View Full Version : binding source , binding manager

پنج شنبه 10 آبان 1386, 14:09 عصر
آقا یکیی لطف کنه و فرق بین این دو binding source , binding manager رو بگه......
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پنج شنبه 10 آبان 1386, 19:05 عصر
دوست عزیز لطف کنید تاپیک رو یکبار ایجاد کنید .

جمعه 11 آبان 1386, 08:58 صبح
دوست عزیز لطف کنید تاپیک رو یکبار ایجاد کنید .

به دلیل قطع شبکه و refresh کردن صفحه ظاهرا درخواست دوبار به سایت ارسال شده. عمدی نبوده

جمعه 11 آبان 1386, 10:23 صبح
the Binding Source is where the data is kept. It is the repository, or a proxy of the repository, of the data. The binding source can be an object (a class instance) in memory or an XML node. These are the two data formats supported by WPF. Naturally, the XML node can be part of an XML document (an XML file), and the object can be part of a collection, including a .NET DataSet.

The Binding Target is always a Dependency Property of an object that will serve to communicate with the external world, as opposed to the internal world that is the data. Typically, the Binding Target will be the Dependency Property of a UI element (e.g., TextBox, ListBox, etc.), but can also be, for instance, a logging component, a communication channel, etc.

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