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شنبه 02 تیر 1386, 12:30 عصر
با استفاده از این Add-in می توانید قابلیهای IDE ویژوال استودیو را افزایش دهید.

این ابزار در ابتدا جهت افزایش قابلیتهای #C تولید شده بود ولی در این نسخه از
Visual Basic .NET, XML, XAML ASP.NET نیز پشتیبانی می شه. قابلیتهای کامل آنرا در زیر بخونید:

ReSharper 3.0 is sure to satisfy more Visual Studio developers than ever before. Version 3.0
brings unrivalled code analysis, a superior unit testing solution, Go to Symbol navigation, a handy To-do
Explorer with multiple unit test sessions, and many other features -- to boost individual and
team productivity in the world of .NET development. ReSharper 3.0 comes in three editions:
Full, C# and Visual Basic .NET, to give every developer precisely what they need.

Unrivalled Code Analysis for C#
From the beginning, ReSharper has excelled in analyzing code on the fly. In addition to finding and highlighting errors, warnings, and warning-type situations in your code, now we've trained it to understand your code even deeper. ReSharper offers code suggestions - critical analysis of possible flaws in code design with suggestions to improve them all while you type.

Full-featured Visual Basic .NET Support
ReSharper is proud to enable Visual Basic .NET development, providing full support and a host of productivity features. Visual Basic developers will be sure to enjoy a truly enhanced Visual Studio experience thanks to ReSharper's quick navigation and search, a full set of VB.NET refactorings, full-fledged code assistance, code completion and generation, code templates, and a lot more.

Cross-Language Functionality
While supporting Visual Basic .NET on its own, ReSharper also ensures interoperability in working with mixed C# and Visual Basic projects. Usage search, refactorings, quick-fixes and context actions - all take into account code written in either language whenever possible.

XML and XAML Support
The wait is over. ReSharper 3.0 now offers XML and XAML support. XML features include type completion, various ways to navigate between tags, navigation to referenced types, basic code assistance, and live templates support. XAML features include XML editing in XAML code, all three types of ReSharper's code completion, several refactorings, and on-the-fly error, syntax and semantic analysis.

New Productivity Enhancers
We're still finding new ways to improve Visual Studio to help you become more productive. Our family of navigation features welcomes its new "member" - the Go To Symbol command, allowing robust solution-wide search, by name, for any file member. Our Unit Test Explorer - yes, not just a Runner, an Explorer - delivers unmatched flexibility in running and debugging unit tests, including multiple unit test sessions. And our To-do list lets you keep track of your reminders right in Visual Studio, even in closed files.

سایت سازنده:

http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper (http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper)

کرک و شماره سریال و از این جور چیزا هم که توی سایت ممنوع هست ولی sj.manager@gmail.com

شنبه 02 تیر 1386, 15:10 عصر
نگارش قبلی اون روی 2005 بار زیادی اضافه می‌کرد و مصرف حافظه رو شاید تا 100 مگ بالا می‌برد. در این نگارش هم اینطور است؟ شما تست کردید؟


شنبه 02 تیر 1386, 20:05 عصر
نگارش قبلی اون روی 2005 بار زیادی اضافه می‌کرد و مصرف حافظه رو شاید تا 100 مگ بالا می‌برد. در این نگارش هم اینطور است؟ شما تست کردید؟


توی نسخه 2.0 این مشکل وجود داشت. در نسخه 2.5 تا حد زیادی حد زیادی این مشکل برطرف شد. توی این نسخه باز هم بهبود پیدا کرده ولی نه به طور کامل. استفاده از این سبک برنامه ها بیشتر به نیاز کاربر بستگی داره به عنوان مثال برای کسانی که با #C کار می کنند نرم افزار خیلی مناسب و خوبی هست