images/spacer.gifhttp://manageengine.adventnet.com/images/spacer.gifhttp://manageengine.adventnet.com/images/spacer.gifManagement of Microsoft .NET made easy
http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/applications_manager/images/thumbnail/dotnet-monitoring-tn.gif (http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/applications_manager/images/thumbnail/dotnet-monitoring.gif) Applications Manager helps you in monitoring performance, availability, and usage statistics of Microsoft .NET Servers.
Monitoring Microsoft .NET involves automatic diagnoses, notification of problems in the Microsoft .NET Servers.
Applications Manager provides you wholesome Windows Monitoring - Windows Server monitorng (http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/applications_manager/windows-monitoring.html), MS SQL monitoring (http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/applications_manager/sql-server-management.html), Exchange Server Monitoring (http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/applications_manager/exchange-server-monitoring.html)along with .NET monitoring.
http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/applications_manager/images/download-free-prof.gif http://manageengine.adventnet.com/images/livedemo.gif (http://demo.appmanager.com/)Monitoring Microsoft .NET provides for delivering comprehensive fault management and proactive alert notifications, checking for impending problems, triggering appropriate actions and gathering performance data for planning, analysis, and reporting.
"We used MOM 2000 and 2005 before ApplicationsManager. We were not satisfied with the reports that mom produces. AppManager gives really comprehensive reports about our systems. We have nearly 70 servers (Microsoft and Tru64 and HPUX, HP DL and HP Alpha servers) around including branch offices. We are using Oracle databases. AppManager's Oracle monitor pages are really good for our Oracle DBAs.
The most important property of AppManager is that there are no AGENTS anymore. The notifications section is also the important thing that we use mostly.
Online Support was a great opportunity for us. Thanks for this real system monitoring tool."
Volkan Günaydin
Systems Support Engineer (Group Director)
Türkiye Some of the components that can be monitored in Microsoft .NET are:

Memory Usage
Thread Pools
Network Traffic
JITMicrosoft .NET Monitoring Capabilities

Out-of-the-box management of Microsoft .NET availability and performance - checks if it is running and processing requests.
Monitors performance statistics such as Heapsize, threads, network traffic, connections, exceptions, etc.,. Alerts can be configured for these parameters.
Based on the thresholds configured, notifications and alerts are generated. Actions are executed automatically based on configurations.
Performance graphs and reports are available instantly. Grouping of reports, customized reports, and graphs based on date is available.For more information, refer to the Monitoring Microsoft .NET Online Help (http://manageengine.adventnet.com/products/applications_manager/help/monitors/microsoft-net.html)

چهارشنبه 24 اسفند 1384, 16:10 عصر


چهارشنبه 24 اسفند 1384, 17:23 عصر
اینو داشته یاشین. یعنی زندگی، userinterface و دیوانه کنندست. عکس ها بیان گر همه چی هست:

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 25 اسفند 1384, 01:18 صبح
نرم افزار TEAM Coherence که جهت کارهای تیمی بکار میرود.
سازگاری کامل با دات نت را دارا میباشد




بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 25 اسفند 1384, 01:36 صبح

Professional Edition Features New in V3.0:

Support for .Net Framework version 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005

Software watermarking

Assembly linking

Support for declarative obfuscation via standard custom attributes

Many GUI improvements, including support for XP themes

Support for Pre and Post build events

Library mode selectable on a per assembly basis

Automatic strong named assembly re-signing after build

Improved algorithm for finding external assembly dependencies, with user specified assembly load path as fallback

Standard Edition V3.0

Support for .Net Framework version 2.0

Support for declarative obfuscation via standard custom attributes

Many GUI improvements, including support for XP themes

Library mode selectable on a per assembly basis

Improved algorithm for finding external assembly dependencies, with user specified assembly load path as fallback

PreEmptives Dotfuscator for .NET allows you to significantly enhance security of your software development assets and substantially decrease your applications size. Dotfuscator contains many important features such as Control Flow Obfuscation, String Encryption, Incremental Obfuscation, Enhanced Overload Induction and Pruning. It rearranges code instructions while preserving the original runtime logic. It removes the telltale patterns that decompilers use to recognize (and reconstruct) higher-level program code constructs.
A smaller application transfers, loads, and runs faster. To that end, the output from Dotfuscator contains a slimmer version of exactly the code required to run the application, and nothing more. The benefits to you include superior intellectual property protection, decreased application size, and better program performance.
Dotfuscator is available in 2 editions:

Dotfuscator Standard Edition adds important features required for any type of production environment. These features include tools to analyze stack traces and aid in debugging, C++ support, additional obfuscation options, useful report capabilities and email technical support

Dotfuscator Professional Edition is targeted at organizations that produce commercial and enterprise applications. It provides superior protection to foil decompilation, size reduction to conserve memory and improve load times, deep Visual Studio.NET integration for seamless configuration, incremental obfuscation to release patches and phone and email technical support

The Standard Edition includes:

Cross Assembly Obfuscation

Removal of Unused Metadata


Can Run Independent of Visual Studio.NET

Various Renaming Schemes

PDB Debugging Support

Rename Prefix

Supports Managed C++ assemblies

Automated Stack Trace Translation

XML/HTML Report Files

The Professional Edition includes all of the features in the Standard Edition plus:

Deep Visual Studio Integration


Comprehensive support for the .NET Compact Framework

Control Flow Obfuscation

Enhanced Overload Induction

Incremental Obfuscation

Seamless obfuscation of satellite DLLs

String Encryption

Break ILDASM Disassembler

64 bit support

MSBuild support/targets

The .NET environment provides unprecedented flexibility and power in developing Windows applications fast. Once an application is complete, code protection is needed. That's where Dotfuscator comes in. Dotfuscator obfuscation provides powerful code protection for .NET, to protect valuable intellectual property. After all, if code is worth writing, isn't it worth protectin

پنج شنبه 25 اسفند 1384, 15:41 عصر
Nevron Chart for Visual Studio 2005 Released

کنترل چارت با سازگاری کامل با Vs2005 و vs2003 .


برای اطلاعات بیشتر درباره کنترل به لینک زیر سر بزنید :

برای دانلود این کنترل نیاز به رجیستر کردن دارید .

Mohammad .net
جمعه 26 اسفند 1384, 14:55 عصر
میشه لطف کنید یک لینک از ابزار پست 33 بدید

بابک زواری
شنبه 27 اسفند 1384, 11:35 صبح
میشه لطف کنید یک لینک از ابزار پست 33 بدید


بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:10 عصر
Chart FX Gauges - .NET - V1.0

Chart FX Gauges includes both WinForms & WebForms (ASP.NET) Radial gauge, Linear gauge, Digital Meter LED Panel . Both horizontal and Vertical Gauges supported. This is a brief description of the components included.
Radial Gauge
The most common and conventional type of gauge. Chart FX Gauge offers a vast variety of radial borders, needles, markers and tickmarks to fully customize the look and feel of your gauge. You can setup and locate multiple scales, needles and images. Basically, any gauge element can be easily located in the drawing area based on a location relative to the border or to a specific Anchor point.
Radial gauges included are: Circular, Semicircular, Floating, Square, Rectangular, Marker Indicator, Multiple Indicators, Combined Indicators, Concentric Scales, Multiple Scales, Internal Scale, Combinations ( i.e.Combination Radial-Digital, Combination Radial-Horizontal,Combination Radial-Vertical), etc..
Linear Gauge
Linear gauges display data on a horizontal or vertical scale. Similar to the radial gauges, linear gauges come complete with a variety of borders, marks, fillers and indicator styles and allow complete customization. Linear Gauges support a collection of scales with different values, tickmarks and markers. These scales can be positioned anywhere inside the drawing area.
It can produce several types of linear gauges, among them: square, thermometer, Filler,Marker,Repeater, Multiple Markers, Combination Filler-Marker, Multiple Fillers, Multiple Scales, etc..
Digital Meter
Digital Meter gauges display 7 segment and 14 segment indicators to illustrate numerical values or text. Although a more simple type of gauge, it can be extremely useful when using it in combination with radial or linear gauges.
LED Panel
Similar to the digital meter, the LED Panel displays text or numerical data but using a series of LED lights to display the values.

Main Features

WinForms & WebForms components for either Visual Studio.NET (2003) or Visual Studio 2005 ( VB.NET , C#, etc..)

Optimized for real-time.

Realistic look and adaptive styles for your environment.

Supportof multiple indicators & scales, components in other components and auto calculated values.

Use of the same API across all of the components.

AJAX enabled

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:14 عصر
Graphics Mill for .NET - .NET - V3.5


Graphics Mill .NET is an image processing component developed for the .NET platform. Graphics Mill .NET consists of three parts:

Core class library - a set of classes (non-visual) which provide imaging operations: load/save images from/to files, applying different transforms and effects, convert pixels between different color spaces, draw lines, curves, shapes, and text, etc..

Windows Forms controls - a set of Windows controls which leverage using Graphics Mill in desktop Windows applications. These controls enable you to display an image, zoom it, pan, select a portion of an image, as well as print it. Source code Included.

Web Forms controls - a set of unique ASP.NET web controls that provide the user great GUI for image displaying and editing. Using these controls you can easily build web photo editors and build other kinds of imaging web applications. Source Code Included.

Extra add-ons are available:

AVI Processor Add-on- enhances Graphics Mill functionality with AVI format support. It enables to read/write AVI files, work with audio tracks, put watermarks onto it, add transition effects, etc.

Advanced PSD Add-on- improves PSD format support. It allows to read separate layers from PSD file, get raster layers and text layers (string, font, etc). These layers can be merged with Graphics Mill.

Red-Eye Removal Add-on- features red-eye effect removal functionality. It implements unique semiautomatic and manual modes.

Graphics Mill for .NET has been tested with Visual Studio 2005, VS.NET 2003 and 2002 C# and VB.NET, etc. development languages.

Graphics Mill for .NET is an ideal component for creating different kinds of photo imaging applications. The essential features for this kind of applications are highlighted below:

Support of various formats:

JPEG, PNG, GIF, WBMP, TIFF, BMP - read and write

PCX, PSD - read only

PDF, SWF - write only

Capability to load (as well as save) images from various sources: files, streams, arrays

Fast Thumbnail Extraction

Many Image Editing Algorithms (Effects and Corrections)


Color Management

Extended Pixel Formats (16 bits per channel)

Composite Print

Graphics Mill for .NET can also help with printing and pre-print processing operations:

CMYK Images Support

Advanced Color Management

Industry Standard File Formats

Document imaging is one more field where Graphics Mill for .NET can be successfully used. If you are creating such kind of applications, you can use the following benefits:

1-bit Images Support

Strong TIFF File Format Support

Write-Only PDF Support

Windows and Web Controls Designed to Display Documents

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:15 عصر
قوی ترین و بهترین کامپوننت رسم نمودار
TeeChart for .NET - with Source Code - V2.0.2

What's New in V2.0.2:

Visual Studio 2005 Compatible
New AnnotationTool CustomSize property enables custom values for Height and Width
New AxisLabels.Clicked method
Axis.StartPosition and Axis.EndPosition can now be defined in Pixels using Axis.PositionUnits.
New overload of Series.Add method now takes long and long[]
New overload of Series.Add method now takes generic type T (only in .NET Framework v2.0).
DrawLineItem now has a Pen property enabling individual drawlines to be assigned different colors etc.
CalendarSeries Next and Previous Buttons now visible and clickeable in both winforms and webforms
The OpenGL component can now be used in conjunction with a WebChart on a WebForm
Clicked() method implemented for TriSurface series enabling MarksTip functionality on it
Candle series have a new property: HighLowPen, which is a Pen that allows customizing the High and Low lines of the candle
New palettes for 3D grid serie types: Inverted gray and Rainbow
New PolarBar series type
New LightTool to give a 2D lighting effect on your chart
New Smoothing Function EditorWhat's new in Version 2:

TeeChart Themes for template and colour palette management
New Axis features include alternate labelling, Top DepthAxis, Isometric Axes
New in Legend includes Scrollbar and Image symbolling
New in Series include BarSeries Depth control, symbols on marks, Pie Shadow and Slice-heights, Surface smoothing and LineSeries Interpolation
New Tools include a SurfaceSeries Nearest Point locator, Axis drag scrolling
New in Export includes EPS format
New functions include ADX, Bollinger, Correlation, Exponential Trend, MACD, Median, Mode, Perimiter, Reducing number of Points, RSI and Variance
New Series include Horizontal Histogram, Map GIS, Image Bar
New Text and XML Data Source Components
OpenGL Chart rendering
Extensive enhancements to Web functionality including Hotspot and Zoom Tools, and Mapping support

TeeChart offers many Series types to visualize data and function types including many specialized financial functions, multiple axes, multiple tool, export to file or stream as JPEG, PNG and BMP images and as Text or XML data or as optimized chart definition files for high speed network applications. Display features include customizable canvas objects, transparency and anti-aliasing, 2D and 3D views. TeeChart is high speed and multi-page and may be mouse zoomed and scrolled.
TeeChart for .NET - Feature summary:

100% Managed code
100% Native C# code
Optional full sourcecode available
100% Managed C#.NET Charting Control
47 Chart styles (in 2D and 3D plus multiple combinations)
39 Functions (Standard, Financial, Statistical)
Data aware - Direct access to .NET data sources
Direct access to URL addressable Charts
Designtime WebForm WYSIWYG Chart Control
12 standard Series types
32 Extended Series types
24 Statistical functions
Series Gallery
OpenGL Component
Direct high-speed, add of Array data to Chart. Very quick !
Zoom, scroll and real time
Multiple unlimited Custom Axes
Stream export/import capability for BLOB storage and direct output to client (eg. browser)
Image export as bitmap, metafile, JPEG, PNG & native Chart format
Data export as Excel, XML, HTML, CSV (Text) & native Chart format
Royalty free in compiled desktop applications
13 Chart add-on tools including annotation and color banding
Multi-page Charts
Custom 3D Drawing Objects
Customizable printing
Transparency and anti-aliasing on all Chart object Pens, Brushes, Fonts and Gradients
Extensive demos for Visual Studio.NET including WinForms and ASP.NET WebForms
Designtime integrated Chart and Series editor
HTML Help v2 Online help and electronic reference
Extended Statistical functions
Runtime Chart Editor and Print Previewer
Runtime Series ListBox and TeeCommander control bar
No-charge first level technical support
Optional Professional level technical support
Native .NET component written in C#, Full support for ASP.NET and WebForms

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:17 عصر
Planner.NET - .NET - V3.0

What's New in V3.0?

A new view type, called Resource view, has been implemented

The Resource class implements a new general type of resources

Styles redesigned to support cascading propagation of style attributes

The timetable view can display cells with accuracy down to the second

CollapseResourceRow, ExpandResourceRow and IsResourceRowExpanded methods added

MinItemLength specifies the minimal length of user-created items

A new item editor added, allows modifying items description and header text

A new theme called Lila added

The Timetable view can be zoomed in or out

What's New in V2.0?

Custom editors and viewers can be associated with a class of schedule items

The orientation of timetable view can be set to horizontal or vertical

Extended support for tooltips

Custom data can be associated with schedule items

What's New in V1.2?

Grouping in week range view

Right-to-left reading order layout

Style property added to the Item and Appointment classes

CustomBrushes property added to the Contact, Location and Task classes

New overloaded GetAllItems method added to the Schedule class

RotateHeaderTexts property added to the DayRangeSettings class

ScrollInterval property added to the MonthRangeSettings class

Enable or disable multiple selection setting the Selection.AllowMultiple

DelayInplaceEdit property added to the Calendar class

FirstWeekendDay property added to the Calendar class

Planner.NET provides your applications with a rich set of calendar and scheduling features. With Planner.NET you can present task and appointments information during different time periods (hours, days, weeks and months) as well as recurrent appointments or show all engagements at a specific day or several consequent days. Planner.NET can display a schedule in several view types, such as:

A range of months, displaying several months in a grid, each of the months displaying its days in a smaller grid

A single month view, displaying the days of a month and allowing scrolling to previous or next month

A range of weeks, displaying days in a grid in which the days of a week occupy a single row

A range of days, displaying a single day on each row or column

A timetable view, displaying the allotment of resources to distinct hours of a day. The columns of this view can be grouped by location, task or contact

Planner.NET provides intuitive user-interaction model for creating or editing appointments and events in a schedule. In addition, its programmatic interface places at your disposal many useful functions, ranging from printing and XML serialization to displaying reminders and checking what occurrences of recurrent events happen in a specified time interval. The control has been tested with the most popular Dotnet (.NET) development environments and programming languages like CSharp, VB.NET or Delphi.NET. It can be used to create applications in Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET) C#, Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET) or Delphi .NET among others.

Planner.NET consists of three assemblies:

Schedule.dll assembly defines the schedule data model and implements the Schedule class which serves as a document in the document-view architecture. This assembly also defines classes such as Item and Appointment which represent individual events in the schedule

Calendar.NET.dll assembly implements several calendar and schedule view as part of the Calendar Windows Forms control class. All views are implemented in the same control to allow drilling down the schedule data simply by changing the views. Each view allow creating new schedule items in it by typing over a time cell. Schedule items can be moved around and resized to change their start time and duration

ScheduleStandardForms.dll implements several standard dialogs that allow creating and editing schedule data such as tasks, contacts and appointments. Planner.NET provides assemblies for versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the .NET framework

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:19 عصر
کامپوننت ASP.Net

AspLib includes cross-browser components which allow you to speed up the development of your .NET web applications. All components are:

Cross-browser: Internet Explorer 5.5 and later, Opera 7 and later, Netscape, Mozilla 1.7 and later, FireFox v1.0 and later

Supported IDE/Languages: VS.NET 2003, VS 2005 C#, VB.NET, etc..

All controls output well-formed XHTML

AspLib controls are "Level A" compliant (in accordance with the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines 1.0). It also introduces certain features that satisfy the requirements of "Section 508" for software accessibility. As a result, the component can be used in US Federal Institutions and other organizations, which require software to be accessible to people with disabilities

Multi-culture support, easy localization through XML

Build intype editors help you to configurate the controls

All JavaScript and resources files are embedded in the assembly

This is a short description of the individual components included in the suite:

ALGrid - web-control that displays the values of a data source in a table where each column represents a field and each row represents a record. The ALGrid control allows you to select, sort, insert, and edit these items.

BinaryImage - This component enables easy and simple showing and uploading images without creating additional forms, files or handlers. Image initialization on a form is carried out by the ShowImage event. When uploading a image UploadImage event is called and the image is passed to the event handler. In case of Width and Height properties being defined the image can be automatically truncated

Button - Advanced button has ability to customize image and text properties. There are more then 10 ready to use styles available. Also you can show one or two message boxes to let user confirm his choice

Calendar - A calendar that is compact and fast. It is also self-updating on the client side and has an option to select days. Setting a range of dates is available. This component works with Internet Explorer, Opera and Mozilla. It can be automatically localized depending on culture settings on the client computer

Checkbox - Advanced checkbox that sets pictures and text to display mode information

ColorPicker - An easy and convenient way to enter names or color codes in your web-application

ComboBox - It provides auto-complete functionality so that when you write text in the combobox, it completes the text if it finds in item collection

DualSelectBox - This control provides a simple and intuitive way for a user to make multiple item selections. Available items are displayed in one list, selected items displayed in another. It is possible to filter elements using Filter text field. It is also possible to display ToolTip with additional description for each item. This control works without postback between the movement of the Lists and has AutoSorting and PreSelect properties

Editor - The component is an online Web based WYSIWYG editor for working with HTML. The editor allows to create tables, links, pictures, flash and multimedia content, manage CSS styles, change text color, size, pattern and font, add snippets, custom styles, emotion icons. You can use the built-in Image gallery in editor to insert pictures. Includes spellchecker integration, auto localization, dynamic menus, custom keyboard shortcuts, context menu, external style sheet integration, etc...

