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دوشنبه 16 مهر 1386, 16:39 عصر
سلام و خسته نباشید
من یه DataBase Application با j2me نوشتم، دفعات اول و دوم درست کار میکرد ولی بعد دیگه هر وقت خواستم رکورد ها رو نمایش بدم با این پیغام خطا مواجه میشم :

ممکنه کدهای منو تست کنید و بگید ایراد کار من کجاست و چرا همچین error ای میده ؟
این کلاسی هست که برای ذخیره ی داده ها به کار میبرم :

import java.io.*;

public class Contact {

private String _firstName;
private String _lastName;
private String _phoneNumber;

public Contact() {

public Contact(String firstName,String lastName,String phoneNumber){
_firstName = firstName;
_lastName = lastName;
_phoneNumber = phoneNumber;

public String getFirstName(){
return _firstName != null ? _firstName:"";

public String getLastName(){
return _lastName != null ? _lastName:"";

public String getPhoneNumber(){
return _phoneNumber != null ? _phoneNumber:"";

public void setFirstName(String name){
_firstName = name;

public void setLastName(String lastName){
_lastName = lastName;

public void setPhoneNumber(String phoneNumber){
_phoneNumber = phoneNumber;

public void fromByteArray(byte[] data) throws IOException{
ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(bin);

_firstName = din.readUTF();
_lastName = din.readUTF();
_phoneNumber = din.readUTF();


public byte[] toByteArray() throws IOException{
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(bout);


return bout.toByteArray();

و این یکی هم کد برنامه ی اصلی هست :

import java.io.IOException;
import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
import javax.microedition.rms.RecordStore;
import javax.microedition.rms.RecordStoreException;

* @author Hamed
public class RmsDemo4 extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {

/** Creates a new instance of RmsDemo4 */
public RmsDemo4() {

private Command itemCommand1;
private Form frmAdd;
private Command exitCommand1;
private Command cancelCommand1;
private Command itemCommand2;
private Form frmMain;
private Command backCommand1;
private TextField txtName;
private Spacer spacer1;
private TextField txtFamily;
private Spacer spacer2;
private TextField txtPhone;
private Alert alert1;
private Command itemCommand3;
private Form frmShow;
private Command backCommand2;

/** Called by the system to indicate that a command has been invoked on a particular displayable.
* @param command the Command that ws invoked
* @param displayable the Displayable on which the command was invoked
public void commandAction(Command command, Displayable displayable) {
// Insert global pre-action code here
if (displayable == frmMain) {
if (command == itemCommand1) {
// Insert pre-action code here
// Insert post-action code here
} else if (command == exitCommand1) {
// Insert pre-action code here
// Insert post-action code here
} else if (command == itemCommand3) {
// Insert pre-action code here
// Insert post-action code here
RecordStore rs;
int recordID;
Contact contact = new Contact();
rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore("MyRecord",false);
recordID = 1;
byte[] data = rs.getRecord(recordID);
frmShow.append(contact.getLastName()+" - "+contact.getFirstName());
catch(RecordStoreException rx){
catch(IOException ix){
} else if (displayable == frmAdd) {
if (command == itemCommand2) {
// Insert pre-action code here
getDisplay().setCurrent(get_alert1(), get_frmAdd());
// Insert post-action code here
Contact contact = new Contact();
RecordStore rs;

rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore("MyRecord",true);
byte[] data = contact.toByteArray();
catch(RecordStoreException rx){

catch(IOException ix){

} else if (command == backCommand1) {
// Insert pre-action code here
// Insert post-action code here
} else if (displayable == frmShow) {
if (command == backCommand2) {
// Insert pre-action code here
// Insert post-action code here
// Insert global post-action code here

/** This method initializes UI of the application.
private void initialize() {
// Insert pre-init code here
// Insert post-init code here

* This method should return an instance of the display.
public Display getDisplay() {
return Display.getDisplay(this);

* This method should exit the midlet.
public void exitMIDlet() {
/** This method returns instance for frmMain component and should be called instead of accessing frmMain field directly.
* @return Instance for frmMain component
public Form get_frmMain() {
if (frmMain == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
frmMain = new Form("Welcome to rms demo", new Item[0]);
// Insert post-init code here
return frmMain;
/** This method returns instance for itemCommand1 component and should be called instead of accessing itemCommand1 field directly.
* @return Instance for itemCommand1 component
public Command get_itemCommand1() {
if (itemCommand1 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
itemCommand1 = new Command("add contact", Command.ITEM, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return itemCommand1;

