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نام تاپیک: روخداد خطای is not a valid win32 applicaion

  1. #1

    روخداد خطای is not a valid win32 applicaion

    من برنامه را وقتی لینک میکنم و برنامه اجرایی تولید میکنم و وقتی اجرا میکنم با خطای زیر مواجه میشم؟؟؟؟

    c:\exmp.exe is not a valid win32 applicaion

  2. #2

    نقل قول: روخداد خطای is not a valid win32 applicaion

    لطفا" یه نمونه از برنامه تون رو به همراه سورسش قرار بدید .

  3. #3

    نقل قول: روخداد خطای is not a valid win32 applicaion

    بله بفرمایید

    name "snake"

    org 100h

    ; jump over data section:
    jmp start

    ; ------ data section ------

    s_size equ 7

    ; the snake coordinates
    ; (from head to tail)
    ; low byte is left, high byte
    ; is top - [top, left]
    snake dw s_size dup(0)

    tail dw ?

    ; direction constants
    ; (bios key codes):
    left equ 4bh
    right equ 4dh
    up equ 48h
    down equ 50h

    ; current snake direction:
    cur_dir db right

    wait_time dw 0

    ; welcome message
    msg db "==== how to play ====", 0dh,0ah
    db "this game was debugged on emu8086", 0dh,0ah
    db "but it is not designed to run on the emulator", 0dh,0ah
    db "because it requires relatively fast video card and cpu.", 0dh,0ah, 0ah

    db "if you want to see how this game really works,", 0dh,0ah
    db "run it on a real computer (click external->run from the menu).", 0dh,0ah, 0ah

    db "you can control the snake using arrow keys", 0dh,0ah
    db "all other keys will stop the snake.", 0dh,0ah, 0ah

    db "press esc to exit.", 0dh,0ah
    db "====================", 0dh,0ah, 0ah
    db "press any key to start...$"

    ; ------ code section ------


    ; print welcome message:
    mov dx, offset msg
    mov ah, 9
    int 21h

    ; wait for any key:
    mov ah, 00h
    int 16h

    ; hide text cursor:
    mov ah, 1
    mov ch, 2bh
    mov cl, 0bh
    int 10h


    ; === select first video page
    mov al, 0 ; page number.
    mov ah, 05h
    int 10h

    ; === show new head:
    mov dx, snake[0]

    ; set cursor at dl,dh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h

    ; print '*' at the location:
    mov al, '*'
    mov ah, 09h
    mov bl, 0eh ; attribute.
    mov cx, 1 ; single char.
    int 10h

    ; === keep the tail:
    mov ax, snake[s_size * 2 - 2]
    mov tail, ax

    call move_snake

    ; === hide old tail:
    mov dx, tail

    ; set cursor at dl,dh
    mov ah, 02h
    int 10h

    ; print ' ' at the location:
    mov al, ' '
    mov ah, 09h
    mov bl, 0eh ; attribute.
    mov cx, 1 ; single char.
    int 10h


    ; === check for player commands:
    mov ah, 01h
    int 16h
    jz no_key

    mov ah, 00h
    int 16h

    cmp al, 1bh ; esc - key?
    je stop_game ;

    mov cur_dir, ah


    ; === wait a few moments here:
    ; get number of clock ticks
    ; (about 18 per second)
    ; since midnight into cx:dx
    mov ah, 00h
    int 1ah
    cmp dx, wait_time
    jb check_for_key
    add dx, 4
    mov wait_time, dx

    ; === eternal game loop:
    jmp game_loop


    ; show cursor back:
    mov ah, 1
    mov ch, 0bh
    mov cl, 0bh
    int 10h


    ; ------ functions section ------

    ; this procedure creates the
    ; animation by moving all snake
    ; body parts one step to tail,
    ; the old tail goes away:
    ; [last part (tail)]-> goes away
    ; [part i] -> [part i+1]
    ; ....

    move_snake proc near

    ; set es to bios info segment:
    mov ax, 40h
    mov es, ax

    ; point di to tail
    mov di, s_size * 2 - 2
    ; move all body parts
    ; (last one simply goes away)
    mov cx, s_size-1
    mov ax, snake[di-2]
    mov snake[di], ax
    sub di, 2
    loop move_array

    cmp cur_dir, left
    je move_left
    cmp cur_dir, right
    je move_right
    cmp cur_dir, up
    je move_up
    cmp cur_dir, down
    je move_down

    jmp stop_move ; no direction.

    mov al, b.snake[0]
    dec al
    mov b.snake[0], al
    cmp al, -1
    jne stop_move
    mov al, es:[4ah] ; col number.
    dec al
    mov b.snake[0], al ; return to right.
    jmp stop_move

    mov al, b.snake[0]
    inc al
    mov b.snake[0], al
    cmp al, es:[4ah] ; col number.
    jb stop_move
    mov b.snake[0], 0 ; return to left.
    jmp stop_move

    mov al, b.snake[1]
    dec al
    mov b.snake[1], al
    cmp al, -1
    jne stop_move
    mov al, es:[84h] ; row number -1.
    mov b.snake[1], al ; return to bottom.
    jmp stop_move

    mov al, b.snake[1]
    inc al
    mov b.snake[1], al
    cmp al, es:[84h] ; row number -1.
    jbe stop_move
    mov b.snake[1], 0 ; return to top.
    jmp stop_move

    move_snake endp

  4. #4

    نقل قول: روخداد خطای is not a valid win32 applicaion

    نقل قول نوشته شده توسط abasfar مشاهده تاپیک
    من برنامه را وقتی لینک میکنم و برنامه اجرایی تولید میکنم و وقتی اجرا میکنم با خطای زیر مواجه میشم؟؟؟؟

    c:\exmp.exe is not a valid win32 applicaion
    برنامه در emu8086 مشکلی نداشت ، فعلا وقت بررسی کد رو ندارم لینک زیر هم مطالعه کنید.
    Not a valid Win32 application
    موفق باشی

  5. #5

    نقل قول: روخداد خطای is not a valid win32 applicaion

    نتونستم کاری کنم کسی وقت داره کمک کنه

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