HtmlDropDownList - Dropdown list capable of displaying html and pictures. HtmlDropDownList is initialized by a HtmlListItem set with initialized Text property (any HTML) and Value property (element value). In case of selecting any element the box will display the Text property HTML. Element dropdown list can layer up or down. Box also has the ability to always display a constant HTML, entered into the GeneralBoxText property, disregarding selected elements

InputDate, InputDateTime, InputTime - Components for entering dates and time with possibility of using a pop-up calendar. You can enter day or day and month (8 or 6/8) using any separator ('\', '.') and control will automatically add current month and year. Date can be empty (then it equals to '01/01/0001'). Setting a range of dates is available. Calendar is refreshed without PostBack. This component can be automatically localized depending on culture settings on a client computer

MaskedTextBox - This component almost completely mimics the standard Windows MaskedTextBox (it uses the same mask templates, on entering text visible mask is highlighted...). This component works in Internet Explorer, Opera and Mozilla. The 'Mask Edit' control enables developers to set mask property by which the user input to 'Mask Edit' can be restricted

TabControl - Component allows you to create a set of tabs. Each tab represents a separate page which can be displayed in IFrame or DIV Panel. Tab design setting are available. A tab can be text or a picture. Selected tab can be changed through PostBack

ToolBar - Toolbar web component. It mimics the functionality found in the standard Windows Toolbar

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:22 عصر
ContourCube - .NET

What's New in V3.0

VS 2005 enabled .NET edition: New ContourCube.NET for Windows forms enables development of native .NET Business Intelligence applications. ContourCube.NET is tested with both Microsoft® Visual Studio .NET 2003 and 2005 and brings its extremely high performance to this platform

Wrapping long strings. Programmatic control of the report witdth. Long dimension members occupying all the space in width, in ContourCube 3.0 are wrapped. Programmatic field width adjustment improves the control over report appearance in application forms, exported and printed documents

Date arithmetics for sophisticated date-aware business calculations: A large set of functions for date-dependent calculations make critical business algorithms easier. Write custom functions referring to the number of days in given year or month, current date / time, and much more. With those functions it became possible, for example, to get averages by all days in year rather than only days with data

Trend functions: A number of positional functions for fast trending calculations, running sums and other recursive computings. To get three major business values like trend from previous period, from same period of the last year, and from the very first year is just matter of a simple formula with new trend functions

Flat appearance for web applications: ContourCube 3.0 has a switchable flat grid appearance designed specially for web applications

XP style look & feel. Support of Windows XP themes: For Windows applications, ContourCube 3.0 offers dynamic support of XP-style look and feel and appearance themes, ideal for applications running on Microsoft Windows® XP and 2003

Wrapping outside area. Display of outside fields in multiple rows or vertically. In real life OLAP cubes, where a lot of unused dimensions may occupy too much space, ContourCube 3.0 offers control over their arrangement: one may put fields horizontally, in multiple rows or even vertically, improving report navigation and lisibility

Dynamic captions:Making cube fields behave as list boxes: This feature switches cube dimension to look and behave just like usual dropdown list boxes: selecting a value in such dimension changes its caption and unselects all previously checked items

Clipboard copy: Like plain data grids, ContourCube 3.0 supports selection of data cells with mouse or keyboard and copying it to Windows clipboard. Copied data then ideally pastes into any text or spreadsheet application like Microsoft® Excel.

Direct data access: New data feeder interface enables loading data from multiple source databases, with no need of copying entire record sets to client computer, which reduces the total memory used to build a cube

What's new in V2.0.3.09

Added getting grid views function - Since Contour Microcubes may store buckets of reports, all containing tables and graphs, web developers asked us a possibility to retrieve only grid views, for web pages that do not contain charts. ContourCube now meets their wishes

Version attribute - This feature will help people having problems on updating ContourCube in their web pages. Now it is possible to perform all version checks and initiate update downloads in client scripting code

Improved hierarchical filtering - In web solutions, it is convenient to make use of single-value dimensions showing only one active value at a time, which allows microcubes to contain multiple disjoined data sets (for example, currency rates). The new release now complements this useful functionality with the ability to filter out such dimensions hierarchically from parents

ContourCube provides five more examples, available in five programming languages, among them:

CellDims example puts in evidence how to easily obtain dimension values corresponding to the current data cell. This is an indispensable knowledge for makin custom reporting add-ons to ContourCube

OnBeforeEvents are very useful for controlling user access to dimensions, their filters and facts list. This sample quickly shows the use of those events

The primitive “HelloWorld“ application for Microsoft Visual C++ is another frequently-asked-for sample, specifically MFC programmers interested in using ContourCube within this environment

What's new in V2.0

Multidimensional formula language - Brand new formula language makes the product functionally very close to the most well known OLAP servers. It allows you to create calculated fields with the use of totals and intermediate totals as well as any other cube elements. It has a library of built-in mathematical, statistical and financial functions - percents of different kinds and so on. It allows you to define custom functions and constants, and to fulfill the expressions with conditional operators

Flexible percentage calculations - The advanced formula language has been added with new functions for most used business reports. ContourCube can now show your data as percents to total, subtotal, or grand total, by row or column, keeping displayed absolute values. It allows you to get percent rate relative to the previous data, and to view different quantitative characteristics simultaneously, such as regular amount, number of rows in dataset, of items in a group, numer of leaves or children of an aggregated cell. All this makes ContourCube a critical part of any decision support solution.

Higher Degree Of Interactivity - In the new version, users can interactively define and edit formulae and algorithms of calculated columns in the OLAP report like it is done in Microsoft Excel. Affected fields are automatically recalculated with no need to deactivate the cube. Besides, facts can be interactively added to or removed from the cube with no need to deactivate it. You can also activate or turn off one fact without removing it from the cube, this way ContourCube performance is optimized with the minimum of code

Conditional styles - Conditional styles technology gives user the opportunity for a better understanding of data, marking up key values, which most influence the business. Conditional styles allow you to set colors, fonts and backgrounds by conditions, described by comparison operators or formulae. In the simplest case it's a color markup of a given range of facts. In more complex cases it's a cascaded set of calculated rules. A set of conditionals works simultaneously, thus data meeting specified criteria will change in color and font type. For your convenience the component allows you to predefine a set of cell styles to use them repeatedly

Hierarchical dimension filtering - This noticeably raises convenience in data navigation, while simplifying selection and data filtering. Drop-down selection lists won't show up all the values - only those, that meet the given filter criteria, included in other selections. By functionality, it is equal to hierarchical dimensions, but much more convenient, because it doesn't require preliminary configuration

New object model - The new version is much more convenient to work with. It introduces the selection and fact hierarchy and lots of other objects and properties

Printing features (for ContourCube VCL) - The package now includes the printing component and report builder, allowing you to build presentation-quality printable reports without programming at all

Runtime editors - Design-time and runtime report editors allow you to configure the report layout without programming. These editors empower the user to add nicely formatted headers and footers to the interface, adding value to the report. In ContourCube ActiveX all the editors are implemented as property pages, which can be made accessable at runtime

Cell and DataPoint objects - Increased integration with external components. Cell object allows you to export grid data to reports, diagrams and arbitrary visual components easily

Mask and conditional filtering of dimensions - This feature of include/exclude by mask filter in the dropdown selection lists allows you to filter data faster, and drastically improves user convenience with lots of selections

Enhanced printing - Preview with zoom and fit to page features will allow you to print paper reports that are more comfortable for reading

Localization technology - Localization technology is now built in. This allows you to create international applications for sales on the international market

A lot of other improvements - Numerous improvements in ContourCube were made as a direct result of the feedback from clients

ContourCube is a high-performance OLAP component for interactive reporting and data analysis. It offers embeddable OLAP technology for all Windows and web applications based on relational data. Application powered with ContourCube allows users to create numerous nice-formed screen and printable reports in a minute. User can interact with data: slice and dice, drill down and roll up, pivot with sub-second response times and without additional server.
ContourCube enables you to embed reach Business Intelligence functionality into native windows or web applications and distribute this application royalty-free. Embedded OLAP is easy to install, zero administration and low cost. ContourCube can get data from any data source of your application via ADO, BDE, ODBC and unbound data source, so you can just drop ContourCube onto a form in your project, link it to your data and get all of new opportunities of embedded OLAP.
There are threee editions of ContourCube for developers using different environments:

ContourCube ActiveX - For MS Visual Basic, MS Visual C++, MS Access, MS Visual FoxPro, MS Internet Explorer, Borland Delphi, Power Builder

ContourCube VCL - For Borland C++ Builder developers

ContourCube .NET - For MS Visual Studio .NET 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 developers

Interactive data analysis and reporting with sub-second response times
ContourCube allows your users to analyze data, build and print reports interactively simply with a click and drag&drop (with sub-second response times). Users can dynamically interact with data: move rows and columns, filter data, drill-down, roll-up, pivot table and get all possible reports from one dataset. ContourCube will make millions of calculations simultaneously and show new subtotals and totals instantly.
Embeddable OLAP for any database application
ContourCube allows you to integrate OLAP functionality into your General Ledger, ERP, CRM and all other database applications. No additional multidimensional database system (OLAP server) is required. Just substitute the ordinal grid to ContourCube and link it to your data source. You don't need hard programming of hundreds of reports for your application anymore. Your users will be impressed with the way your native windows or web application enables them to understand their data. You will save time and leave your competitors behind. Distribution of this functionality in your application is royalty-free. Embedded OLAP is easy to install, zero administration and not expensive.
Affordable Web based OLAP solution
ContourCube allows you to create affordable Web based OLAP solutions. You can place ContourCube on a Web page, link it to Contour microcube or directly to a corporate data source and all your users will get highly interactive reports from anywhere without additional software and training. Only one license for unlimited numbers of users is needed. It's very suitable solution for creating public information sites and extranet or internet corporate reporting systems.
Rich multidimensional calculations
ContourCube provides rich built-in calculation algorithms palette for business and statistical reports. This palette was based on experience of our users and includes all popular algorithms:


Count algorithms

Percentage algorithms

Weighted average

Last algorithm for balance sheet and inventory reports

And many others

You can also create your custom calculations using the powerful multidimensional formula language. ContourCube allows you to add calculated fields and edit formulae at runtime dynamically, so users can make OLAP calculations in a manner similar to the use of Excel.
High quality data visualization
ContourCube provides tools for report formatting at design-time and for producing presentation quality reports at run-time. Developer and user can change all colors and fonts and add Titles and Headers containing explanations as well as Footers with footnotes. Header and Footer have RTF formating and allow you to format texts in MS Word style.
Conditional formatting allows developers and users to define conditional colors and fonts of table elements in cascading stylesheets which can make reports far clearer. You can use this feature to create Executive Information systems providing data to decision makers in a simple and convenient form.
Reports distribution technology
Contour microcube contains an extremely compact, well formed report that enables you to rapidly deploy business intelligence applications and information delivery systems to distribute reports to a wide range of users via extranet, intranet, internet and e-mail.
Usage scenarios

Web based OLAP solution for public or corporate users

Embedded OLAP in your database application for rich data visualization, interactive reporting and analysis

Enterprise-wide information delivery solutions

Special Analytical applications

Main Features Include
Interactive data analysis and reporting features

Processing millions of rows with sub-second response times

Dynamic data filtering, pivoting, drill-down and roll-up

Interactive drill-down into multiple detail levels

Show/hide detail levels in summary views

Interactive filtering of dimension data values

Sorting table by dimension members or facts values

Hierarchical filtering for navigation in thousands of dimension members

Instant switching between ascending and descending sort orders

Automatic sizing of columns and rows to fit values into cells

Header and footer in RTF format

Exporting reports into HTML format, showing reports in Excel and Word

Presentation quality colored or grayscale reports generated with zero programming

Print preview with Zoom, Scale and Fit to Page

Web based OLAP features

Allows you to create web-based OLAP solutions

Users can view and interact with reports stored on Web sites

Reads data and report definitions via HTTP and FTP

Calculations features

Multiple aggregation functions: Sum, Min, Max, Count, and many others

Calculated facts, based on predefined functions or user-defined formulae

Powerful multidimensional Formula language allows you to operate with Totals, Subtotals and any elements of cube data

Conditional operators, built-in functions, user-defined functions and constants in formulae

Multiple calculated facts can be based on other calculated facts

Allows user to interactively add and edit formula facts at runtime like in Excel

Several percentage calculation algorithms: by totals, subtotals, or grand totals

The unique "LAST" aggregation algorithm allows to analyze stocks, inventory stock, balance sheets, loan balance and other datasheets with balance carried forward

Advanced dynamic Ranking

Breaking date and time fields into series dimensions (Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Ten-Day Period, Day of Month, Day Of Week, Time, Hour, Minute, Second )

Rich set of dynamically calculated statistical functions: Average, Variance, Standard Deviation, Root Mean Square, Variance Ratio

Data visualization features

Allows to change all appearance properties at design time and at runtime

Conditional style rules grouped in cascaded stylesheets allow users to highlight various data

Runtime editors for connection settings, fields used, report layout, header and footer, styles and rules

Professional looking toolbar with source code included

Report distribution features

Generates extremely compact microcubes for persistent data storage

Microcube data is compressed from 10 to 1000 times, and generates low traffic while transferring by email or internet and can be saved for offline working

Contour microcube contains not only data but all report layout settings and is a universal mobile report container

Any ContourCube-powered tool and application can exchange reports stored in microcubes

Microcube allows you to develop corporate and public information delivery systems


Professional and Enterprise support licenses are valid for one year as of the date of purchase and are not limited in the number of enquiries. Please, read 'Support Plans Comparison' document on the 'evals and downloads' section for more information on the different support options available

Professional Support includes:

Guaranteed 48-hours replies

On-demand code examples

Phone support

Enterprise Support includes:

Guaranteed 48-hours replies

On-demand code examples

Phone support

Modeling your situations

Access to beta versions

Free major version upgrades

Priority request tracking

BI consulting services

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:24 عصر
کامپوننت ASP.NET
Active Localization - .NET - V1

Active Localization uses the browser settings of the client machine that sent the HTTP requests to detect what language and country the user is expected to use within your application. Some suggested uses are:

Country detection

Language detection

Default language automatic selection

Active Localizacion key features are:

Language detection based on browser tag

Country detection based on browser tag

Language selection management

Supports cookies for returning users (auto selection)

Transparent management of session data storage

Supports both "named" and "numered" languages

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:26 عصر
FaxMan - ActiveX/DLL/.NET - V4.0

Version 4 of the SDK includes many new features including:

Support for running under Terminal Services, both the Printer Drivers and FaxMan Server and clients are Terminal Services aware

The FaxMan engine can now run as a service under Windows XP/2000/2003

New user mode printer drivers simplify installations on Windows 2003 servers

New Printer event model simplifies application design. The PrintStart event is no longer used

New .Net Fax and Printer controls simplify integration of FaxMan in .Net applications. Support for 33.6K faxing with modems that support Class 2.1 operation such as Multitech ZBA V.92 modems and Mainpine multiport hardware

Ability to keep the generated cover pages after sending a fax via the RetainCoverPages server option

Support for importing and faxing PDF files( via optional PDF Import Addon)

New database backend utilizing SQL query language simplifies custom query development

The FaxMan server no longer attempts to send a fax to a number already in use. Improved communications support internally to maximize transmit and receive reliability

What's new in V3.82?

New usermode printer drivers support Windows 2003 without any server configuration changes

New self contained FaxInstall utility for installing FaxMan printer drivers simplifies deployment and installs the new user mode drivers on Windows 2000/XP/Windows 2003 systems

Support for PDF import via the new FaxMan PDF Import Addon module. The basic SDK install includes a trial version of the PDF import which adds a watermark to the imported pdf images

FaxMan allows you to seamlessly embed fax support into your Windows applications. You provide the user interface, if any, and we provide all the low level fax support. Here's a partial list of FaxMan's features:

Automatically works with almost all Class 1, Class 2 or Class 2.0 fax modems. FaxMan's auto configuration makes it easy to install and use. For non-standard devices, FaxMan's configuration is easily overridden

Create faxes from any Windows application using the included FaxMan printer driver. Your application has total control over fax filename and scheduling when using the included Windows 95/98, NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows ME printer drivers

Sophisticated log functions/properties allow you to keep track of every fax you schedule from start to finish. View the logs with our built-in log viewer or use FaxMan's event-driven architecture to create your own log viewers

The log-display is fully user-definable. Your users can select which fields to include in the log and how and where to display them

FaxMan's architecture makes it easily accessible from multiple applications simultaneously. No need to worry about comm port contention-just send your fax and rest assured that it will get there

FaxMan makes it easy to re-send failed faxes-just set the number of times to resend a fax and FaxMan does the rest. Works seamlessly with ImageMan, giving you an instant solution for scanning, viewing and manipulating faxes as well as sending and receiving

FaxMan makes it easy to chain fax files together into a single fax job. Easily create a "fax-on-demand" system. Transparently supports multiple fax devices on a single machine, making it a snap to send or receive multiple faxes simultaneously

FaxMan includes easy-to-use interfaces in the same box: ActiveX control (OCX), and Dynamic Link Library (DLL). FaxMan will work with virtually all Windows development environments

Supports importing and faxing TIFF, DCX, PCX, BMP and ASCII TXT file formats for maximum flexibility

Sample source code is included in C, C++ and Visual Basic

Includes a complete fax viewing application that can be freely redistributed with your application

Extensive on-line help gives you instant access to FaxMan's documentation

Includes 10,000 runtime licenses

FaxMan gives you all the information you need for each sent fax, including subject, name of the recipient, duration of the send, actual time sent, and more

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:27 عصر
Euclid Labs DirectX Components Suite for .NET - .NET - V1.2


This suite provides access to Microsoft DirectX in order to provide a simple way to access the functionality, without having to fight with an API.
You can define a number of actions (e.g. the motion of a slider etc) and associate them (through a simple graphical interface) to one or more mappings, using any input device connected to your machine. You can decide to use any combination of axis and buttons/keys (e.g. the motion of a slider can be associated to the movement of the stick of the joystick, but only when the 'Shift' and the 'Ctrl' are pressed).
You will not have to write a single line of code to manage the input devices: you simply have to worry about what to do when your action fires (e.g. the button of the joystick has been pressed and stick has been moved forward). This will leave you the time to think to your process, instead of fighting with the implementation details of DirectInput.
Using the same technology and concept, we've developed the el3DApplication and the el3DDisplay.
These two components hide the complexity of calling the Direct3D subsystem and give immediate access to the power of 3D graphics. The el3DApplication is the heart of the system, containing a reference to the Euclid Labs 3D World (elWorld). It manages the rendering of this world in all the connected el3DDisplays. It also manages the user input and apply them to the selected display (e.g. all the camera movements are managed).
These components allow you to create 3D enabled application with just one click. Just drag one el3DDisplay onto your form and all the necessary objects and settings will be inserted and managed. Just run your application and you will see your display drawing a gradient background, without any effort. At this point you simply need to populate the elWorld, adding your objects to the scene and positioning them where you like. If you need a multi-display application, you don't need to do anything more than what you've done: simply add another el3DDisplay and it will be automatically connected to the same el3DApplication (and, implicitly, to the same elWorld that contains your objects), and it will start rendering your scene with its autonomous camera.
All the components in this suite are built with 100% C# managed code.