/** This method returns instance for frmAdd component and should be called instead of accessing frmAdd field directly.
* @return Instance for frmAdd component
public Form get_frmAdd() {
if (frmAdd == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
frmAdd = new Form(null, new Item[] {
// Insert post-init code here
return frmAdd;

/** This method returns instance for exitCommand1 component and should be called instead of accessing exitCommand1 field directly.
* @return Instance for exitCommand1 component
public Command get_exitCommand1() {
if (exitCommand1 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
exitCommand1 = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return exitCommand1;

/** This method returns instance for cancelCommand1 component and should be called instead of accessing cancelCommand1 field directly.
* @return Instance for cancelCommand1 component
public Command get_cancelCommand1() {
if (cancelCommand1 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
cancelCommand1 = new Command("Cancel", Command.CANCEL, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return cancelCommand1;

/** This method returns instance for itemCommand2 component and should be called instead of accessing itemCommand2 field directly.
* @return Instance for itemCommand2 component
public Command get_itemCommand2() {
if (itemCommand2 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
itemCommand2 = new Command("Ok", Command.ITEM, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return itemCommand2;

/** This method returns instance for backCommand1 component and should be called instead of accessing backCommand1 field directly.
* @return Instance for backCommand1 component
public Command get_backCommand1() {
if (backCommand1 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
backCommand1 = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return backCommand1;

/** This method returns instance for txtName component and should be called instead of accessing txtName field directly.
* @return Instance for txtName component
public TextField get_txtName() {
if (txtName == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
txtName = new TextField("Name:", null, 120, TextField.ANY);
// Insert post-init code here
return txtName;

/** This method returns instance for spacer1 component and should be called instead of accessing spacer1 field directly.
* @return Instance for spacer1 component
public Spacer get_spacer1() {
if (spacer1 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
spacer1 = new Spacer(1000, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return spacer1;

/** This method returns instance for txtFamily component and should be called instead of accessing txtFamily field directly.
* @return Instance for txtFamily component
public TextField get_txtFamily() {
if (txtFamily == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
txtFamily = new TextField("Family:", null, 120, TextField.ANY);
// Insert post-init code here
return txtFamily;

/** This method returns instance for spacer2 component and should be called instead of accessing spacer2 field directly.
* @return Instance for spacer2 component
public Spacer get_spacer2() {
if (spacer2 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
spacer2 = new Spacer(1000, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return spacer2;

/** This method returns instance for txtPhone component and should be called instead of accessing txtPhone field directly.
* @return Instance for txtPhone component
public TextField get_txtPhone() {
if (txtPhone == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
txtPhone = new TextField("PhoneNumber:", null, 120, TextField.ANY);
// Insert post-init code here
return txtPhone;

/** This method returns instance for alert1 component and should be called instead of accessing alert1 field directly.
* @return Instance for alert1 component
public Alert get_alert1() {
if (alert1 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
alert1 = new Alert("Message Alert:", "Your record has been add.", null, AlertType.INFO);
// Insert post-init code here
return alert1;

/** This method returns instance for itemCommand3 component and should be called instead of accessing itemCommand3 field directly.
* @return Instance for itemCommand3 component
public Command get_itemCommand3() {
if (itemCommand3 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
itemCommand3 = new Command("Show", Command.ITEM, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return itemCommand3;

/** This method returns instance for frmShow component and should be called instead of accessing frmShow field directly.
* @return Instance for frmShow component
public Form get_frmShow() {
if (frmShow == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
frmShow = new Form("Record Show", new Item[0]);
// Insert post-init code here
return frmShow;

/** This method returns instance for backCommand2 component and should be called instead of accessing backCommand2 field directly.
* @return Instance for backCommand2 component
public Command get_backCommand2() {
if (backCommand2 == null) {
// Insert pre-init code here
backCommand2 = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1);
// Insert post-init code here
return backCommand2;

public void startApp() {

public void pauseApp() {

public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {


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