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جمعه 09 فروردین 1387, 02:03 صبح
This Month's Featured Topic: Exploring Oracle JDeveloper 11g's New Features

Oracle JDeveloper 11g is shifting in the way people develop applications. With several technology previews already released, users are getting to know the new functionality and document their experience. In this month's newsletter we look at some of the features they liked

http://oracleimg.com/admin/images/otn/r_arrow.gifData Visualization Components
Lucas Jellema looks into the Gantt Chart and Pivot Table components while Andrejus Baranovskis drills into the Map component
http://oracleimg.com/admin/images/otn/r_arrow.gif Reusability for JSF
Grant Ronald examines declarative JSF component creation, and Edwin Biemond explains reusable JSF Task Flows and Dynamic Region. Duncan Mills test-drives the Train Flows
http://oracleimg.com/admin/images/otn/r_arrow.gifJavaScript with ADF Faces RC
Matthias Wessendorf explains the basics of client side interaction with ADF Faces RC, and Ric Smith shows how to associate a Javascript with a JSF page load. Lucas Jellema digs deeper with a set of three articles on the subject
http://oracleimg.com/admin/images/otn/r_arrow.gifSOA Integration
Andrejus Baranovskis provides a sample ADF application that invokes an SOA composite, and Edwin Biemond looks into Business Rules development in SOA and human tasks integration with JSF task flows
http://oracleimg.com/admin/images/otn/r_arrow.gifExporting and Printing Data
Frank Nimphius looks into exporting Excel from ADF Faces. Chris Muir shares a tip for creating printer friendly ADF Faces pages
http://oracleimg.com/admin/images/otn/r_arrow.gifCore IDE

Shay Shmeltzer points out some useful coding features in JDeveloper 11, Susan Duncan demos the improved Subversion support and branching, and Brian Duff shows a simpler way to creating JDeveloper extensions

http://oracleimg.com/admin/images/otn/r_arrow.gifADF Business Components

Steve Muench writes about declarative data filtering and provides tips on Groovy integration with ADF BC, Grant Ronald demos the model driven LOV feature, and Chris Muir finishes with a three part series on ADF BC Validation features

http://oracleimg.com/admin/images/ocom/free_download_140x40.gif (http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/index.html?msgid=6401649)

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