Full design-time support integrated into the Visual Studio forms designer

You can create your 3D enabled application with just one click

Close integration with all the input devices supported by DirectX 9.0

Use predefined 3d actions with predefined user input mapping

Define new actions through the VisualStudio designer, as well as configure one or more input to engage them

Manage Single-Shot or Continous buttons, as well as 1 to 3 axis movements

Any action can be triggered by any combination of buttons/axis/PODs of your connected devices

Simple 3D Displays allow to create multiple view of the scene without any effort

Customizable Gradient or flat background for every 3D Display

Easy to add objects to the 3D World. You simply have to add and position them. The 3D Application will take care of drawing them and to give you feedback when the user select it

Camera motion and object picking already included

Integrated help in HTML 2.0 and Chm formats

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:31 عصر
telerik r.a.d.editor - ASP.NET - V5.64

برای ASP.Net


What's New in r.a.d.editor V5.6x?

Full Support for ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005

Fixed resizing with XHTML Doctype

Improved Paragraph Tool

Improved ConvertToXhtml Filter

Other Bug Fixes and Improved Performance

What's New in r.a.d.editor V5.5?

XHTML 1.1 Compliant Output and Interface Markup - r.a.d.editor can now provide complete XHTML 1.1 compliance, which has the following two aspects:

The markup comprising the interface of the editor (toolbar, dialogs, etc.) is XHTML 1.1 compliant

The the editor can produce XHTML 1.1 compliant content (the content being edited)

New Module for Real-Time XHTML Compliance Validation - To assist end-users in the XHTML content validation process, r.a.d.editor provides a new module for real-time validation. Using a callback request (Ajax-type request) the editor sends the HTML content for validation to the W3C service, and returns a compliancy report right within the editor interface. This feature eliminates the need for manual copy/pasting of the HTML and validation in a separate browser window

Accessibility - r.a.d.editor satisfies the requirements for accessibility, which is a result of the following:

the interface of the r.a.d.editor is "Level A" accessible (in accordance with the W3C Web Accessibility Guidelines 1.0)

the content generated by the r.a.d.editor can become accessible if the author fills in all required fields (marked with a special accessibility icon)

Support for the Safari Browser - r.a.d.editor v5.5 can now be used for content authoring on Safari v1.3 and v2.0 for Mac. However, due to the security restrictions of this browser, certain functions of the editor do not work

Performance optimization - r.a.d.editor v5.5 has a completely re-written event handling module, which results in a significant performance optimization

telerik r.a.d.editor is a leading WYSIWYG rich-text editor for ASP.NET. The product can replace any TextBox with an intuitive Wordeditor, which enables even non-technical users to author and manage HTML content as easily as writing a document. r.a.d.editor is shipped with VS.NET projects and a DotNetNuke provider. Available individually or as part of the r.a.d.controls suite.
New in v5.0

Dockable and Floating Toolbars - toolbars in r.a.d.editor v5.0 can be dragged and rearranged, undocked and appear floating over the content inside or outside the editor. Developers can specify whether a toolbar is draggable or not, using the ToolsFile

Multilevel Undo/Redo with Action Trails - multilevel Undo/Redo feature and action trails

New features for pasting from Word - a number of new features to help the user paste formatted content from Microsoft Word and other applications, and apply different types of format stripping

Custom Keyboard Shortcuts - ability to assign custom keyboard shortcuts to every tool. The shortcut mechanism overrides the default shortcuts of the browser, like Ctrl+N, Ctrl+F, Ctrl+P, to allows the use of combinations for custom purposes. Keyboard support is also a requirement for "Section 508" accessibility compliance

Multiple Editors with a Single Toolbar - multiple editors on a single page can now use a single toolbar, displayed at the top of the page. Each editor can still have different set of tools in this top so whenever the cursor is placed in a given editor, its respective toolbar gets displayed on the top of the page

Custom Context Menus allows the user to change the default context menus and specify custom ones for the various HTML elements. Context menu for certain elements (e.g. for tables) can also be disabled

Use External CSS Files allows loading of external CSS files. This is a very common feature for editors integrated in back-end administration areas, which have one set of CSS classes, while the content is being saved in a database and displayed on the public area, which has a different set of CSS classes.

System Modules - r.a.d.editor v5.0 comes with 4 System Modules, implemented like dockable toolbars: Tag Inspector, Properties Inspector, Real-time HTML View and Statistics module

Content Filters - Content Filters are small code snippets, which are called in a sequence to process the editor content, when the mode (html / design / preview) is changed. Basically, the editor content is supplied to the filter chain and each filter gets a chance to modify it.

Adaptive Buttons - r.a.d.editor toolbars buttons change their state in real time to reflect the actual state of the cursor selection (i.e. bold, justification, etc.) Some buttons gets enabled (or disabled) if certain action can be performed (or not) with the current cursor selection (e.g. Redo is not available if you haven't undone any action first)

Context Menus on Gecko-Based Browsers - all context menus, which provide quick access to relevant tools, are now available in Mozilla, Netscape, and Firefox as well

r.a.d.editor is available as an individual component or as part of r.a.d.controls suite. This integrated collection of controls allows professionals to build web-solutions with the UI richness and responsiveness of desktop applications.
telerik r.a.d.controls suite is also available with a subscription license, which entitles you to receive all version updates, as well as all new components added to the suite for a period of one year

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 03 فروردین 1385, 13:32 عصر
Actipro SyntaxEditor - .NET WinForms Component - V3.1.0203
یکی از قویترین کامپوننتهای SyntaxEditor


What's New in V3.x:

Major lexical parsing speed increases of up to 10x (depending on the language) over the 2.5 version

Improved backtracking NFA regular expression engine that supports look-behinds

Non-UI document find/replace object model

Capture groups and substitutions for regex find/replace

Token mouse events like TokenMouseDown, TokenMouseEnter, etc.

Lexical state and token ID's

Customizable key processing model that lets you override what EditCommand occurs

True word-boundary-based word wrap

Macro recording and playback

Custom cursors for highlighting styles, enabling URLs

Improved clipboard and drag/drop customization features

Current line highlighting

Scrollbar display options

Sample spell check dialog

New language definitions for Java, Perl, PHP, and batch files

What's New in V2.5

Completely Separated the User Interface from the Document/Parsing Model

Added Syntax Highlighting To Collapsed Outlining Node Tooltips

Added More Print Settings that Can Be Set Independent of a SyntaxEditor Control's Settings

Added Display Lines to the Object Model

Added More Methods to Access the Outlining Object Model

Added the TextStylePreview Control

Finalized WinUICore and Shared 1.0 Library Object Model

Many other Feature Enhancements and Bug Fixes

SyntaxEditor is a powerful editing control, similar to a multi-line TextBox, which syntax highlights text and provides an amazing number of state-of-the-art features for code editing. SyntaxEditor is modeled after the code editor in VS.NET and provides nearly all of its functionality.
SyntaxEditor comes packaged with a number of sample language definitions for common languages like Batch files, C#, CSS, HTML, INI files, Java, JScript, Perl, PHP, Python, SQL, VB.NET, VBScript, and XML. Custom language definitions can be developed in an easy to learn XML format and distributed with your applications. To provide maximum functionality in the editor control, SyntaxEditor uses two parsing phases, a lexical parsing phase that tokenizes text, and an optional semantic parsing phase that you can implement to generate extended semantic parse data to be used for code outlining, IntelliPrompt, etc.
SyntaxEditor is best designed for use in IDE (integrated development environment) applications. It also may be creatively used in other scenarios. For instance, you could make the editor read-only and use it for displaying log files or status messages (like in an FTP client) for an application. The possibilities are limitless.
The SyntaxEditor product was designed with complete separation of the user interface and document/parsing object model in mind. You can load a Document object and parse it with a SyntaxLanguage without having to instantiate a SyntaxEditor control. This allows for incredible flexibility when wanting to parse text without having a user interface control loaded.

Major features of SyntaxEditor include:

Multiple language support

Custom backtracking NFA regular expression engine

XML language definitions

Lexical parsing of text into tokens

Open-ended design for semantic parsing of tokens

Complete separation of the user interface and document/parsing object model

Code outlining

Unlimited undo/redo

Undo/redo action grouping

Line numbering in line number margin

Line modification tracking

Word wrap (character and token wrapping modes)

Indicators (bookmarks, breakpoints, misspelling markers, etc.) in indicator margin

Indentation guides

Whitespace display

Content dividers

Block indent/outdent

Line selection in the selection margin

Custom line numbers

Current line highlighting

Bracket highlighting

Macro recording and playback

Case sensitivity and auto-correct

Customizable key processing

Complete extended Unicode character and IME support

Any type of font is supported, including non-monospace fonts

Triggers for handling keystroke/command combinations

Feature-rich find/replace object model that supports captures

Customizable dialogs for find/replace, goto line, spell check, and highlighting styles

Four-way or two-way split views

IntelliPrompt member lists

Reflection helper methods for adding member list items

IntelliPrompt info tips

IntelliPrompt quick info

Syntax-highlighted tooltips when hovering over collapsed outlining nodes

WYSIWYG printing and print preview with print-specific format settings

HTML and RTF export

Customizable clipboard and drag/drop actions, with support for any DataObject

Multiple scrollbar visibility settings

Single-line mode

Token-specific highlighting styles enabling custom styles for user-defined keywords

A TextStylePreview control that can be used to display text styles on an Options dialog

بابک زواری
شنبه 19 فروردین 1385, 18:38 عصر
لینک همشون تو componentsource.com هست .

جمعه 25 فروردین 1385, 00:32 صبح
خواستم تاپیک بزنم ولی گفتم اینجا بدم بهتره، به نظرم خیلی جالب اومد:

An icon control that zooms and fades-in when your mouse hovers over it, which creates interesting visual effects if your application uses icons instead of buttons.

پنج شنبه 31 فروردین 1385, 17:22 عصر
همانطور که میدونید خیلی از کارهای مهم و اساسی ویندوز رو میشه با اسکریپت نویسی انجام داد از جمله VBScript , WMI
در خیلی از موارد مثلا نصب یک سایت بر روی یه سرور لوکال شما میتونیت اسکریپتهای مربوطه رو براحتی نوشته و با ابزارهای مثل InstallShield یا سایر برنامه های نصاب همه امور و تنظیمات رو بدست Setup بسپارید
این ابزار کمک زیادی در تهیه اسکریپت ها میکنه
Admin Script Editor


بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 31 فروردین 1385, 21:33 عصر
Charon.Communications for .NET Framework

You can find previous V1.x Release Notes on the 'Evals and Downloads' section of this product's page

What's New in Version 1.1.3

New: Added support for Visual Studio 2005 (Beta 2)

Enhanced: Added support for Bluetooth Serial Ports which lack flow control

Update: Added functionality to prevent data loss under specific circumstance

Update: Eliminated one possibility of port abnormally closing

Charon.Communications is a robust, efficient, and all-purpose serial communications component for the .NET Framework and .NET Compact Framework. It is compatible with all physical and virtual serial ports on server, desktop, and mobile devices.

Main Features Include:

Managed code component: works with all .NET programming languages

Supports .NET Framework v1.0 or greater and .NET Compact Framework v1.0 or greater

Supports all standard serial port operations and all serial ports (even virtual)

Extremely easy-to-understand and easy-to-use object model

Identical object models for .NET and .NET Compact Framework--just copy and paste!

Minimal use of processor cycles during complex multiple-threaded operations

Supports many obscure hardware and programming needs for serial ports

Royalty-free with purchase of developer's license

بابک زواری
پنج شنبه 31 فروردین 1385, 21:35 عصر

What's New 2006v1
Xceed Winsock Library removed from the suite.

The complete solution for all your compression, encryption and networking needs. Includes 11 high quality data manipulation libraries worth over $2000 individually.
Included compression components:

Xceed Zip Compression Library

Xceed Zip for .NET

Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework

Xceed Self-Extractor Module

Xceed Self-Extractor Module for .NET

Xceed Streaming Compression Library

Xceed Streaming Compression for .NET

Xceed Backup Library

Included encryption components:

Xceed Encryption Library

Xceed Binary Encoding Library

Included networking components:

Xceed FTP Library

Xceed FTP for .NET

With optional 1 year Vanguard subscription:

Free major and minor upgrades to all components

Free new components added to the suite

Guaranteed same day priority response

Priority support by phone and dedicated email

Blueprint Edition
With the Xceed Data Manipulation Suite Blueprint Edition, you get the same components as the regular edition of the suite but with the C# source code of the .NET components. This is an excellent educational tool since the source code is fully commented and a useful asset for those who will be heavily deriving from the library.

Xceed quality throughout

All components provide royalty-free distribution rights. Deployment of server-only applications is limited as described in the license agreement

All components are thoroughly and expertly documented and include a variety of sample applications

All components are multithreaded, written to be efficient and do not depend on external DLLs

All components are feature-rich yet easy to use due to the extreme emphasis on intuitive interface design

Source code for the included .NET components available in Xceed Data Manipulation Suite Blueprint Edition

Compression (ActiveX/COM)

Includes the Xceed Zip Compression Library which one of the industry's highest-performance and feature-rich Zip / Unzip compression components

Includes the Xceed Self-Extractor Module for creating sharp, fully customizable self-extracting Zip files

Includes the Xceed Streaming Compression Library for easy, efficient "raw" compression and decompression functionality as well as support for .GZ or .BZ2 files

Includes the Xceed Backup Library so you can add on-demand or scheduled backup and functionality to your applications quickly and easily

Compression (.NET class library)

Includes Xceed Zip for .NET, a 100%-managed compression library for .NET featuring powerful, easy to use streaming, Zip file manipulation and filesystem classes, self-extracting zip file creation, splitting, spanning, and more

Includes Xceed Streaming Compression for .NET, an efficient and lightweight compression class library for .NET that easily handles any size byte array and offers a true .NET pass-through stream

Compression (.NET Compact Framework class library)

Includes Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework, a 100%-managed code compression library for .NET featuring powerful, easy to use stream, Zip file manipulation and filesystem classes. Now features Zip64 zip file format

The .NET Compact Framework edition of Zip for .NET also includes capabilities from Xceed Streaming Compression for .NET, an efficient and lightweight compression class library for .NET that easily handles any size byte array and offers a true .NET pass-through stream

Encryption (ActiveX/COM)

Includes the Xceed Encryption Library so you can encrypt and decrypt data with the latest strong algorithms as well as digitally sign and verify documents

Binary Encoding (ActiveX/COM)

Includes the Xceed Binary Encoding Library so you can convert binary data into ASCII text or vice-versa in a variety of formats

Internet (ActiveX/COM)

Includes the feature-rich Xceed FTP Library so you can send, receive or list documents on an FTP server. The BizTalk Server Edition is not included

Internet (.NET class library)

Includes Xceed FTP for .NET, a robust and efficient 100% managed class library so you can easily add FTP file transfer capabilities, through a straightforward, and intuitive object model with filesystem classes, to your .NET and ASP.NET apps. Supports secure FTP

چهارشنبه 06 اردیبهشت 1385, 08:18 صبح
http://www.devexpress.comبرای component

شنبه 09 اردیبهشت 1385, 19:24 عصر
Infragistics NetAdvantage 2006 - .NET - Volume 1
Add, grid, scheduling, toolbars, menus, listbars, tree, UI and editing functionality to your .NET, Visual Studio 2005, ASP.NET and Tablet PC applications. Infragistics NetAdvantage is a comprehensive presentation layer toolset for designing commercial class user interfaces for all Microsoft development environments - Windows Forms (including Visual Studio 2005), ASP.NET and Tablet PC. Infragistics NetAdvantage is comprised of all major interface elements including grids, scheduling, charting, toolbars, menus, listbars, trees, tabs, explorer bars, UI and editors. Includes .NET source code with Subscription options. Now includes Visual Studio 2005 support!
What's new in NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1:

Additions to the ASP.NET controls that will significantly increase the performance of your Web applications include:

Performance enhancements to the NetAdvantage WebGrid that will improve the overall performance of your application
AJAX enabled LoadOnDemand capabilities with the NetAdvantage WebTree control
Improve the fidelity of your applications with new 3D charts:

New 3D rendering engine composed completely of 100% managed code, brings your 3D charts to life with the addition of lighting and shading, as well as perspective - all without sacrificing performance. Also included are easy to use design-time editors which can be used to quickly set the perspective on your 3D chart.

New tools expanding the types of applications you can build with NetAdvantage include:

ASP.NET Rich Text Editor
Spell Checker (ASP.NET only)
List View Control
Link Editor
Control Tab for Windows Forms
Traverse Grid
Nine-Grid Brush
3 Sort State
ReadOnly Property
Copy/Paste Excel
Extended functionality provided by Infragistics for CAB – Microsoft’s Composite UI Application Block through:

NetAdvantage controls supported as workspaces – DockManager, Tab, TabbedMDI, ExplorerBar, ToolbarsManager
UIElementManager – provides you with a common way of adding and using UIElements to develop a standard application shell
NetAdvantage now supports Visual Studio 2005 - with the NetAdvantage for Visual Studio 2005 release, organizations can:

Seamlessly integrate their NetAdvantage applications with Visual Studio 2005
Easily migrate existing applications built with prior versions of NetAdvantage to Visual Studio 2005
Simplify deployment of ASP.NET applications
For what's new in NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1 information please see the "What's new in NetAdvantage 2006 Volume 1" HTM page in the Evals & Demos section.

Three Top Benefits - Infragistics NetAdvantage

Easily, and with great flexibility, give your applications the precise look and feel of todays most popular interfaces those of Microsoft Office, Windows, and other Microsoft applications.
Built on frameworks and common object models, NetAdvantage is a single integrated toolset for creating commercial class user interfaces for Microsoft environments easy to learn and easy to move from one interface element to the next, and from one environment to the next.
Create applications with the rich look and feel your clients are used to, even with thin client delivery in ASP.NET

Infragistics NetAdvantage is a true framework, not just a collection of disparate controls. Infragistics labored hard before writing a line of code to devise a mature architecture based on shared assemblies and common object models. This creates what Infragistics refer to as leveraged learning, meaning the effort to learn the first of the interface elements lets you learn the rest much easier. It also makes it easier to create standardized interfaces for your applications and even create your own elements by extending and inheriting visual elements from Infragistics Presentation Layer Framework. Its a primary reason for corporations to standardize all their development teams on NetAdvantage.

Infragistics NetAdvantage includes the full .NET source code.

Priority Support: One years worth of priority phone and guaranteed response web-based technical support.

Subscription Service - This service is a convenient way to ensure customers are always using the latest versions of Infragistics components. Subscription Service entitles Program members to automatically receive all major upgrades (full version releases), new products included in the covered Suite, and minor updates (enhancements and service patches) for the period of one year. Because our development team is committed to keeping in step with new technology, the Subscription Service is the best way to ensure your applications are compatible with even the most recent changes in technology.

