View Full Version : Time and Hard Drive Consumption &Three-Dimensional Arra

دوشنبه 05 مرداد 1383, 01:28 صبح
<span dir=ltr>Dear my friend
To explain better my problems I numbered them as follow:I've also attached the file of this email.

1. Time and Hard Drive Consumption: I could finally take some good answers from my code but it is very time consuming and when the operation system is Windows 98 the driver C: (which I installed Visual C++) will be inflated until the capacity of driver C: will be filled. For example if I have 2 Giga byte for driver C: , after about 20 Minutes it will be filled ,I think I must pay more attention to destructors and my two and three-dimensional arrays .

2. Three-Dimensional Array: How I can create and delete a three-dimensional array? I used this method in my code:
TO Create:

int ***StartTime = new int**[FS];

for (int i = 0;i &lt; FS;i++)
StartTime[i] = new int *[JS];

for ( i = 0;i &lt; FS;i++){
for(int j = 0;j &lt; JS;j++)
StartTime[i][j] = new int [MS];

So then I create a 3- Dimensional array of StartTime[FS][JS][MS]

To Delete:

The First Method:

delete [] StartTime[i];

delete [] StartTime[i];

delete [] StartTime;

The Second Method:

for(int j=0;j&lt;JS;j++)
delete [] StartTime[i][j];

delete [] StartTime;

The Third Method:

delete []** StartTime;

3. Optimize the code: Would you please introduce me a book to optimize the code especially when we have many 2 and 3-dimentional arrays? And then get rid of that time and hard consuming.