View Full Version : ASPack is dead

جمعه 12 مرداد 1386, 16:56 عصر
Dear ASProtect user,

We inform you that all the rights for the ASPack Software project are
assigned to the StarForce Technologies company from 1st August 2007.
The acquisition of the rights for ASPack Software product line was
planned in the StarForce's development strategy for 2007-2008. This
acquisition is aimed for the StarForce product line's extention and
strengthening of the company's position in the copy protection market.
StarForce informs that there won't be any changes in the price policy
in the future. Using itis long-term experience, StarForce intends to
develop and support the ASPack Software products. More particular
information about the plans and prospects for this project will be
published on the StarForce official site by the end of August 2007.

About StarForce

The StarForce Company is the expert in software and digital content
protection against copying and cracking. StarForce is one of the three
leaders in the world copy protection market and is the leading
developer of protection tools on Russian multimedia market, already
for many years.

Integration of StarForce solutions into any software products and
digital content allows applying various schemes of distribution and
its management. StarForce provides a wide variety of reliable tools
for protection against home copying, emulation and professional
cracking. The particular specialization of StarForce ensures the
development of technologically perfect products, while guaranteeing
high reliability and quality level.

The company successfully works on business software and mobile content
market since 2006.