Infragistics NetAdvantage includes:

Windows Forms Rich Client Components

Web Forms Components


شنبه 09 اردیبهشت 1385, 19:28 عصر
Developer Express XtraGrid .NET Suite - .NET Edition - V6.1.3
Add bound or unbound, native .NET grids to your Visual Studio.NET applications. Developer Express XtraGrid .NET Suite is a 100% C# Grid, CardView, and Editors Library built specifically for Visual Studio .NET. Optimized to take full advantage of the .NET Framework and all .NET Languages, offering everything from standard two-dimensional grids, to runtime grouping and column customization; from master/detail support, to Card Views; from 15 feature rich data editors to advanced alpha blending and custom draw. With the XtraGrid Suite, you also get full access to the C# source code.
The XtraGrid Suite offers you flexible and feature rich Grid Views and Card View, along with 20 editors that can be used as either standalone or within grid cells and 16 more controls that allow you to easily build professional and consistent applications. The advanced Data Controller technology ensures the fastest data processing for any given data source and gives you total control over each data operation. The LookAndFeel technology, fast and intuitive design-time access to any object and an out-of-the-box complete user interface ensure that you will deliver more than ever in the shortest time possible.

The main benefits of the XtraGrid Suite:

Appearance Customization

The grid can be painted in 3D, Flat, UltraFlat, Office 2003 style or using the currently applied XP theme
The grid fully supports the Skins technology which means elements are constructed from a set of bitmaps. This allows you to provide an XP look and feel for any operating system. With the XtraGrid, you get 6 8 built-in skins and in addition can create your own
The previous two benefits are possible since the XtraGrid and the other included controls support a shared painting library. With this library, you have centralized control over the look and feel of all controls. You can change the paint style of all the controls by changing just a single property
Each and every element within the XtraGrid can be manually painted
The XtraGrid fully supports background images and alpha blending. It gives you a special component that manages transparency levels for elements so that you can change colors while preserving the transparency levels
View Technology

The XtraGrid provides you with four built-in views that ensure you can provide the most elegant on-screen representation for any type of data. The base views provide data presentation using the table format or expandable cards. There are two enhanced table formats one allows columns to be grouped into nested bands, the other allows you to provide multi-line cell layout.

True Master-Detail Support

You can display an unlimited number of nesting levels and branches
You can switch between neighboring details using the specially designed tab-switcher or tool tip
Details at any nesting levels can be represented by any View. E.g. you can present detail data using cards.
Views give you the full feature-set regardless of whether they are used as a master or detail view or as the only view within the grid control
End-users can zoom in on any detail so that it fills the entire control
Details can be synchronized. E.g. end-users can group data in a single detail while the rest are not affected.
Master-detail data can be supplied to the grid in numerous formats. The grid automatically recognizes relations between DataTables and expandable properties (that implement the IList interface). You can also implement the specially designed interface in a master table or supply detail data via events, thus providing dynamic detail loading which can give a performance benefit
Extremely Fast Data Processing and Visual Updates

Developer Express have made every effort to make sure their grid is as fast as possible from scrolling huge record sets to immediate layout updates and fast data sorting, grouping and filtering. They have designed this control so it can be used for any purpose without any hassles even for real-time data analysis.

Data Operations

You can group data against an unlimited number of columns. There are several built-in group styles Unique Values, Alphabetic, By Month, By Year, Outlook 2003 Style. You can also provide custom data grouping algorithms
You can provide a single group panel for the master and details or display group panels within each individual detail.
Standard and Office 2003 group row styles are available
You can sort data against an unlimited number of columns. Data can be sorted either by field values or by the display text of cells. You can also implement custom data sorting algorithms. End-users can sort data both in the Grid and Card Views
You can filter data by any criteria. There are numerous user interface elements that can be used to filter data AutoFilter row, MS Excel style filter dropdowns and dialogs, the filter panel. The Filter Panel and Filter Dropdowns have lists of the most-recently used values. End-users can filter data both in the Grid and Card Views
Grid Views can display summaries of two types a total summary which is calculated against all the values in a field and group summaries which are calculated against the values within each individual group. You can use one of the 5 built-in aggregate functions or implement your own
Data Layout

Fixed columns and bands (column groups) are allowed in Grid Views. Such columns and bands are anchored to the right or left edge of a view and arent affected by horizontal scrolling
Cell merging is available in Grid Views. Neighboring cells are joined into a single cell if they have identical values. You can provide a custom algorithm for comparing cell values
MS Outlook style Preview sections with automatic height calculation are available
Grid and Card Views can automatically calculate the height of cells for memo and image fields
Grid Views can automatically can automatically calculate the width of columns. In this mode, the total column width matches the grids width and horizontal scrolling will never be needed
Card Views offer automatic card width adjustment. In this mode you can specify how many card columns are to be displayed. Cards are automatically resized to occupy the entire view space available
Grid Views can fit their columns based upon their content
Data Editing

The XtraGrid is powered by the XtraEditors Library a feature-rich and usable editors. This library offers you 20 editors which can be embedded into grid cells
You can easily create custom editors. The XtraEditors Library includes three custom editor samples
An Integrated UI for adding and deleting records is available. You can add or delete rows using the data navigator. Grid views can display the NewItem row either as the first or last row
Centralized validation for entered data. In addition, the grid provides built-in error indication via error icons. It also automatically recognizes errors in the data source if its records implement the IDataErrorInfo interface
Data Printing and Export

The XtraGrid can be printed or exported to a graphics file with the help of the XtraPrinting Library which is a separate product
The XtraGrids data can be exported to XLS, TXT, HTML and XML formats
You can print or export each individual detail separately
End-user Experience

With the XtraGrid, you dont have to write code to allow end-users to customize Views. And whats more important, most end-user capabilities are available without having to toggle a single property.

Built-in end-user capabilities include:

Column and card field visibility customization
Reordering, resizing and applying best fit to columns
Resizing rows and cards
Grouping, sorting, filtering data and applying summaries
Full expand/collapse for group rows
Multiple row selection
Automatic hints for cells and headers with truncated values
Three convenient built-in menus
Design-time Experience

The XtraGrid gives you on-form access to all objects. You just click on column headers, card fields, bands and access their settings via the Properties window

Each view offers a convenient Property Editor dialog

The integrated Feature Browser allows you to find the desired settings with ease

The integrated Appearance Editor dialog lets you access style settings for each element by clicking the desired element


Convenient API that allows you to determine which of the grids element is located at a specified point
The XtraGrid is fully localizable
Each View allows you to save and restore its layouts via a number of storage medias

چهارشنبه 10 خرداد 1385, 08:52 صبح
خسته نباشید دوستان
لطفا اگر کسی در مورد استفاده از فلاش در وی بی دات نت اطلاعی داره بزرگواری کنه و به بنده هم اطلاع بده

شنبه 11 شهریور 1385, 13:15 عصر
سلام دوستان ، این dll رو هم خود من نوشتم ، شاید بکارتون بیاد !!!

اینم نحوه استفاده کردنش

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CMe_Encryption
public partial class Form1 : Form
private Meysam CMe = new Meysam();
public Form1()

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code Type-> 128 / 256 / 192 bit
richTextBox1.Text = CMe.Encrypt("TextForCode", "PasswordKey", "Code Type");

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Code Type-> 128 / 256 / 192 bit
richTextBox1.Text = CMe.Decrypt("TextForCode", "PasswordKey", "Code Type");

Sharif Lotfi
چهارشنبه 29 شهریور 1385, 10:25 صبح
نمی دونم این کامپوننت رو قبلا لینک دادین یا نه . ولی کامل و قشنگه .
53 MB هستش یه جا معرفی کنین آپلودش کنم .

Sharif Lotfi
شنبه 01 مهر 1385, 11:18 صبح
عکسهایی از لیست ابزار این مجموعه که یک آموزش کامل فلش هم دارد برایتان گذاشته ام

یک شنبه 02 مهر 1385, 05:40 صبح
ابزارهای بسیار جالب که در www.Xceedsoft.com (http://www.Xceedsoft.com) موجود است و مخصوص .netمی‌باشد ولی متاسفانه فقط کمی حجم بالا دارند

http://xceed.com/pages/Images/Products/Buttons/Bt_ComponentsSuites_EN.gif (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductdf54e5bf-c078-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnCategorydf54e5bf-c078-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,true%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductdf54e5bf-c078-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnCategorydf54e5bf-c078-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,true%29)

http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif Xceed Data Manipulation Suite (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail6a027da0-cf78-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct6a027da0-cf78-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail6a027da0-cf78-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct6a027da0-cf78-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)

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Xceed UI Studio for .NET (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetailf4232199-d678-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProductf4232199-d678-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)

http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif Xceed Ultimate Suite (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail9aa44cb9-cf78-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct9aa44cb9-cf78-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail9aa44cb9-cf78-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct9aa44cb9-cf78-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)

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http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif Xceed Chart for .NET (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail0a099ed2-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct0a099ed2-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail0a099ed2-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct0a099ed2-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)
(http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail0a099ed2-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct0a099ed2-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif
http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif Xceed Chart for ASP.NET (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail184937f5-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct184937f5-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)
http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gifXceed DataGrid for WPF (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail0e2c946a-b7a7-db11-bdb3-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct0e2c946a-b7a7-db11-bdb3-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)

http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif Xceed Grid for .NET (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail4265834d-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct4265834d-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail4265834d-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct4265834d-d278-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)

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http://xceed.com/pages/Images/Products/Buttons/Bt_CompressionLibs_EN.gif (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProduct212d828a-c178-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnCategory212d828a-c178-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,true%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProduct212d828a-c178-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnCategory212d828a-c178-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,true%29)

http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif Xceed Zip Compression Library (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetaila807d499-d378-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProducta807d499-d378-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetaila807d499-d378-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProducta807d499-d378-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)
http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gifXceed Zip for .NET (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail9e2ab870-d378-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct9e2ab870-d378-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail9e2ab870-d378-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct9e2ab870-d378-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)
Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail8c614516-d478-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct8c614516-d478-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail8c614516-d478-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct8c614516-d478-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)
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http://xceed.com/pages/Images/Products/Buttons/Bt_InternetLibs_EN.gif (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProduct81a9ac98-c178-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnCategory81a9ac98-c178-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,true%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProduct81a9ac98-c178-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnCategory81a9ac98-c178-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,true%29)

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http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif Xceed FTP for .NET Compact Framework (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail7c08d223-30aa-db11-bdb3-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct7c08d223-30aa-db11-bdb3-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail7c08d223-30aa-db11-bdb3-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct7c08d223-30aa-db11-bdb3-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)

http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif http://xceed.com/images/spacer.gif Xceed FTP Library (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail8063b8f2-d578-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct8063b8f2-d578-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29) (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:changeSpan%28%27spanProductDetail8063b8f2-d578-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,%27btnProduct8063b8f2-d578-db11-9ed7-0015c5e239e6%27,false%29)

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چهارشنبه 05 مهر 1385, 10:43 صبح
سلام خدمت همه دوستان،

ذکر چند نکته برای ادامه فعالیت این تاپیک الزامیست:
1) حتما می دونید که WAREZ Activity مخالف قوانین سایته، اون هم به علت مشکلات بی شماری است که از طرف قوانین بین المللی برای سایت بوجود اومده، و به راحتی هم تکرار پذیره.
2) پست هایی که هر گونه لینک مستقیم به منابع بدون مجوز داشته باشند، بدون خبر قبلی حذف خواهند شد. با کمی تفکر منطقی به این نتیجه خواهید رسید که در این کار هیچگونه نیت شری وجود نخواهد داشت.
3) روش هایی از قبیل ارسال از طریق ایمیل ، PM و تکه تکه کردن لینک یا هر روش دیگری که غیر از لینک مستقیم باشه هیچگونه مشکلی ندارند.
4) متاسفانه در صورت ادامه نقض قوانین این تاپیک غیر فعال خواهد شد.

قبلا از همکاری دوستان نهایت تشکر را دارم

دوشنبه 10 مهر 1385, 06:54 صبح
Demeanor for .NET
یک obfuscation برای دات نت!

لازم به ذکره که نسخه Personal edition اون همراه Borland delphi 2006 عرضه می شه!

Demeanor for .NET is an obfuscation utility for .NET assemblies. It is designed to obfuscate as much information in a .NET assembly as possible while allowing the code to run as the developer intended. Demeanor for .NET is extremely configurable so that you can disable obfuscations at a type, method, field, property or event level should the need arise. Demeanor can obfuscate symbols using a number of different techniques allowing you some flexibility with regard to the obfuscated names produced.

Wise Owl provides two versions of Demeanor for .NET - the Personal Edition and the Enterprise Edition.

Demeanor for .NET, Personal Edition is a free version of our obfuscator that contains a subset of the complete features present in the Enterprise Edition. The personal edition renames all possible identifiers in a single assembly to meaningless, trivial names. This results in an assembly that is much harder to reverse engineer as well as an assembly that is smaller in size. This size reduction makes the assembly more efficient in memory and on disk. In addition, the Personal Edition Features supported by Demeanor for .NET, Personal Edition are indicated by the following symbol <P>.

Demeanor for .NET, Enterprise Edition is the commercial version of our obfuscator that contains all the features of the Personal Edition plus numerous additional features to defeat reverse engineering. The Personal Edition renames all possible identifiers in a set of assemblies to meaningless, trivial names using a .NET-specialized algorithm that produces the maximum possible name overloading. By maximizing the name overloading, the Enterprise Edition produces assemblies that are more difficult to reverse engineer and that are significantly smaller than those obfuscated by the Personal Edition. In addition, the Enterprise Edition contains additional features that protect your assemblies against reverse engineering such as entire application obfuscation, string encryption, metadata obfuscation and removal, incremental obfuscation, unused code and data detection, automatic satellite assembly obfuscation, and more.

New and non-breaking changed functionality in this release is indicated in the document using green text.

Breaking changes to previously existing functionality is indicated in the document using red text.

شنبه 06 آبان 1385, 17:07 عصر
با سلام...

توصیه میکنم حتما این ابزار رو از سایتش دانلود کنید ..http://www.infragistics.com/dotnet/netadvantage.aspx

اینم چند تا عکس از گریدش !

رضا عربلو
شنبه 13 آبان 1385, 13:53 عصر
این را هم ببینید.

Form Designer .NET


rezaei manesh
پنج شنبه 02 آذر 1385, 14:05 عصر
من یک کنترل درست کردم که برای ورود ساعت استفاده می شه
یک کنترل کوچک و کاربردی هستش
با سلام مجدد
این ورژن جدید کنترل بالا
1: Size مهار شده
2: ورود ساعت با دکمه وسط ماوس
3: ورود ساعت با دکمه up و ِDown
4: ورود ساعت جاری با کلید F12
منتظر نظرات و پیشنهاد های شما هستم
آقا دستت درد نکنه اینم با آیکون

سه شنبه 14 آذر 1385, 02:24 صبح
Windows XP style Explorer Bars
Free for download
Windows XP style Explorer Bars/Task Bars/Web Views - call them what you will - are all
the rage at the moment. There are many great free Explorer Bar controls available on the
net such as Derek Lakin's Collapsible Panel Bar, Darren May's Collapsing Group Control,
and Tom Guinther's Full-featured XP Style Collapsible Panel. Most of them don't support
Windows XP themes, or if they do, they "fake" it by drawing the gradient/arrows
themselves, or by including the necessary images in the assembly.

آقا این Windows XP style Explorer Bars دارای یه باگ می باشد. بهتره اگر کسی بلده با C‌برنامه بنویسه ، اشکال اون رو برطرف کنه و یه جائی آپلود کنه. من سراغ اون رفتم و پس از دانلود و استفاده به باگ خوردم. البته راهنمائی هائی نیز در رابطه با رفع مشکل شده ، ولی متاسفانه نحوه اشکال زدائی در محیط C‌می باشد که من اینکاره نیستم.

Amir Taghavi
دوشنبه 09 بهمن 1385, 08:59 صبح
دو ابزار بدرد بخور (با کمی تغییرات):

1. دیالوگ های فارسی
2. هم msgbox و هم Exception msgbox

پنج شنبه 12 بهمن 1385, 11:44 صبح
این Themed Windows XP style Explorer Bar رو چجوری با 2005 باز می کنن
وقتی پروژه رو با می کنی error می دهد.

Payam Moradi
شنبه 14 بهمن 1385, 00:32 صبح

اینم یک دیالوگ فارسی. تقریبا شبیه دیالوگ SQL SERVER 2005 هست.
(البته سورسش هم بازه):چشمک:

دوشنبه 23 بهمن 1385, 09:11 صبح
1st Security Agent (http://www.softheap.com/download/newadmin.zip)
http://www.softheap.com/screens/newadminsht.gif (http://www.softheap.com/newadmin.html)
Secure your PC (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/common_restrictions_0051.html) with 1st Security Agent. It offers an administrative support for controlling which users (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/user_restrictions_004f.html) are allowed to access your PC and the level of access (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/) each user may have. You can restrict access to Control Panel (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/control_panel_000a.html) applets, disable Start Menu items, lock local, network (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/network_00d3.html) and USB drives, disable DOS, boot (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/boot_0001.html) keys, Registry editing, taskbar, task manager, and network access (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/network_connections_00ff.html), hide desktop icons (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/special_icons_013c.html), password-protect (http://www.softheap.com/protect_pc_password.html) Windows and restrict (http://www.softheap.com/restriction/) users to running specific applications (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/applets_00a3.html) only. Secure Internet Explorer, disable individual menu items, prevent others from editing Favorites, disable individual tabs in the Internet Options (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/internet_options_0052.html) dialog, as well as specific settings from each tab. It also offers a flexible and complete password protection. Excellent online help (http://www.softheap.com/help/newadmin/) is available. Try our password and security (http://www.softheap.com/glossary/) tools, free downloads (http://www.softheap.com/help/newadminhelp/)

Security Administrator (http://www.softheap.com/download/secagent.zip)

http://www.softheap.com/screens/secagentsht.gif (http://www.softheap.com/secagent.html)
Password protect your computer and restrict access (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/remote_access_00d4.html) to it with Security Administrator. It enables you to impose a variety of access restrictions (http://www.softheap.com/secadmin.html) to protect your privacy and stop others from tampering with your PC. You can deny access to Control Panel (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/control_panel_0173.html) applets, disable boot keys, context menus, DOS windows, Registry editing, Internet and network (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/network_0012.html) access. Hide your desktop (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/active_desktop_0097.html) icons, local, network and USB drives, Start menu items, taskbar, apply password protection (http://www.softheap.com/secpro.html) to Windows and restrict users to running specific applications only, control Internet usage, view statistics of computer use by your kids or employees. The program (http://www.softheap.com/restrictions/add_or_remove_programs_00e8.html) also has a built-in lock screen utility to prevent PC entry with a password while you are away. Excellent online help (http://www.softheap.com/help/) is available. Try our password and security tools, free downloads

Easy Disk Drive Safeguard (http://www.softheap.com/download/disklock.zip)

http://www.softheap.com/screens/disklocksht.gif (http://www.softheap.com/disklock.html)
Use this password-protected security utility to hide and lock your local, network, Floppy and USB drives as well as disable the AutoRun feature for them. The design of the program is very simple. The main window contains the boxes with drive settings that represent individual drives and the toolbar used for applying changes. All you need to do is to click on the checkboxes with settings and after you finish press the apply button. If desired, you can apply password protection to the program to prevent your users from changing the security settings you enforce. This software has a very nice easy-to-learn user interface. Excellent help system is also available. Try our security tools, free downloads

کلیه نرم افزارها به همراه لینک دانلود نسخه آزمایش ارائه گردید. با احترام به قوانین از ارائه هرگونه ک.ر.ک خودداری گردد.
خوش باشید !


