4. API's print function
AbortDoc cancel a print document
AbortPrinter and delete a printer associated with the file
AddForm form of a list of printers to add a new form
AddJob used to obtain an effective path, in order to use it
for the printing operations to create a background document.
It will also work for the distribution operations of a
AddMonitor system to add a printer monitor
AddPort start the "Add Port" dialog box, the system allows
users to the list of available ports to add a new port
AddPrinter in the system to add a new printer
AddPrinterConnection designated printer connection
AddPrinterDriver designated for the system to add a print
AddPrintProcessor designated for the system to add a print
AddPrintProvidor system to add a print provider
AdvancedDocumentProperties start document printer settings
dialog box
ClosePrinter closed to open a printer object
ConfigurePort designated for the port, a port configuration
dialog box to start
ConnectToPrinterDlg start to connect the printer dialog box,
use it to access the same network printer connections
DeleteForm printers available from the form of a list form
DeleteMonitor to delete the specified print monitor
DeletePort start "to remove port" dialog box that allows
users to delete from the current system, a port
DeletePrinter will be designated by the printer for the
signs be removed from the system
DeletePrinterConnection to delete the printer connected with
the designated
DeletePrinterDriver deleted from the system, a printer
DeletePrintProcessor from the designated system to delete a
printing processor
DeletePrintProvidor from the system to delete a print
DeviceCapabilities use of the available functions and the
ability of a device-related information
DocumentProperties printer configuration control function
EndDocAPI the end of a successful print job
EndDocPrinter Print Spooler in the document to specify a
level of the end of the
EndPage use this function to complete a page of print and
equipment to prepare the scene in order to print the next
EndPagePrinter specify a page in the print job in the end
EnumForms enumerate a printer available form
EnumJobs enumeration in the print queue operation
EnumMonitors enumeration can be used to print the Monitor
EnumPorts enumeration of a system available port
EnumPrinterDrivers designated enumeration system has been
installed in the printer driver
EnumPrinters enumeration system installed in the printer
EnumPrintProcessorDatatypes enumerated by the print
processor to support a data type
EnumPrintProcessors enumeration system can be used in the
print processor
Escape device control function
FindClosePrinterChangeNotification closed
FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification function with access to a
printer circular object
FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification to create a new circular
to change the target so that we pay attention to the printer
status changes
FindNextPrinterChangeNotification used to determine the
function printers to trigger a signal change notice of the
FreePrinterNotifyInfo released by the
FindNextPrinterChangeNotification distribution function of a
buffer zone
GetForm made with the designated form-related information
GetJob access to the designated operations and related
GetPrinter made with the designated printer-related
GetPrinterData registry settings for the printer
configuration information
GetPrinterDriver designated for printers, printer driver and
access to relevant information
GetPrinterDriverDirectory judge designated system includes a
printer driver directory of what is
GetPrintProcessorDirectory judge designated system includes
a processor printer driver files and directories
OpenPrinter open the designated printer, and access to the
printer handle
PrinterMessageBox in the print job has a designated system
to show a printer error message box
PrinterProperties start the printer properties dialog box in
order to configure the printer
ReadPrinter read data from the printer
ResetDC reset a device scene
ResetPrinter change the default printer specified types of
data files and settings
ScheduleJob submitted to a printing operation
SetAbortProc for the abolition of the designated function of
the Windows Address
SetForm specified form settings for information
SetJob of a print job status control
SetPrinter on the status of a printer control
SetPrinterData set up the printer configuration information
StartDoc to start a print job
StartDocPrinter print in the background level of the start
of a new document
A StartPage printing a new page before calling the function
StartPagePrinter in the print job is specified in the
beginning of a new page
WritePrinter will send the directory data into the printer
5. API of the text font and function
AddFontResource in the Windows system to add a font of
CreateFont designated by the property to create a logical
CreateFontIndirect designated by the property to create a
logical font
CreateScalableFontResource a TureType fonts to create a
resource document in order to use API function
AddFontResource its accession to the Windows system
DrawText text will be painted to a specific rectangular in
DrawTextEx and DrawText similar, but adding more features
EnumFontFamilies designated list of equipment available
EnumFontFamiliesEx designated list of equipment available
EnumFonts designated list of equipment available fonts
ExtTextOut through the expansion of the text describing the
function. Please refer to the function also SetTextAlign
GetAspectRatioFilterEx request SetMapperFlags with Windows
only with the choice of equipment in line with the aspect
ratio of the current raster fonts, this function can judge
small aspect ratio
GetCharABCWidths judge TureType fonts in one or more of the
character of the size ABC
GetCharABCWidthsFloat characters in a query to one or more
characters of the size ABC
GetCharacterPlacement learn how to use this function with a
given string of characters that a
GetCharWidth investigation fonts in one or more of the width
of the characters
GetFontData receive a scalable font file data
GetFontLanguageInfo return to the current opt-specified
device font scenarios information
GetGlyphOutline made TureType font of the characters in a
curve information
GetKerningPairs to obtain a font of information kerning
GetOutlineTextMetrics receive TureType fonts and internal
features of the details
GetRasterizerCaps understanding of the system's ability to
support scalable fonts
GetTabbedTextExtent a string to determine the scope of the
occupation, taking tabulation stop the expansion of the
GetTextAlign scene equipment to receive a copy of the
current alignment mark
GetTextCharacterExtra additional characters to judge the
distance between the current value
GetTextCharset to receive the current opt-scenes equipment
specified font character set identifier
GetTextCharsetInfo access to the current selection of fonts
and character set-related details
GetTextColor to determine the current font color. Usually
referred to as "Foreground"
GetTextExtentExPoint judge to fill in the designated area of
the number of characters. Also loaded with an array of
characters in each of the scope of information
GetTextExtentPoint a string to determine the size of the
GetTextFace access to a font of the words
GetTextMetrics access into the election with a scene of
physical device font-related information
GrayString painted gray to a string of shows. Windows logo
usually used to prohibit the state
PolyTextOut described a series of string
RemoveFontResource from the Windows system to delete a font
of resources
SetMapperFlags Windows fonts on the map, can be used to
choose the functions and objectives of equipment in line
with the aspect ratio of grating characters
SetTextAlign set text alignment, and designated in the text
output in the process of using the device's current location
of the scene
SetTextCharacterExtra described the text, specify the
characters inserted between the additional space
SetTextColor to set the current text color. This color is
also known as "Foreground"
SetTextJustification through a designated line of text
should take the extra space can be used to carry out the
function of the text dealing with both ends of the alignment
TabbedTextOut support for the tabulation of the station
described the text of a function
TextOut text mapping function