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پنج شنبه 21 خرداد 1383, 13:21 عصر
اگر کسی آدرس لیست انواع فیلدهای قابل تعریف با مشخصات کامل و مقدار فضای اشغال شده آنها را دارد لطفا درج نموده یا لینک دهد.
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پنج شنبه 21 خرداد 1383, 17:36 عصر
<span dir=ltr>Smallint
InterBase 16-bit field type that can contain integer values from -32767 to 32767 (no decimal).

InterBase 32-bit field type that can contain integer values ranging from –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 (no decimal).

InterBase 32-bit field type of 7 digit precision decimal values, ranging from -3.4 times 1038 to 3.4 times 1038.

Double Precision
InterBase 64-bit field type of 15 digit precision decimal values, ranging from -1.7 times 10308 to 1.7 times 10308.

InterBase fixed length character or text string, stored as one byte per character. From 1 to 32767 bytes in length. Field data storage size is fixed based on the number of bytes in the field definition. Field values of shorter length than the defined field size are padded with space characters.

InterBase variable length character or text string, stored as one byte per character. From 1 to 32767 bytes in length. Field data storage size is dynamic based on field value.

Numeric (precision,scale)
InterBase variable size field type that can store up to 15 significant digits of precision decimal values, with up to 15 digits of scale. Numeric values are held in exact precision. Scale must be less than or equal to precision.

Prior to Version 6.0, data values for precisions of 10 to 15 are stored as non-exact double-precision values. Beginning in Version 6, data values for precisions of 10 to 15 are stored as exact numeric values.

Decimal (precision,scale)
InterBase variable size field type that can store up to 15 significant digits of precision decimal values, with up to 15 digits of scale. Numeric values are held in exact precision. Scale must be less than or equal to precision.

InterBase 32-bit field type comprised of both Date and Time. Range is from January 1, 100 A.D. to February 28, 32768 A.D.

Beginning with Version 6.0, this field type holds Date values only.

Timestamp (new to Version 6.0)
InterBase 64-bit field type comprised of both Date and Time. Range is from January 1, 100 A.D. to February 28, 32768 A.D.

Time (new to Version 6.0)
InterBase 32-bit field type of Time values. Range is from 0:00 AM to 23:59:9999 PM.

InterBase field type for storing data of indeterminate size. Data Subtypes are 0 for binary (raw) data, and 1 for text data. Further subtypes are user-defined, and can be associated with data filtering functions in external UDF libraries.</span>

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پنج شنبه 21 خرداد 1383, 18:18 عصر
ممنونم جناب مدیر

منتها میخوام بدونم من اگه Numeric انتخاب کنم میزان فضای اشغالی توسط این داده چطور محاسبه میشه

عقاب طلایی
پنج شنبه 16 مهر 1383, 19:11 عصر
تو اینتربیس چطور میشه نوع بولین تعریف کرد؟