چهارشنبه 25 بهمن 1385, 09:56 صبح
این component ها هم بد نیستن!
میتونید برنامه های شبیه به 2007 Office System ایجاد کنید.
از این سایت واسه داونلود استفاده کنید:
یه آدرس e-mail می دید و بعدن لینکش را واستون ارسال می کنن.

چهارشنبه 25 بهمن 1385, 15:40 عصر
یه سری کامپوننت هم تو لینک امضاء من هست فکر کنم بدرد بخور باشه !


چهارشنبه 09 اسفند 1385, 16:19 عصر
اگر قرار است برنامه شما روی ویندوز اکس پی اجرا شود نیازی به تهیه هیچ ابزاری ندارید . ویندوز بهمراه خود یک COM کامپوننت ویژه نوشتن روی سی دی و دی وی دی دارد که براحتی و رایگان میتوانید از آن استفاده کنید .

دوست عزیز یک لفاف ( wrapper ) بروی این کامپوننت نوشته اند که برای استفاده در زبانهای مختلف در این آدرس قرار دارد :


سورس و نسخه خاص دات نت آن نیز موجود است . دلفی کارها هم میتوانند نسخه خود را دریافت کنند . برنامه های نوشته شده با این ابزار روی ویندوزهای اکس پی و 2003 کار خواهد کرد .

موفق باشید

به نقل از Inprise

یک شنبه 20 اسفند 1385, 17:34 عصر
(تبدیل متن به گفتار صوتی)text-to-speech

تقدیم به دوستان

غیر از متن راهنما کافیست یکی از فایل Microsoft Agent character files رالود و اجرا کنید.تبدیل چند خط کد سی شارپ به وی بی هم که کاری ندارد.

جمعه 18 خرداد 1386, 20:01 عصر
Featured product releases
This month we are pleased to bring new news of 176 releases from 71 publishers. You can track the news as it happens with our newsfeed at www.devdirect.com (http://www.devdirect.com/)

New releases from Codejock Software
01-May-2007 Xtreme Toolkit Pro - 2007 Vol 1 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xtremetoolkitpro_PROD_00015848.aspx)
01-May-2007 Xtreme Suite Pro - 2007 Vol 1 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xtremesuite_PROD_00015849.aspx)

New releases from SpreadsheetGear LLC
08-May-2007 SpreadsheetGear for .NET 2006 - V2.5.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/spreadsheetgearfornet_PROD_00015973.aspx)
25-May-2007 SpreadsheetGear for .NET BETA - 2007 (3.0) Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/spreadsheetgearfornet_PROD_00016101.aspx)

New releases from Telerik Inc.
21-May-2007 telerik Sitefinity - V3.0 A Content Management Application more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/teleriksitefinity_PROD_00016067.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.treeview - V6.2.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/radtreeview_PROD_00016089.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.tabstrip - V3.5.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/radtabstrip_PROD_00016090.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.ajax - V1.7.1 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/telerikradajax_PROD_00016091.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.calendar - V2.1.1 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/telerikradcalendar_PROD_00016092.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.chart - V3.1.1 A Graph/Charting Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/radchart_PROD_00016093.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.combobox - V2.7.1 A List Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/telerikradcombobox_PROD_00016094.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.grid - V4.6.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/telerikradgrid_PROD_00016095.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.input - V2.0.1 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/telerikradinput_PROD_00016096.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.menu - V4.3.1 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/radmenu_PROD_00016097.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.panelbar - V4.2.1 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/radpanelbar_PROD_00016098.aspx)
25-May-2007 telerik r.a.d.rotator - V2.6.1 An Application Service Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/radrotator_PROD_00016099.aspx)

New releases from .netCHARTING
25-May-2007 .netCHARTING - V4.2 A Graph/Charting Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/netcharting_PROD_00016100.aspx)

New releases from Apex SQL
17-May-2007 ApexSQL Code - 2005.08 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/apexsqlcode_PROD_00016050.aspx)
17-May-2007 ApexSQL Log - 2005.04 A Database Administration Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/apexsqllog_PROD_00016051.aspx)
17-May-2007 ApexSQL Script - 2005.08 A Database Administration Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/apexsqlscript_PROD_00016052.aspx)

New releases from Aspose
24-May-2007 Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET - V2.4 A PDF Manipulation Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/asposepdfkitfornet_PROD_00016080.aspx)
24-May-2007 Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java - V1.8 A PDF Manipulation Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/asposepdfkitforjava_PROD_00016081.aspx)
24-May-2007 Aspose.Flash for .NET - V1.5 A Multimedia Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/asposeflashfornet_PROD_00016082.aspx)
24-May-2007 Aspose.Cells for .NET - V4.2 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/asposecellsfornet_PROD_00016084.aspx)
24-May-2007 Aspose.Workflow for .NET - V1.2.12 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/asposeworkflowfornet_PROD_00016085.aspx)
24-May-2007 Aspose.Words for Reporting Services - V1.0.4 Add-In more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/asposewordsforreportingservices_PROD_00016086.aspx )
23-May-2007 Aspose.Network for .NET - An Internet Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/asposenetworkfornet_PROD_00016173.aspx)

New releases from Infragistics
08-May-2007 NetAdvantage for JSF - 2007 V1 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/netadvantageforjsf_PROD_00015974.aspx)

New releases from Actipro Software LLC
04-Jun-2007 Actipro Wizard for WPF - 2.0 A Window Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/actiprowizardforwpf_PROD_00016160.aspx)
04-Jun-2007 Actipro Ribbon for WPF - 1.0.0340 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/actiproribbonforwpf_PROD_00016161.aspx)
25-May-2007 Actipro SyntaxEditor - V4.0.0250 An HTML/Text Editing Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/SYNTAXEDITORNETCONTROL_PROD_00016102.aspx)
25-May-2007 Actipro UIStudio - V2.0.0090 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/actiprouistudio_PROD_00016103.aspx)
25-May-2007 Actipro Wizard - V3.0.0130 A Window Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/WIZARDNETCONTROL_PROD_00016104.aspx)
25-May-2007 Actipro CodeHighlighter - V4.0.0047 A User Interface Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/actiprocodehighlighter_PROD_00016105.aspx)

New releases from Astron Digital Ltd
16-May-2007 AspLib Component Library - 4.7 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/asplibcomponentlibrary_PROD_00016026.aspx)

New releases from Aurigma Inc.
07-May-2007 Media Processor Add-on - An Image Processing Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/mediaprocessoraddon_PROD_00015961.aspx)
30-May-2007 Aurigma PhotoEditor™ - V2.0 An Image Processing Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/aurigmaphotoeditor_PROD_00016143.aspx)

New releases from Data Dynamics, Ltd.
28-May-2007 SharpGraph for .NET - V1.2.1 A Graph/Charting Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/sharpgraphfornet_PROD_00016111.aspx)

New releases from Developer Express
28-May-2007 ASPxGrid and Editors Library - 2007.1.3 Control more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/ASPXGRIDV12_PROD_00016112.aspx)
28-May-2007 XtraBars Suite for .NET - V2007.1.3 Control more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xtrabarssuite_PROD_00016113.aspx)
28-May-2007 XtraEditors Library for .NET - 2007.1.3 Control more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xtraeditorslibraryfornet_PROD_00016114.aspx)
28-May-2007 XtraGrid Suite for .NET - 2007.1.3 Control more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xtragridsuitefornet_PROD_00016115.aspx)
28-May-2007 XtraNavBar Suite for .NET - 2007.1.3 Control more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/DEVELOPEREXPRESSXTRANAVBARSUITE_PROD_00016116.aspx )
28-May-2007 ASPxNavigation Suite - 2007.1.3 Control more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/aspxnavigation_PROD_00016117.aspx)
28-May-2007 XtraTreeList Suite for .NET - 2007.1.3 Control more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xtratreelistsuitefornet_PROD_00016118.aspx)

New releases from dtSearch Corp.
28-May-2007 dtSearch Desktop - V7.41 A Search Engine Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/DESKTOP_PROD_00016119.aspx)
28-May-2007 dtSearch Web - V7.41 A Search Engine Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/DTSEARCHWEB_PROD_00016120.aspx)
28-May-2007 dtSearch Publish - V7.41 A Search Engine Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/DTSEARCHPUBLISH_PROD_00016121.aspx)
28-May-2007 dtSearch Text Retrieval Engine for Win & .NET - V7.41 A Search Engine Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/DTSEARCHENGINE_PROD_00016122.aspx)
28-May-2007 dtSearch Network - V7.41 A Search Engine Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/DTSEARCHNETWORK_PROD_00016123.aspx)

New releases from Gigasoft, Inc.
29-May-2007 ProEssentials - V6.0.0.62 A Graph/Charting Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/proessentials_PROD_00016129.aspx)

New releases from Innovasys
28-May-2007 Document! X - V5.1.1 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/DOCUMENTX_PROD_00016109.aspx)
28-May-2007 HelpStudio - V3.0.1 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/HELPSTUDIO_PROD_00016110.aspx)

New releases from MindFusion Limited
30-May-2007 JDiagram - 1.2 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/jdiagram_PROD_00016132.aspx)
01-May-2007 NetDiagram ASP.NET Control - 1.0 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/netdiagramaspnetcontrol_PROD_00015929.aspx)
15-May-2007 Planner.NET - 4.2.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/plannernet_PROD_00016024.aspx)
18-May-2007 PocketPlanner - 4.2.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pocketplanner_PROD_00016056.aspx)

New releases from SautinSoft
14-May-2007 RTF-to-HTML DLL - V1.5 An HTML/Text Editing Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/rtftohtmldll_PROD_00016018.aspx)
31-May-2007 PDF Metamorphosis .Net - V2.0 A PDF Conversion Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pdfmetamorphosisnet_PROD_00016146.aspx)
31-May-2007 RTF to XHTML Converter - V1.6 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/rtftoxhtmlconverter_PROD_00016147.aspx)

New releases from Syncfusion, Inc.
10-May-2007 Essential Tools - V5.1 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/ESSENTIALTOOLS_PROD_00015985.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Grid - V5.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/ESSENTIALGRID_PROD_00015986.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Edit - V5.1 An HTML/Text Editing Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/ESSENTIALEDIT_PROD_00015987.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential XlsIO - V5.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialexcelrw_PROD_00015988.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Chart - V5.1 A Graph/Charting Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialchart_PROD_00015989.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Diagram - V5.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialdiagram_PROD_00015990.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Studio Enterprise - V5.1 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialstudio_PROD_00015991.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential PDF - V5.1 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialpdf_PROD_00015992.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Calculate - V5.1 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialcalculate_PROD_00015993.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential HTMLUI - V5.1 A User Interface Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialhtmlui_PROD_00015994.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Grouping - V5.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialgrouping_PROD_00015995.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Studio ASP.NET Edition - V5.1 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialstudioaspnetedition_PROD_00015996.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential Studio BackOffice Edition - V5.1 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialstudiobackofficeedition_PROD_00015997.asp x)
10-May-2007 Essential Studio Windows Forms - V5.1 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialstudiowindowsforms_PROD_00015998.aspx)
10-May-2007 Essential DocIO - V5.1 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/essentialdocio_PROD_00015999.aspx)

New releases from wpCubed GmbH
10-May-2007 WPTools - V5.23.5 An HTML/Text Editing Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/WPTOOLS_PROD_00015984.aspx)
07-May-2007 WPViewPDF - V1.40 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/wpviewpdf_PROD_00015966.aspx)
01-Jun-2007 WPViewPDF - V2.00 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/wpviewpdf_PROD_00016155.aspx)
04-Jun-2007 wRTF2PDF - V3.5 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/wrtfpdf_PROD_00016164.aspx)

New releases from Xceed Software Inc
30-May-2007 Xceed DataGrid for WPF - V1.1 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xceeddatagridforwpf_PROD_00016139.aspx)
30-May-2007 Xceed Zip for .NET - V3.5 A Compression Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xceedzipfornet_PROD_00016140.aspx)
30-May-2007 Xceed FTP for .NET - V3.5 An FTP Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xceedftpfornet_PROD_00016141.aspx)
30-May-2007 Xceed Zip for .NET Compact Framework - V3.5 A Compression Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/xceedzipfornetcompactframework_PROD_00016142.aspx)

New releases from Atalasoft
15-May-2007 Atalasoft DotTwain - V5.0b Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/atalasoftdottwain_PROD_00016027.aspx)

New releases from ceTe Software
05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF™ Generator Classic - V2.6b Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dynamicpdfgenerator_PROD_00016187.aspx)
05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF™ Merger for .NET - V4.0.3 A PDF Manipulation Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dynamicpdfmergernet_PROD_00016188.aspx)
05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF™ Generator for .NET - V4.0.3 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dynamicpdfgeneratornet_PROD_00016189.aspx)
05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF™ Generator for Java - V4.0.3 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dynamicpdfgeneratorforjava_PROD_00016190.aspx)
05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF Generator for COM/ActiveX - V4.0 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dynamicpdfgeneratorforcomactivex_PROD_00016191.asp x)
05-Jun-2007 DynamicPDF Merger for COM/ActiveX - V4.0 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dynamicpdfmergerforcomactivex_PROD_00016192.aspx)

New releases from Corporate Web Solutions Ltd
04-Jun-2007 .netCART - V2.9.2701 An Ecommerce Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/netcartecommerceshoppingcart_PROD_00016167.aspx)
04-Jun-2007 .netCHARGE - V5.7 A Credit Card Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/netcharge_PROD_00016168.aspx)

New releases from Data Techniques Inc.
16-May-2007 FaxMan - V4.1.3 A Fax Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/FAXMAN_PROD_00016040.aspx)

(http://www.devdirect.com/all/oxygenxmleditorschemaeditorandxsltdebugger_PROD_00 015969.aspx)

جمعه 18 خرداد 1386, 20:04 عصر
New releases from Dundas Software
31-May-2007 Dundas Chart for ASP.NET Enterprise - V5.51 A Graph/Charting Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dundaschartforaspnetenterprise_PROD_00016152.aspx)
31-May-2007 Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Enterprise - V5.51 A Graph/Charting Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dundaschartforwindowsformsenterprise_PROD_00016153 .aspx)
31-May-2007 Dundas Chart for Windows Forms Professional - V5.51 A Graph/Charting Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dundaschartforwindowsformsprofessional_PROD_000161 54.aspx)
31-May-2007 Dundas Chart for Reporting Services - V2.1 A Graph/Charting Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dundaschartforreportingservices_PROD_00016148.aspx )

New releases from Eiffel Software Inc.
07-Jun-2007 EiffelStudio - V5.7 An Implementation Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/eiffelstudio_PROD_00016206.aspx)

New releases from Elevate Software, Inc.
05-Jun-2007 ElevateDB - V1.03 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/elevatedb_PROD_00016182.aspx)

New releases from Gravitybox Software LLC
31-May-2007 Gravitybox Schedule.NET - V5.4.2.2 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/gravityboxschedulenet_PROD_00016149.aspx)
31-May-2007 GbSchedule (ActiveX) - V7.5.0.151 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/GBSCHEDULE_PROD_00016150.aspx)
31-May-2007 Gravitybox WebSchedule.NET - V3.8.6.2 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/gravityboxwebschedulenet_PROD_00016151.aspx)

New releases from Indigo Rose Software Corporation
04-Jun-2007 Visual Patch Express - Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/visualpatchexpress_PROD_00016166.aspx)

New releases from Klik! Software
05-Jun-2007 Klik! EntryLib.Net for Windows Forms - V1.2.24 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/klikentrylibnetvforwindowsforms_PROD_00016181.aspx )

New releases from Lidor Systems
04-Jun-2007 IntegralUI TreeView - 1.4 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/integraluitreeview_PROD_00016159.aspx)

New releases from LMD Innovative
20-May-2007 LMD-Tools - 7.13 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/lmdtools_PROD_00016062.aspx)
20-May-2007 LMD ElPack - 5.11 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/lmdelpack_PROD_00016063.aspx)
23-May-2007 LMD DesignPack.NET - 1.0 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/lmddesignpacknet_PROD_00016073.aspx)

New releases from MultiMedia Soft
07-Jun-2007 Active DJ Studio - 3.3 A Multimedia Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/activempdjstudio_PROD_00016204.aspx)
28-May-2007 Audio DJ Studio for .NET - 2.5 A Multimedia Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/audiodjstudiofornet_PROD_00016205.aspx)

New releases from Perpetuum Software LLC
05-Jun-2007 Instrumentation ModelKit - V3 An Instrumentation Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/instrumentationmodelkit_PROD_00016180.aspx)

New releases from Radar-Soft, L.L.C.
29-May-2007 RadarCube Desktop for NET Windows Forms - 1.11 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/hiercubelibraryfornetwindowsforms_PROD_00016174.as px)
30-May-2007 RadarCube ASP.NET for MS Analysis - 1.17 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/radarcubeformsanalysis_PROD_00016176.aspx)
29-May-2007 RadarCube Windows Forms for MS Analysis - 1.11 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/radarcubewindowsformsclientformicrosoftanalysisser vices_PROD_00016177.aspx)
30-May-2007 RadarCube ASP.NET Direct - 1.00 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/hiercubelibraryforaspnet_PROD_00012418.aspx)

New releases from Rebex
06-Jun-2007 Rebex FTP for .NET - V2.5.2700. An FTP Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/ftpfornet_PROD_00016196.aspx)
06-Jun-2007 Rebex FTP/SSL for .NET - V2.5.2700. An FTP Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/rebexsecureftpfornet_PROD_00016197.aspx)
06-Jun-2007 Rebex Time for .NET - V2.0.2621. A Network Time Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/timefornet_PROD_00016198.aspx)
06-Jun-2007 Rebex Mail for .NET - V1.0.2700. Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/rebexmailfornet_PROD_00016199.aspx)
06-Jun-2007 Rebex Secure Mail for .NET - V1.0.2700. Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/rebexsecuremailfornet_PROD_00016200.aspx)

New releases from Sky Software
04-Jun-2007 Shell MegaPack.Net - 9.0 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/shellmegapacknet_PROD_00016158.aspx)

New releases from Software Verification Ltd
07-May-2007 Java Memory Validator - V1.11 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/javamemoryvalidator_PROD_00015943.aspx)
07-May-2007 Java Thread Validator - V1.19 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/javathreadvalidator_PROD_00015946.aspx)
07-May-2007 JavaScript Memory Validator - V1.20 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/javascriptmemoryvalidator_PROD_00015948.aspx)
05-Jun-2007 Memory Validator - V4.38 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/memoryvalidator_PROD_00016183.aspx)
05-Jun-2007 Coverage Validator - V2.12 A Code Analysis Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/coveragevalidator_PROD_00016184.aspx)
05-Jun-2007 Performance Validator - V2.24 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/performancevalidator_PROD_00016185.aspx)
05-Jun-2007 Thread Validator - V1.16 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/threadvalidator_PROD_00016186.aspx)

New releases from TallComponents BV
04-Jun-2007 TallPDF.NET - V3.0.13.4 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/tallpdfnet_PROD_00016169.aspx)
04-Jun-2007 PDFReaderControls.NET - V1.0.29 A PDF Viewer Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pdfreadercontrolsnet_PROD_00016170.aspx)
04-Jun-2007 PDFRasterizer.NET - V2.0.10.1 A PDF Viewer Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pdfrasterizernet_PROD_00016171.aspx)
04-Jun-2007 PDFKit.NET - V2.0.7.1 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pdfkitnet_PROD_00016172.aspx)

New releases from THBComponentware
04-Jun-2007 THBImage - V5.0.2.4 An Image Processing Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/THBIMAGE_PROD_00016165.aspx)

New releases from Vinta Software
06-Jun-2007 VintaSoftTwain ActiveX Control - V3.7 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/vintasofttwainactivexcontrol_PROD_00016195.aspx)
01-May-2007 VintaSoftTiff.NET Library - V2.2 An Image Processing Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/vintasofttiffnetlibrary_PROD_00015931.aspx)

New releases from Active Up SPRL
01-Jun-2007 ActiveRTF - V3.0 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/activertf_PROD_00016157.aspx)

New releases from Adillis
04-Jun-2007 Adillis smartDBforms.NET - 1.4 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/adillissmartdbformsnet_PROD_00016156.aspx)
http://www.devdirect.com//AuthorData/ef04ddff-09b1-4940-9a37-f61217ca5ebf/%7Bsmartassembly%7D%20.net%20Obfuscator%20-%20Improvement%20&%20Protection%20Tool%20-%20Logo%20150x50.png New releases from Cachupa
15-May-2007 {smartassembly} - V2.1.2688 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/smartassembly_PROD_00016031.aspx)

New releases from Datanamic Solutions BV
04-May-2007 DB Data Generator - V1 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dbdatagenerator_PROD_00015941.aspx)

New releases from Eltima Software GmbH
25-May-2007 Virtual Serial Port Driver - V6.0 A Serial Communication Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/virtualserialportdriverxp_PROD_00016088.aspx)

New releases from Gnostice Information Technologies
31-May-2007 PDFtoolkit VCL - V5.0 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pdftoolkit_PROD_00016144.aspx)
31-May-2007 PDFtoolkit ActiveX/.NET - V2.5 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pdftoolkitactivexnet_PROD_00016145.aspx)

New releases from Green Computers
04-May-2007 EasySQL Deploy Plus - 2.1 A Database Administration Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/easysqldeployplus_PROD_00015975.aspx)
04-May-2007 Easy SQL Deploy - 2.1 A Database Administration Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/easysqldeploy_PROD_00015976.aspx)
04-May-2007 EasySQL Deploy Professional - 2.1 A Database Administration Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/easysqldeployprofessional_PROD_00015977.aspx)

New releases from ICreate
01-May-2007 Buttons & Bars - Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/buttonsbars_PROD_00015935.aspx)

New releases from Lassalle Technologies
03-May-2007 AddFlow for .NET - V2.1.0.3 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/addflowfornet_PROD_00015939.aspx)

New releases from Lingobit Technologies
16-May-2007 Lingobit Localizer - V5.0 A Localization/Multi-language Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/lingobitlocalizer_PROD_00016045.aspx)

New releases from Outside Software
03-May-2007 ExpertPDF - V1.4 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/expertpdf_PROD_00015940.aspx)

New releases from RMTrack Issue Tracking Solutions Inc
10-May-2007 RMTrack Issue Tracking - V2.5.9 A Bug/Issue Tracking Application more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/rmtrack_PROD_00016002.aspx)

New releases from VDE Technologies LLC
31-May-2007 RuleLab.Net - 1.6.2 A Rules Engine Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/rulelabnet_PROD_00016138.aspx)

New releases from XHEO INC
21-May-2007 CodeVeil - V1.3 Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/codeveil_PROD_00016070.aspx)

New releases from ej-technologies GmbH
15-May-2007 JProfiler - V5.0 A Debugging/Profiling Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/jprofiler_PROD_00016030.aspx)

New releases from Excelsior LLC
22-May-2007 Excelsior JET - 5.0 An Implementation Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/EXCELSIORJET_PROD_00016203.aspx)

New releases from JObjects, Inc.
11-May-2007 QuestAgent - V7.5.1 A Search Engine Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/questagent_PROD_00016005.aspx)

New releases from Lake of Soft, Ltd
08-May-2007 Voice Communicator (VC) - V2.5.2007. A Multimedia Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/voicecommunicatorvc_PROD_00015971.aspx)

New releases from Pocket PC Controls.com
11-May-2007 Color Tab Control .NET - 1.4 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/coloetabcontrolnetcf_PROD_00016003.aspx)

New releases from SOFPRO
30-May-2007 PC Guard for Win32 - 5.01.0570 A Licensing/Activation Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pcguardforwin_PROD_00016136.aspx)
30-May-2007 PC Guard for .NET - 5.01.0570 A Licensing/Activation Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/pcguardfornet_PROD_00016137.aspx)

New releases from SourceTec Software Co. LTD
16-May-2007 Sothink DHTMLMenu - V7.3 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/sothinkdhtmlmenu_PROD_00016046.aspx)
16-May-2007 Sothink SWF Decompiler - V3.6 A Multimedia Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/sothinkswfdecompiler_PROD_00016047.aspx)
16-May-2007 Sothink SWF Quicker - V2.6 A Multimedia Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/sothinkswfquicker_PROD_00016048.aspx)

New releases from TheDevShop Ltd
21-May-2007 dbQwikSite - 5.2 A Web Site Design/Development Code Generator more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/dbqwiksite_PROD_00016074.aspx)

New releases from tmssoftware.com
28-May-2007 TMS ASP.NET Component Pack - V2.5 Suite more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/tmsaspnetcomponentpack_PROD_00016107.aspx)
28-May-2007 Diagram Studio - V2.2 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/diagramstudio_PROD_00016108.aspx)

New releases from VoiceAngel (Soband Inc)
16-May-2007 VoiceAngel - V5.1 A Telephony Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/voiceangel_PROD_00016049.aspx)
http://www.devdirect.com//AuthorData/d58a882c-e3e8-4566-a9e0-5eebdb2d9875/waymex_small.jpg New releases from Waymex IT Ltd
11-May-2007 GPS Library for .Net - V3.1.9 A GPS Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/gpslibraryfornet_PROD_00016006.aspx)

New releases from WebCab Components
16-May-2007 WebCab Portfolio (J2EE Edition) - V5.0 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/webcabportfoliojeeedition_PROD_00016041.aspx)
16-May-2007 WebCab Portfolio for .NET - V5.0 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/webcabportfolionet_PROD_00016042.aspx)
16-May-2007 WebCab Portfolio (J2SE Edition) - V5.0 Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/webcabportfoliovjseedition_PROD_00016043.aspx)
16-May-2007 WebCab Portfolio for Delphi - V5.0 Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/webcabportfoliofordelphi_PROD_00016044.aspx)

New releases from EldoS Corporation
05-May-2007 SecureBlackbox - 5.1.111 An Internet Protocol Encryption Control/Component more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/secureblackbox_PROD_00015958.aspx)

New releases from Heaventools Software
11-May-2007 PE Explorer - 1.99 An Application Analysis Tool more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/peexplorer_PROD_00016004.aspx)

New releases from SharpPower
10-May-2007 RapTier - V1.4.2 Code Generator more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/raptier_PROD_00016000.aspx)

New releases from syncRO soft ltd
06-Jun-2007 Syncro SVN Client - 2.4 A Version Control Application more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/syncrosvnclient_PROD_00016209.aspx)
07-May-2007 oXygen XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Debugger - 8.2 An XML Application more info>> (http://www.devdirect.com/all/oxygenxmleditorschemaeditorandxsltdebugger_PROD_00 015969.aspx)

یک شنبه 15 مهر 1386, 16:20 عصر
کامپوننت مسیج باکس سفارشی زیبا

پنج شنبه 10 آبان 1386, 10:26 صبح
با سلام
ابزار جدید مایکروسافت با نام Power Pack 2.0 جهت رسم گرافیک و گرفتن پرینت از فرم و از تصویر پشت فرم
با این ابزار دیگه نیاز نیست برای رسم یک دایره یا مربع کلی کد بنویسیم فقط کافی اون رو روی فرم بکشیم و رها کنیم (مثل یک باتون)


اگه لینکش کار نکرد توی سایت مایکروسافت Visual Basic Power Packs 2.0 رو جستجو کنید

سه شنبه 29 آبان 1386, 08:05 صبح
با سلام
اینم کامپوننت Winsock.NET 2005
خودم امتحانش کردم صد در صد جواب میده دقیقا مثل Winsock ویژوال بیسیک 6 کار میکنه ولی با امکانات بیشتر و سرعت بالاتر

سه شنبه 29 آبان 1386, 15:52 عصر
اگه دارین بزارین اینجا تا ما
هم استفاده کنیم:لبخند:

شنبه 03 آذر 1386, 17:46 عصر
کامپوننت WebTaskScheduler برای ایجاد خبر نامه یا انجام کارها در زمان مشخص برای سایتهای که با ASP.NET کار می کنه و خودم نوشتم:

محل قرار گیری: WebTaskScheduler انجام کارها در زمان مشخص (خبرنامه و ...) (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/showthread.php?t=86446)

دوشنبه 05 آذر 1386, 00:55 صبح
چون تعداد بسیار زیادی از سئوالات رو در مورد بانک اطلاعاتی و نحوه کار با دیتابیس ها دیدم ، فکر کردم بد نباشه یکی دو تا کد کار با دیتابیس به صورت بسیار ساده بگذارم که دارای امکانات زیر باشه:

-درج در بانک اطلاعاتی
-ویرایش بانک اطلاعاتی
-حذف از بانک اطلاعاتی
-جستجو در بانک اطلاعاتی
-کلیک کردن روی دیتاگرید و بایند اطلاعات به تکستک باکس ها
-ارسال پارامتر و مقدار از طریق برنامه به گزارش
-نمایش اطلاعات جدول در دیتاگرید
-فارسی کردن هدر دیتاگرید
-فارسی کردن تکست باکس ها
-چاپ نتایج جستجو و گزارشگیری از بانک
-کار با بانک اطلاعاتی اکسس و اس کیو ال SQL,Access
-البته کار با بانک اطلاعاتی اس کیو ال در داخل برنامه سی شارپ موجود هست
-توضیحات مختصری هم داده شده.

-تمام عملیات درج ، حذف، ویرایش و جستجو در داخل یک کلاس ساخته شده ، صورت می گیرد
-تمام عملیات مربوط به چاپ هم در یک کلاس دیگری گنجانده شده است

از تمام دوستان میخام که نظرات و پیشنهادات و انتقادات خودشون رو در مورد برنامه در لینک زیر بگذارند


برنامه زبان سی شارپ رو از اینجا دانلود (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=12467&d=1196023965) کنید

دوشنبه 27 اسفند 1386, 13:20 عصر
با سلام
آموزش و کامپوننت kdtele 3.6

یک شنبه 04 فروردین 1387, 07:59 صبح
SQL Script Builder


Is software that create a database migration sql script (or dump file) from any ODBC supported database. The script produced will migrate the database (multiple tables selection) or only one table and the records. Scripts are available in 5 output formats ; MySql, MS SQL, Oracle, Pervasive and PostgreSQL. SQL Script Builder is very simple to use, you just have to choose the database and the table from the list. SQL Script Builder scripts can be used on your DBMS (database management system) or uploaded on a server

http://www.sqlscriptbuilder.com (http://www.sqlscriptbuilder.com/)

دوشنبه 19 فروردین 1387, 07:33 صبح

Fingerprint SDK

The Fingerprint SDK is a groundbreaking fingerprint recognition Software Development Kit (SDK) that allows you to integrate biometrics in a wide variety of applications. Thanks to its support for dozens of programming languages, richness of code samples, and its thorough documentation, you will start developing your application in a matter of hours!

The Fingerprint SDK is provided in two different releases. The Fingerprint SDK for Windows supports many Windows programming languages through either DLL or ActiveX (COM). The Fingerprint SDK for Java allows development of cross-plataform Java programs that will run either in Microsoft Windows or Gnu/Linux.

Several companies, including the fingerprint readers manufacturers, provide fingerprint recognition SDKs. To help your decision, here are a few points worth considering, and looking for them on other provider's solutions:

* Multiple fingerprint reader support: 19 different devices are supported! Usually, the fingerprint libraries provided by the manufacturers only support their own device. Fingerprint SDK's support for multiple fingerprint readers allows you to choose the more suitable reader, and even after application development or deployment, makes you able to change the fingerprint reader you are using, without modifying your code!
* Driver-less Microsoft Fingerprint reader and Digital Persona support: you don't need the manufacturer's driver or SDK (API). Our SDK comes with its own driver for these readers.
* Easy interface: almost all the fingerprint recognition libraries provides as interface only a cumbersome DLL, where you need to create import files for the language you are using, among other obstacles. Fingerprint SDK offers you an ActiveX component and a DLL or a JAR component!
* Multiple programming language support: The Fingerprint SDK supports multiple programming languages including Java, Delphi, Visual Basic, C++, .NET, FoxPro and many others.
* Integration made amazingly easy: With the several samples delivered with the Fingerprint SDK, everything needed to develop in the supported languages is showed as example! The samples are provided in several languages, along with their source code.
* Biometrics through internet: You can use Fingerprint SDK for Java inside a Java applet and create a cross-plataform application for the web!
* International quality assurance: Winners! That was the outcome of our Fingerprint SDK participation in the world’s largest competition for fingerprint verification algorithms (FVC2006). We were also successfully tested among the world's best fingerprint recognition systems , on a test held by NIST in 2003.
* Outstanding fingerprint matching speed: with a blazing fast matching speed up to 35,000 fingerprints per second, it will be more than adequate for most demanding applications.
* One-to-many fingerprint identification: most solutions offer only one-to-one verification or one-to-little. Using Fingerprint SDK you have unlimited one-to-many fingerprint identification.
* Trial pack available: you can download our Trial Pack and test it, create your applications and use it non-commercially for 90 days. Once you decide to purchase, you won't even need to reinstall the software!
* Easy hardware-free licensing: The Fingerprint SDK can be licensed with only a text agreement, shipped through the internet. It is amazingly easy to deploy your software.
* Ph.D. researchers team: our technology is on an ever-improving trend, due to our researchers, all of them with an outstanding knowledge and publications on image processing, computer vision and other related issues.

LiveDemo (http://www.griaule.com/page/en-us/fingerprint_sdk)
Download (https://www.griaule.com/page/en-us/download/login?file=Fingerprint_SDK_2007_Installer.exe)

شنبه 24 فروردین 1387, 03:01 صبح
Is an easy to use component to limit the access to Windows (95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP ). This can be achieved by disabling a variety of key combinations (such as Ctrl+Alt+Del) and by hiding and replacing elements of the Windows desktop. dWinlock offers the following functions: Disable keystrokes e.g.: - Ctrl Alt Del - Ctrl Esc - Alt Tab - Alt Esc - Alt F4 - Win Key - Application Key - Mouse Button Hide or replace following desktop elements: - Windows Taskbar - Windows Desktop - Windows Start Button - Tray Icons in the Windows Taskbar - Application Links in the Windows Taskbar - Replacement of Windows Start menu with own menu All options can be activated or deactivated during runtime. Therefore it is not ecessary to reboot your system after making changes

سه شنبه 24 اردیبهشت 1387, 11:48 صبح
The Adobe Acrobat 8.1 SDK is now available free of charge to all users. Developers can use the SDK to create software and plug-ins to interact and customize Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader.

Download (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/?tab:downloads=1/)

چهارشنبه 25 اردیبهشت 1387, 10:21 صبح
Flex is a highly productive, open source framework for building and maintaining expressive web applications that deploy consistently on all major browsers, desktops and operating systems.
This site is focused on the development of the Flex SDK. If you are looking for more information on how to use Flex, you may wish to visit the Flex Developer Center.
Flex 3 is the latest production quality release.Flex 4 (Gumbo) is currently under development.

Download (http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Flex+SDK)

چهارشنبه 25 اردیبهشت 1387, 10:25 صبح
The Acrobat Connect Collaboration Builder SDK allows developers to create custom Flash content and applications for use in Acrobat Connect Professional (formerly Breeze). The Collaboration Builder SDK is available to both hosted and licensed Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional customers free of charge. The Acrobat Connect Collaboration Builder SDK allows meeting attendees to:
Enhance instructor effectiveness and improve learner retention by including custom simulations and games in virtual classrooms
Improve productivity by incorporating specific, task-based applications in collaborative team meetings
Engage audiences more effectively and monitor system performance in large web events
Acrobat Connect Professional meeting participants more readily by including ice breakers or other types of social applications in meetings

Download (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobatconnect/articles/intro_sync_swf.html)

چهارشنبه 25 اردیبهشت 1387, 10:30 صبح
The goal of the Adobe Font Development Kit for OpenType package is to share the tools used by Adobe font developers for wrapping up PostScript fonts as OpenType/CFF font files, and adding OpenType layout features. These tools are used for in-house development of new Adobe OpenType fonts. Use them at your own risk, and with no guarantee of support! We know that they work for the fonts Adobe makes, but have tested only part of what it is possible to express with OpenType. Note! Although the FDK directory tree contains a number of Python scripts, none of them can be used by double-clicking on them; they can only be successfully called as commands from a command-line window (the "Terminal" program on Mac, the "cmd" or "DOS" program on Windows).

Note also that the AFDKO is for adding OpenType data to existing fully-designed PostScript fonts, and for proofing them. It does not offer tools for designing or editing glyphs. The proofing tools work with TrueType-based source fonts, but the makeotf, checkOutlines, and autohint tools work only with PostScript source fonts or OpenType fonts with Postscript outlines.

There is a user forum for discussing issues with the FDK tools at "http://www.adobeforums.com", under the name OpenType Font Developers User Forum, and another at http://typophile.com/node/28277. Please send bug reports for the FDK to opentype-info@adobe.com. Questions of general interest should be asked on the OpenType Font Developers User Forum. Please do NOT ask AFDKO specific questions on the opentype list.

The latest version of the FDK, available via the download links, is now FDK 2.0 build 26. This release fixes important installation issues and a few important bugs from build 21. Build 21 has many changes since FDK version v1.6. The FDK 2.0 requires Mac OSX 10.3.x or later, or Windows XP or Windows 2000. The Mac download was compressed with Stuffit 10.1; if you cannot unpack it, make sure that you have the latest version of Stuffit.

Important Notes for users of FDK 1.6
FDK 2.0 now supports OS/2 table v4. Please read the "MakeOTFUserGuide.pdf" about this.
The project file format has changed.
The default feature file script tag for makeotf is now the "DFLT" script rather than the "latn" script. This has several consequences.
To get the same script/language coverage as before, you need to explicitly specify "languagesystem latn dflt;". Please read "OT Feature File Syntax.html" on this.
If you used language tags without previously specifying the "latn" script explicitly, makeotf will report an error, as the "DFLT" script tag can only be used with the language tag "dflt".
FontLab 4 and 5 use the makeotf library from FDK1.6, so they will not support the script tag "DFLT".
Major changes in FDK v2.0 build 26, built April 27 2007, since build 21.
FDK can now be installed on Windows without conflicting with a FontLab+different Python.
The AutoHint and Check Outlines scripts for FontLab now work with Python2.4 and 2.3, and all required modules are supplied in the Windows version.
FDK can now be installed on Windows without conflicting with a FontLab+different Python.
More tests added to compareFamily.
Added new tool, kernCheck. This will report collisions between kern pairs, and will report when kern rules in one subtable mask rules in another subtable.
More bug fixes, including important changes to makeotf and autohint. See the file "FDKReleaseNotes.txt".
Major changes in FDK v2.0 build 21, built Aug 31 2006
All the tools are now command-line only. We dropped the GUI wrappers because there are now CJK users, and the various Python UI toolkits still do not offer full Unicode support, and because FontLab does a better job.

Made the AFDKO a stand-alone package: download it, follow the instructions in the "Read_Me_First.html" file, and you are done. It is now independent of the version of Python that you may or may not have installed
Added support for contextual positioning rules in the makeotf and spot tools. See "Feature File Syntax.html" and the program documentation for the details of what is supported and what is not.
Added support for the "DFLT" script tag.
Fixed MakeOTF so that the "size" feature is built correctly.
Support anticipated change to the OpenType spec for the OS/2 table: allows setting the OS/2 table version to 4, and setting bits 7 and 8 in the fsSelection field.
Finally ported to the FDK all the Adobe-developed tools used by the Adobe font developers. The new tools are:
autohint, stemHist: Adobe auto-hinting tools
checkOutlines: glyph outline validation
mergeFonts: merge fonts, rename glyphs
rotateFont: rotateand/or translate glyphs
charsetplot, digiplot, fontplot, fontsetplot, hintplot, waterfallplot:
some standard outline proof formats, output to PDF.
Most of the scripts now have an OpenSource license, so that you adapt them as you like.
Many bug fixes: see the file "FDKReleaseNotes.txt" for details.

Download (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/opentype/afdko/)

چهارشنبه 25 اردیبهشت 1387, 10:32 صبح
If you have already been granted access to the Photoshop SDK, you can download Photoshop CS3 SDK, the Photoshop CS2 SDK, or Photoshop CS SDK.

Download (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/photoshop/)

شنبه 11 خرداد 1387, 10:11 صبح
یه dll که کمک میکنه پنل سایه دار داشته باشین:

سه شنبه 15 مرداد 1387, 18:43 عصر
این دو dll یک botton بسیار زیبا هستش اگه کسی سورسش رو خواست ایمیل کنه براش می فرستم

جمعه 25 مرداد 1387, 03:38 صبح

یک شنبه 10 شهریور 1387, 14:03 عصر
اينم لينك دانلود باقي اسكين ها

و بخش هاي 2 و 3 از اسكين هايي كه خودم دانلود كردم

دوشنبه 11 شهریور 1387, 10:24 صبح
اينم يه سري عكس از اين اسكين ها كه البته خودم مي دونم بايد اينارو اول مي ذاشتم

دوشنبه 11 شهریور 1387, 12:11 عصر
این هم نمونه برنامه با vs 2008

چهارشنبه 13 شهریور 1387, 12:04 عصر
اینم یه ClassLibrary که برای بعضی از توابع تاریخ نوشتمش.
امکاناتش هم به شرح زیره .
متد با نام ShamsiToMiladi برای تبدیل یک تاریخ شمسی به میلادی.
متدی با نام ShDaysInMonth برای تعیین اینکه در یک ماه شمسی چند روز وجود دارد
متدی با نام ShFirstDayNameOfMonth برای تعیین اینکه اولین روز از یک ماه شمسی چند شنبه است.
و در آخر متد ShToDay با دو آرگومان MiladyDate و Format که تاریخ شمسی رو به دو فرمت Long و Short بر میگردونه .
امیدوارم به دردتون بخوره.
و اگه اشکالی هم داشت بگین تا رفعش کنم.
اینم Dll مربوطه

چهارشنبه 20 شهریور 1387, 17:02 عصر
این هم یک پروژه کامل با vb.net با حجمی حدود 4 مگا بایت و آدرس سایتش اگه بیشتر خواستید
برنامه کامل (http://www.componentfactory.com/downloads/snippets/KryptonToolkitExamplesVB.zip)
آدرس سایت
سایت منبع (http://www.componentfactory.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=3)

bardia goharbin
شنبه 13 مهر 1387, 15:05 عصر

یک شنبه 28 مهر 1387, 15:08 عصر
این کلاس اعداد را به حروف تبدیل میکنه

یک شنبه 28 مهر 1387, 15:16 عصر
این هم یک کلاسی برای مسج های فارسی
امیدوارم خوش تان بیاد
راستی نظرتان را برای بهتر شدن این مسج باکس بدهید
ممنون میشم

یک شنبه 28 مهر 1387, 16:38 عصر
این مسج باکس تصاویر زیادی داره شاید حجم سنگین باشه ولی ارزش دانلود داره



سوالی داشتید میتوانید به ایمیل بزنید

پنج شنبه 09 آبان 1387, 12:38 عصر
این هم نسخه شماره 2 با بهتر شدن تابع و افزایش پراپرتی
امیدوارم لذت ببرید

چهارشنبه 06 آذر 1387, 10:12 صبح
سلام . اینم یه سورس کد که کار خودمه . ساعت ویندوز رو به صورت حروف فارسی میکنه .
دیدنش خالی از لطف نیست ..............

رضا عربلو
چهارشنبه 06 آذر 1387, 23:04 عصر
کامپاننت مجانی Chart برای Windows Forms و ASP.NET
توضیحات :

دانلود :
خود کامپاننت :
add-in برای ویژوال استودیو :
راهنما :و مستندات :
مثال :

یک شنبه 10 آذر 1387, 09:56 صبح
سلام اینم یه برنامه که فایلها و فولدرهای شما رو به حالت سوپر هایدن میبره که دیگه حتی در سرچ ویندوز هم پیدا نمیشه .
گفتم شاید به دردتون بخوره .

سه شنبه 03 دی 1387, 22:08 عصر
کامپوننت های Vista :

سه شنبه 15 بهمن 1387, 10:10 صبح
Windows XP style Explorer Bars
Free for download
Windows XP style Explorer Bars/Task Bars/Web Views - call them what you will - are all
the rage at the moment. There are many great free Explorer Bar controls available on the
net such as Derek Lakin's Collapsible Panel Bar, Darren May's Collapsing Group Control,
and Tom Guinther's Full-featured XP Style Collapsible Panel. Most of them don't support
Windows XP themes, or if they do, they "fake" it by drawing the gradient/arrows
themselves, or by including the necessary images in the assembly.

من اینو گرفتم ولی مشکل داره

چهارشنبه 16 بهمن 1387, 16:50 عصر
جعبه پيام و جعبه ورودي و جعبه انتخاب

دوشنبه 10 فروردین 1388, 16:04 عصر
سلام دوستان
این هم یک datetimepicker فارسی با امکانات زیاد. برای اطلاعات بیشتر به لینک زیر مراجعه کنید.
datetimepicker فارسی (http://www.barnamenevis.org/forum/showthread.php?t=151835&page=2)

و برای دانلود فایل از لینک زیر استفاده کنید.

Persian_dateTimepicker (http://www.barnamenevis.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=31536&d=1243868137)

جمعه 22 خرداد 1388, 02:30 صبح
سلام به دوستان عزیز .
مشابه یه همچین کامپوننتی رو در قسمت VB گذاشتم . استقبال خوبی شد .
کار این کامپیونت اینه که مدت زمان حضور کاربر در برنامه رو اندازه میگیره .
کارای من خیلی پیچیده نیست . ولی گفتم شاید به دردتون بخوره .
نحوه استفاده رو به شکل یه عکس داخل فایلی که دانلود میکنید هست .

رضا نانوا
سه شنبه 26 خرداد 1388, 04:50 صبح
کامپوننتی برای تبدیل تاریخها

جمعه 05 تیر 1388, 11:35 صبح
سلام خدمت شما دوستان عزیز .
چند روز پیش یه کامپوننت نوشتم که گفتم شاید به دردتون بخوره . البته این اولین کامپوننتیه که نوشتم .
اگه قصد استفاده از یک ساعت فارسی در برنامتون رو دارید می تونید از این کامپوننت استفاده کنید .
این کامپوننت دارای امکانات زیر می باشد :
1- نمایش ساعت به صورت حروف فارسی
2 - نمایش ساعت به صورت عددی
3 - نمایش ساعت جهانی ( گرینویچ)
4 - نمایش تاریخ شمسی
5 - امکان ست کردن چهار مورد بالا به صورت ران تایم
اینم از امکاناتی که این کامپوننت داره .
البته شاید شما بگید که کارایی که این کامپوننت میکنه با چند خط کد میشه انجام داد . باید یگم که حرف شما درسته ، ولی اگه از این کامپوننت استفاده کنید پشیمون نمیشید .
دوست دارم نظراتتون رو درباره این کامپوننت بهم بگید . هرچی باشه شما عزیزان استاتید بنده هستید . راستی اگه پیشنهادی هم داشتید در مورد زمان و تاریخ که بشه به این کامپوننت اضافه کرد ، حتما بهم بگید .
امیدوارم از این کامپوننت ناقابل خوشتون اومده باشه.

جمعه 09 مرداد 1388, 13:15 عصر
یه ابزار بسیار زیبا برای رسم نمودار و اشکال گرافیکی
تو این لینک هم عکسش هست هم خودش

پنج شنبه 29 مرداد 1388, 20:19 عصر
این کامپوننت که خودم نوشتم یک مسج باکس فارسی هست
توضیحات کامل در این تاپیک (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/showthread.php?t=174722)

پنج شنبه 05 شهریور 1388, 14:34 عصر
با سلام

این ابزار همون طور که از اسمش هم معلومه کارش رجیستر کردن فایلهای dll و ocx امیدوارم که به دردتون بخوره البته بیشتر به درد افراد کم تجربه میخوره چون با run خود ویندوز هم میشه همینکار رو به راحتی انجام داد مثلاً اینجوری ( Regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\myActiveX.ocx )

شنبه 26 دی 1388, 07:43 صبح
سلام به همه بروبکس باحال سایت برنامه نویس .
خب ، این بار واستون یه کامپوننت فوق العاده توپ نوشتم . این کامپوننت مثل یه PictureBox هستش . با این تفاوت که وقتی شما یه عکس رو به اون میدید ، میتونه واستون 16 حالت عکس رو بچرخونه . روش استفاده از این کامپوننت هم به صورت زیره :
1- کامپوننت رو روی فرمتون بندازید .
2- حالا به قسمت Properties کامپوننت برید و از داخل لیست گزینه File_Name رو پیدا کنید و آدرس محلی که عکس اونجاست رو بهش بدید .
3- حالا در همین قسمت ( Properties ) گزینه Rotate_Type رو پیدا کنید و حالت چرخش مورد نظرتون رو انتخاب کنین .
به همین سادگی به همین خوشمزگی ...................
اگه کسی سوالی داشت به صورت پیام خصوصی ازم بپرسه .
امیدوارم خوشتون اومده باشه .
بای بای .........................

شنبه 26 دی 1388, 22:06 عصر
این Dll یک متد به اسم adad داره که یه عدد رو دریافت میکنه و رشته ای به صورت حروف برمیگردونه .
مثلا : 1200
=> هزارو دویست


یک شنبه 27 دی 1388, 17:21 عصر

کلید دست ساز با کلاسهای رسم دو بعدی در دات نت
تم ها و استایلهای متنوع همراه با سورس
در این تاپیک (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/showthread.php?t=195088)
به همراه چند کامپوننت دیگه در تاپیک مذکور
طریقه استفاده از اونهام نوشته شده

جمعه 09 بهمن 1388, 00:36 صبح
خوب این هم خودم نوشتم میشه باهاش TreeView رو ذخیره ولود کرد ....

از این لینک بگیرین که توضیحات هم داره ...


یک شنبه 18 بهمن 1388, 12:36 عصر
با سلام

ورژن 2 نرم افزار Manam Snippet Maker رو میتونین از لینک زیر دانلود کنین من رو از پیشنهادات سازنده خودتون بی نصیب نزارین ( خواهشاً ! )

دانلود نرم افزار Manam Snippet Maker (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/showthread.php?p=904700#post904700)

جمعه 30 بهمن 1388, 09:52 صبح
این هم جعبه پیام فارسی که آرگومانهاش مانند جعبه پیام ویبی هست

msgbox ("Prompt",yesno+msgboxright,"Title")

در ضمن این کامپوننت از تولیدات خودم هست.
برای دانلود به تاپیک زیر بروید

پنج شنبه 06 اسفند 1388, 15:54 عصر
کد کردن اطلاعات

پنج شنبه 06 اسفند 1388, 16:10 عصر
برنامه ای برای ساخت مسنجر و کار با سوکت
این DLL حاوی یک کلاس کلاینت و یک کلاس سرور می باشد که چند کلاینت نیز می توانند به سرور وصل بشن.
اگه سوالی داشتید پیام خصوصی بذارید

پنج شنبه 06 اسفند 1388, 16:16 عصر
برنامه ای برای روشن و خاموش کردن Firewall
اگه Error داد Run As Administrator کنید
سوالی بود پیام خصوصی..

پنج شنبه 06 اسفند 1388, 16:29 عصر
برنامه ای برای GeneratePassowrd و RandomNumber که خیلی خفنههه

جمعه 07 اسفند 1388, 09:53 صبح
سلامی به وسعت آبی بیکران دریا .............
اینم یه کامپوننت دیگه واسه دوستای عزیزم که خودم نوشتم . با این کامپوننت میتونید خیلی راحت به امنیت برنامه هاتون کمک کنید . با این کامپوننت میتونید پسوردهایی رو که قصد ذخیره کردن دارید با یک کلید رمز کنید و با همون کلید از حالت رمز شده در بیارید . ( البته نه فقط پسوردها رو ، بلکه هر نوع متن مهمی رو میتونید رمزنگاری کنید ) .
در این کامپوننت از الگوریتم رمز نگاری متقارن Rijendael استفاده شده که الگوریتم بسیار قدرتمندیه .
چطوری ؟؟؟ در این برنامه ای که ضمیمه کردم میتونید خیلی راحت روش کار این کامپوننت رو یاد بگیرید . اگه کسی هم سوالی در مورد کار با کامپوننت داشت ، خودم دربست در خدمتم . البته سوالاتتون رو با پیام خصوصی مطرح کنید . ( فایل کامپوننت هم در فولدر Debug برنامه قرار داره ) .
سورس کامل برنامه ش رو هم میتونید از اینجا (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/showpost.php?p=916560&postcount=103) دانلود کنید . این کامپوننت رو واسه این نوشتم که گفتم شاید دوست نداشته باشید پروژه تون با یک کلاس و یه مشت کد دیگه شلوغ بشه .

موفق و سربلند باشید ................

یک شنبه 23 اسفند 1388, 02:04 صبح
Zip و Unzip کردن فایل و فولدر به ساده ترین راه :

یک شنبه 15 فروردین 1389, 12:10 عصر
سورس فایل شناسایی پلاک خودروهای ایران
با سلام
سورس فایل تقدیمی سورس فایل شناسایی پلاک خودروهای ایران میباشد
امیدوارم بهره لازم را از این برنامه داشته باشید

دانلود (http://www.4shared.com/file/256560595/a9cd5af6/Perisn_PlakNET.html)

پنج شنبه 09 اردیبهشت 1389, 13:26 عصر
سلام به دوستان عزيز

يك كامپوننت بسيار زيبا براي كار با تاريخ شمسي و قمري گذاشتم . از همه دوستان مي خوام اگه نظر و پيشنهادي در رابطه به كامپوننت و خطا هاي اون دارن به ايميل m_yazdan86@yahoo.com ارسال نمايند .

سه شنبه 13 مهر 1389, 00:24 صبح
امروز برای دوستانی که با Extension های Visual Studio آشنا نیستند شروع به نوشتن یه مقاله کوچیک کردم . که پیشنهاد میکنم اگه ازشون استفاده نمیکنید حتما یه نگاهی بندازید :
موفق باشید .

چهارشنبه 14 مهر 1389, 19:05 عصر
این هم یه حال اساسی به دوستان . SQL Toolbelt 2010 که هم در Sql Server کاربرد داره و هم در دات نت

شنبه 24 مهر 1389, 13:57 عصر
این هم ورژن اول کامپونت جدا کننده اعداد (MaskTextBox)

امکاناتش عبارتست از :

1- جدا شدن اعداد بصورت 3 رقم 3رقم
2- فقط عدد میگیره فقط backSpace , Delete, Enter روش فعال هست
3- هنگام Focus به آخر متن میره
4- برگردادندن مقدار عدد متن
5- داشتن امکان Decimal

دارم روی این کامپونت فعلا کار میکنم تا ورژن 2 اون رو با امکانات جدیدتر و کاملتری آماده کنم

خوشحال میشم دوستان توی ساخت کامپونت کمکم کنن

برای گرفتن مقدار عددی باید از قابلیت GetNumber استفاده کنید
برای گرفتن مقدار خود MaskTextBox میتونید از قابلیت TextBoxText یا GetText استفاده کنید
برای تغییر Font کامپونت از (Property) قابلیت TextBoxFont استفاده کنید
برای تغییر رنگ(BackColor) پس زمینه TextBoxBackColor استفاده کنید
برای تغییر رنگ(ForeColor) خود متن TextBoxForeColor استفاده کنید

برای دانلود اینجا کلیک کنید (http://ali_najari.20upload.net/files/sh7/12872222041.rar)

يا به وبلاگ من مراجعه كنيد: http://visualBasic-net.blogsky.com (http://visualBasic-net.blogsky.com)

اين هم نسخه 1.1 از كامپونت MaskNumber ولي با تفاوت خيلي زياد

مهمترين تفاوتش اينه كه تمام مطالبش مثل textBox معمولي هست و علاوه بر Property هاي textbox يك عدد property بهش اضافه شده به نام MouseWheelChangeNumber كه با تعيين مقدار اون اگر كليد وسط موس رو (Wheel) رو بالا يا پايين كنيد مقدار MaskNumber تغيير ميكنه

علاوه بر آن به كار بر اجازه ميده كه اعداد منفي رو نيز وارد كنه

براي دانلود اينجا كليك كنيد (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=58524&d=1287319279)

سه شنبه 27 مهر 1389, 16:24 عصر
دوستان عزيز ورژن 1.3 از ColorComboBox با امكان جديد آماده شده

امكان جديدش اينه كه ميتونيد به عنوان يك ستون توي DataGridView ازش استفاده كنيد
البته اين ورژن كار منم نيست كار يكي از اساتيد برنامه نويسي هست كه الان هم ايران نيست
زحمت اين برنامه رو ايشون كشيدن و اين امكان رو بهش اضافه كردن
اميدوارم كه مورد استفاده باشه!

فقط يادتون باشه كه اگر خواستيد توي DataGridView ازش استفاده كنيد بايد يكبار اون رو روي فرم بكشيد و بعد Delete كنيد تا يك خاصيت به نام DataGridViewColorsComboBoxColumn به ديتاگريدويو اضافه كنه

دوستان سورس و Dll اون رو براتون ميزارم

لينكهاي دانلود كامپونت


لينك دانلود سورس


وبلاگ من: http://VisualBasic-net.blogsky.com (http://visualbasic-net.blogsky.com/)

چهارشنبه 05 آبان 1389, 14:37 عصر
سلام دوستان
اين هم يه ContextMenuStrip با خاصيت CheckBox و 2 خاصيت اينكه منو به دلخواه برنامه نويس تعيين ميشه كه بعد از كليك روي ايتم ها بسته بشه يا خير

يك برنامه براي نمونه ميزارم كه كامپونتش رو هم ميزارم

فقط اينو بگم كه اين منو بصورت اتوماتيك يك ايتم براي خروج ايجاد ميكنه كه شما ميتونيد انتخاب كنيد كه متن اون منو انگليسي باشه يا فارسي كه توي Property ها ميتونيد از منوي ExitString زبانش رو تغيير بديد

براي اينكه تعيين كنيد كه هنگام كليك بر روي آيتم ها منو خارج بشه يا نه توي property خاصيت CancelContextMenu رو تغيير بدهيد و براي خارج نشدن مقدار آن را True و براي خروج False بگذاريد


چهارشنبه 05 آبان 1389, 15:35 عصر
این کلاس هم برای درست کردن دیسکت بیمه سازمان تأمین اجتماعی است.
البته این کلاس را در اوایل سال 86 نوشتم . میگذارم برای دوستان باحال که اونها اگه خواستند ازش استفاده کنند. ببخشید فقط کمی شلوغه.

یک شنبه 09 آبان 1389, 16:56 عصر
سلام دوستان عزيز
ورژن 1.1 از MaskShamsiDate رو واستون آماده كردم با يكسري امكانات جديد و بدرد بخور اميدوارم كه به كارتون بياد

هم Dll رو ميزارم و هم Sample رو براي استفاده از قسمتهايي كه افزوده شده

دوستان فقط بگم كه :
با Alt+home سال رو انتخاب ميكنه
با Alt+End روز را انتخاب ميكنه
با UP و Down تاريخ تغيير ميكنه و بسته به اينكه سال يا ماه يا روز انتخاب شده تغيير ميكنه
با كليد Wheel موس تاريخ كم و زياد ميشه
با كليد Right و Left عدد بعدي يا قبلي انتخاب ميشه
با Alt+Right و Alt+Left مقدار سال يا ماه يا روز انتخاب ميشه

منتظر ورژن بعدي اين كامپونت باشيد با امكانات جديدتر
فقط دوستان اگر نظري دارند بدهند براي بهتر شدن و كاملتر شدن اين كامپونت

با تشكر از دوستان

لينك دانلود

http://barnamenevis.org/forum/showpost.php?p=1140827&postcount=17 (http://barnamenevis.org/forum/showpost.php?p=1140827&postcount=17)

چهارشنبه 08 دی 1389, 13:01 عصر
سلام و خدا قوت
dll تقویم فارسی با گرافیک و ساختار قوی برای نمایش تاریخ شمسی :کف:


چهارشنبه 09 شهریور 1390, 16:35 عصر
سلام من تازه عضو شده ام

البته یوزر من به موقع فعال نشد می خواستم یه کامپوننت واسه تقویم شمسی پیدا کنم که آخرش هم خودم اونو نوشتم

اونو برای دوستان هم می ذارم تا مثل من مجبور نشن وقت بزارن

پنج شنبه 17 شهریور 1390, 15:27 عصر
معرفی برنامه CONVERT.NET
سلام ...
امروز یه برنامه دارم که اینجا لازم دونستم قرار بدم تا بقیه هم استفاده کنند.
توضیحات اون رو توی این تاپیک (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?304102-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B1%D9%81%DB%8C-%D9%88-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%D8%A8%D8%B1%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%87-Convert.Net-!!!) دادم !

چهارشنبه 06 مهر 1390, 23:14 عصر

کامپوننت label_time

این کامپوننت برای نمایش ساعت به صورت 12ساعتی به صورت اتوماتیک میباشد

شنبه 16 مهر 1390, 19:09 عصر
http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?308335-%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88 (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?308335-%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D9%86%D9%86%D8%AA-%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%AE-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B2-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AA-%D8%AF%D9%81%D8%AA%D8%B1%DA%86%D9%87-%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B4%D8%AA-%28%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%B3%DB%8C-%D9%86%D9%85%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B2%29)
%D9%86%D9%86%D8%AA-%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%AE-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B2-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AA-%D8%AF%D9%81%D8%AA%D8%B1%DA%86%D9%87-%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B4%D8%AA-%28%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%B3%DB%8C-%D9%86%D9%85%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B2%29 (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?308335-%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D9%86%D9%86%D8%AA-%D8%AA%D8%A7%D8%B1%DB%8C%D8%AE-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B2-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%B1%D8%AA-%D8%AF%D9%81%D8%AA%D8%B1%DA%86%D9%87-%DB%8C%D8%A7%D8%AF%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%B4%D8%AA-%28%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%B3%DB%8C-%D9%86%D9%85%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B4-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B2%29)

جمعه 22 مهر 1390, 22:51 عصر

شنبه 23 مهر 1390, 20:22 عصر


یک شنبه 11 دی 1390, 17:08 عصر
کامپوننت ارتباط با بانک و کدنویسی کوتاه به همراه پروژه آموزشی دفتر تلفن مختصر

چهارشنبه 28 دی 1390, 06:18 صبح
کنترل TextBox با (مجموع 30 خاصیت) بهمراه سورس کد تقدیم به اعضاء تالار VB.net
سلام به دوستان و عرض خسته نباشید
یه کنترل نوشتم توضیحاتش در لینک زیر اومده حتما ببینید

شنبه 08 بهمن 1390, 05:57 صبح
لینک پست 136# اصلاح شد ...
دوباره تو همین پست میزازم ...

سه شنبه 16 خرداد 1391, 20:18 عصر
ساعت عجیب (:چشمک:)

دوشنبه 29 خرداد 1391, 12:57 عصر
ارسال ایمیل از طریق وب سرویس

شنبه 10 تیر 1391, 18:59 عصر
سلام به همه ی دوستان
احتمالن کامپوننت Kylix رو میشناسید. این کامپوننت تا نسخه ی 5 امکان ارسال پیام فارسی رو نداشت . برا همبن همه دنبال روش PDU کدینگ بودن تا بتونن فارسی رو ارسال کنند. در ضمن این کامپوننت چون نسخه ی غیر قانونیش موجود بود در ابتدای پیام آدرس خود سایت Kylix رو میزد. در هر صورت یک سری مشکلات اینجوریایی داشت. اما چند روز پیش من ی نسخه ی جدید توی خود سایت kylix دیدم (6.2) که هم امکان ارسال فارسی داشت و هم توی پیام ها آدرسه سایتو نمیزد. البته باید گفت که این کامپوننت به احتمال زیاد trial هست ولی با این امکانات زیادی که بهش اضافه شده می ارزه.
حالا من نمیدونم چند نفر از دوستان از این موضوع با خبر بودن.
گفتم که گفته باشم

یک شنبه 25 تیر 1391, 00:10 صبح
ارسال ایمیل بدون محدودیت برای برنامه نویسان

ارسال ایمیل
ارسال ایمیل انبوه تبلیغاتی
میل سرویس
وب سرویس

آدرس میل سرویس:::: http://www.tellbook.ir


یک شنبه 15 مرداد 1391, 11:26 صبح
Message Box فارسی
با قابلیت های متعدد

این لینک (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?354794-Message-Box-%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B3%DB%8C-%D8%AC%D8%AF%DB%8C%D8%AF) را مشاهده کنید

یک شنبه 22 مرداد 1391, 23:44 عصر
یک TextBox حرفه ای برای تمامی ایرانیان عزیز (نسخه 1.1)


پنج شنبه 02 شهریور 1391, 16:39 عصر
Codejock Xtreme Suite Pro 15.3.1
آخرین ویرایش این نرم افزار

دوشنبه 13 شهریور 1391, 16:09 عصر
سلام دوستان یه کلاس با vb.net نوشتم گفتم شاید به درد شماهم بخوره.

دانلود فایل dll (http://golshansoft.persiangig.com/GolshanFunctions.dll)

بدست آوردن آیکن درایو،پوشه یا هر فایلی که میخواید :

Dim X As New GolshanFunctions.Functions

Me.BackgroundImage = X.LoadIcon("C:\", GolshanFunctions.Functions.IconSize.LargeIcon).ToB itmap

Me.BackgroundImage = X.LoadIcon("C:\Windows\Fonts", GolshanFunctions.Functions.IconSize.LargeIcon).ToB itmap

Me.BackgroundImage = X.LoadIcon("C:\Windows\File.dll", GolshanFunctions.Functions.IconSize.LargeIcon).ToB itmap

بدست آوردن حجم فایل ، پوشه یا درایو :

Dim X As New GolshanFunctions.Functions

Me.Text = X.SizeOFFile("C:\File.exe") ' result = 56.51 MB
Me.Text = X.SizeOFFolder("C:\Program Files") ' result = 2.53 GB
Me.Text = X.SizeOFDrive_Total("C:\") ' result = 120.23 GB
Me.Text = X.SizeOFDrive_FreeSpace("C:\") ' result = 48.00 GB
Me.Text = X.SizeOFDrive_UsedSpace("C:\") ' result = 72.23 GB

بدست آوردن درایوی که ویندوز در آن نصب شده است :

Dim X As New GolshanFunctions.Functions
Me.Text = X.WindowsDrive ' result = C

بدست آوردن 32 یا 64 بیتی بودن ویندوز :

Dim X As New GolshanFunctions.Functions
Me.Text = X.SystemAddressWidth ' result = 32

بدست آوردن تاریخ شمسی از روی تاریخ ویندوز :

Dim X As New GolshanFunctions.Functions

Me.Text = X.PersianCalendar(Now, Calendar.ReturnShortDate) ' result = 1391/6/13

Me.Text = X.PersianCalendar(Now, Calendar.ReturnDay) ' result = 13
Me.Text = X.PersianCalendar(Now, Calendar.ReturnMonth) ' result = 6
Me.Text = X.PersianCalendar(Now, Calendar.ReturnYear) ' result = 1391

تبدیل double به size :

Dim X As New GolshanFunctions.Functions
Me.Text = X.DblToSize(13513513) ' result = 12.88 MB

سه شنبه 11 مهر 1391, 13:10 عصر
تشخيص يونيکد بودن فايل متني در ويژوال بيسيک

Private Function is_unicode(ByVal path As String) As Boolean
Dim enc As System.Text.Encoding = Nothing
Dim file As System.IO.FileStream = New System.IO.FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)
If file.CanSeek Then
Dim bom As Byte() = New Byte(3) {} ' Get the byte-order mark, if there is one
file.Read(bom, 0, 4)
If (bom(0) = &HEF AndAlso bom(1) = &HBB AndAlso bom(2) = &HBF) OrElse (bom(0) = &HFF AndAlso bom(1) = &HFE) OrElse (bom(0) = &HFE AndAlso bom(1) = &HFF) OrElse (bom(0) = 0 AndAlso bom(1) = 0 AndAlso bom(2) = &HFE AndAlso bom(3) = &HFF) Then ' ucs-4
Return True
Return False
End If

' Now reposition the file cursor back to the start of the file
file.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)
Return False
End If
End Function

منبع (http://www.prolearn-vs.com/detection-of-unicode-text-file-in-visualbasic-net/)

موفق باشید./

جمعه 24 آذر 1391, 19:59 عصر
برنامه ای برای تبدیل تاریخ شمسی به میلادی و برعکس.
نوشته خودم:


پنج شنبه 21 دی 1391, 18:28 عصر
با سلام

2 تا فایل ضمیمه کردم در مورد تاریخ
اولی تاریخ فارسی
و دومی هم خارجکی هست

اساتید محترم دومی رو میتونن به فارسی برگردونن
( توضیح :1- شاید فایل های ضمیمه تکراری بوده و قبلا توسط کاربر محترمی قبلا آپ شده باشه ، پس گیر ندین
2- برنامه اولی که ضمیمه کردم نویسنده اش هموطن عزیز ماست شاید هم یکی از اعضاء همین سایت باشه ، اگر راضی نبودند فایل ضمیمه حذف خواهد شد )


یک شنبه 19 خرداد 1392, 14:40 عصر

چهارشنبه 06 آذر 1392, 11:01 صبح
سرويس کپچا مديريت نوشتار ياس


یک شنبه 22 دی 1392, 12:50 عصر
دو ماژول برای راحت کار کردن با دیتابیس http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?436214

سه شنبه 24 دی 1392, 14:42 عصر
ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ ــــــــــــــ :لبخند:
کامپوننت تکس باکس پیشرفته با کلی امکانات - دانلود کنید (http://barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?435913-%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%BE%D9%88%D9%86%D9%86%D8%AA-%D8%AA%DA%A9%D8%B3-%D8%A8%D8%A7%DA%A9%D8%B3-%D9%BE%DB%8C%D8%B4%D8%B1%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%87-%D8%A8%D8%A7-%DA%A9%D9%84%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D9%85%DA%A9%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%AF%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%84%D9%88%D8%AF-%DA%A9%D9%86%DB%8C%D8%AF)

سه شنبه 27 اسفند 1392, 17:30 عصر
اگه میدونستم اینجا تقویم فارسی خوب پیدا میشه شاید اینو نمی ساختم
به هرحال، قبلا تو vb6 ساخته بودم و حالا تو دات نت، شاید به درد شما هم بخوره

جای کمی میگیره و موقعی که انتخابش کنین خودکار باز میشه و بعد از خروج دوباره کوچیک میشه. میشه سال رو تایپ کرد بین سال 1 تا 1800 هجری شمی

رویداد تغییر تاریخ رو داره
مقدار تاریخ هم همون خاصیت Text کنترله.

اگر اشکالی داشت یا پیشنهادی داشتین پیام خصوصی بفرستین.

دوشنبه 11 فروردین 1393, 22:42 عصر
سلام به همگی دوستانه گلم
برنامه با vs2010 زبان برنامه هم VB هست
دوستان اگه کسی باشه که بتونه روی گرافیکش کار کنه ظاهرش رو شیک کنه
و فعلا این برنامه هم برای فایل های MP3 درست شده بتونیم قابلیت پخش تصویر رو هم بهش و امکانات دیگه رو اضافه کنیم و ... من پایه ام
برنامه به همراه عکسی از محیط برنامه ضمیمه شده
استفاده از برنامه در دیگر سایت ها و... بدون ذکر منبع بلامانع است
و تقاضایی از دوستان هم دارم ایراد های برنامه رو هم اعلام کنید ممنون میشم
یا علی

سه شنبه 02 دی 1393, 00:04 صبح
با سلام
اگر از دوستان کسی آخرین کامپوننت های ویندوزی تلریک (2014) رو داره ، خواهشا فایل های Dll اش رو این جا بگذاره چون حجم فایل های اون تو اینترنت زیاده
همچنین اگر کسی بتونه منو یا آیتم نوار ابزاری برای انتخاب رنگ درست کنه، ممنون می شم این جا بذاره

دوشنبه 29 دی 1393, 11:56 صبح
A TextStylePreview control that can be used to display text styles on an Options dialog

این کامپوننت خوبه ولی اگر تو متنش فارسی باشه، نشون نمی ده

یک شنبه 07 شهریور 1395, 10:30 صبح
با درود
دوستان تو کدوم یکی از کامپوننتهایی که برای دات نت عرضه شده میشه tooltipe شبیه زیر پیدا کرد

سه شنبه 03 اسفند 1395, 11:32 صبح

(http://www.barnamenevis.org/showthread.php?t=125514)آموزش خوشنویسی (http://9calligraphy.ir)
آموزش ماساژ (http://massage77.ir/)
آموزش عكاسي
(http://7photography.ir/)پرورش مرغ (http://hen6.ir/)
آموزش مكانيك خودرو (http://mechanical9.ir/)


محمدامین شریفی
دوشنبه 19 تیر 1396, 20:05 عصر
یکی از ابزارهای مهم دات‌نت، نرم‌افزار BizAgi است

این نرم‌افزار یک BPMS در سطح جهانی است و بر پایه دات‌نت و Sql Server نوشته شده است


شما می‌توانید در محیط این برنامه مستقیما دستورات دات‌نت خود را بنویسید یا از DLL هایی که با دات‌نت نوشته‌اید در این نرم‌افزار استفاده نمایید
همچنین بدلیل سرویس‌گرا بودن این نرم‌افزار می‌توانید از Engine آن در ساخت نرم‌افزارهای خود استفاده نمایید
این سیستم‌ساز (http://www.aparat.com/v/U8ZY1) نمونه‌ای از استفاده از این نرم‌افزار است
در صورتی که به یادگیری این ابزار علاقه‌مندید، این سایت (http://mrbpm.ir/%D8%AF%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%87-%D8%A2%D9%85%D9%88%D8%B2%D8%B4%DB%8C-%D8%A7%D8%B2-bpmn-%D8%AA%D8%A7-%D8%B3%D8%A7%D8%AE%D8%AA-%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%85-%D8%A8%D8%AF%D9%88%D9%86-%DA%A9%D8%AF%D9%86%D9%88/) دوره‌های آموزشی را در این خصوص برگزار می‌کند

جمعه 03 آذر 1396, 06:53 صبح
سلام. دوستان یه راهنمایی کنید من رو
میخوام برنامه ای بنویسم که بتونم با اسکنر اثرانگشت ارتباط برقرار کنم و اثرانگشت رو اسکن کنه و اطلاعات رو بده تا بتونم تو بانک ذخیره کنم
اما اصلا نمیتونم باهاش کار کنم
لطفا راهنماییم کنید.

پنج شنبه 25 مرداد 1397, 19:20 عصر
این کلاس هم برای درست کردن دیسکت بیمه سازمان تأمین اجتماعی است.
البته این کلاس را در اوایل سال 86 نوشتم . میگذارم برای دوستان باحال که اونها اگه خواستند ازش استفاده کنند. ببخشید فقط کمی شلوغه.
این را به روز رسانی نکردید؟
از کجا باید اطلاعت بیشتری بدست بیارم؟

پنج شنبه 17 آبان 1397, 17:46 عصر
سلام وقت همگی بخیر - ببخشید شاید سوالی که میخوام بپرسم زیاد مرتبط با بحث نباشه.. در واقع میخواستم بدونم سایت من از لحاظ برنامه نویسی به چه صورت است و اینکه نیاز هست که سایت جدیدی را شروع کنم یا با همین میتونم ادامه بدم؟ ادرس سایت من برق خورشیدی
بازم عذر میخوام که خارج از بحث مطرح کردم ولی خیلی ممنون میشم که جواب بدید. ادرس ایمیل بنده : omid.roshan@outlook.com
خیلی ممنونم از وقتی که میذارید

دوشنبه 26 آذر 1397, 18:36 عصر
با درود
مدتیه که ItemShortcut هایی که تو BarManager کامپوننت devexpress تو پروژه ام تعریف کردم کار نمیکنن ( به رویدادی کیبورد واکش نشون نمیدن)
ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید

شنبه 21 تیر 1399, 12:52 عصر

نرم افزار TEAM Coherence رو چطور باید دانلود کنم؟