نمایش نتایج 1 تا 4 از 4

نام تاپیک: مشکل با Expiration مربوط به session در درخواستهای ajax

  1. #1

    Smile مشکل با Expiration مربوط به session در درخواستهای ajax

    به نام خدا ، با سلام ، آنطوری که بررسی کردم به نظر می رسد این یک باگ باشد ، و البته در نت هم چند تا راه حل وجود داشت ، که مثلا یکی از آنها در اینجا می گذارم ، اما نمی دانم چرا کلا وقتی من کلاس Session را extends می کنم ، دیگر کلا با هر Refresh ، سشن Expire می شود.

    class MY_Session extends CI_Session {

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * sess_update()
    * Do not update an existing session on ajax or xajax calls
    * @access public
    * @return void
    public function sess_update()
    $CI =& get_instance();

    if ( ! $CI->input->is_ajax_request())

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * sess_destroy()
    * Clear's out the user_data array on sess::destroy.
    * @access public
    * @return void
    public function sess_destroy()
    $this->userdata = array();



    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    /* End of file MY_Session.php */
    /* Location: ./application/libraries/MY_Session.php */

  2. #2
    کاربر دائمی آواتار plague
    تاریخ عضویت
    آبان 1388
    محل زندگی

    نقل قول: مشکل با Expiration مربوط به session در درخواستهای ajax

    بله این یه باگ قدیمیه که از 2-3 ورژن قبل بوده و تا الان هم فکری براش نشده !
    2 قسمت داره یکی مشکل آپدیت شدن سشن هستش که باعث میشه اکسپایر بشه با درخواست های ایجکس که راه حل نه چندان جالبش اینیه که شما گزاشتی تو کد
    یکی هم مشکل با درخواست های همزمان هستش که اگه درخواستی فرستاده بشه و قبل از پایان پاسخ گویی به اون درخواست دیگری هم فرستاده بشه (مثل دو درخواست ایجکس همزمان یا رفرش کردن صفحه یا باز کردن چند تب همزمان ) باعث اکسپایر شدن سشن میشه

    این کلاس رو جایگزین کلاس سشن بکن و تست کن ببین چی میشه .... مشکل ایجکس من رو که حل کرد البته توی کانفیگ زمان آپدیت شدن سشن رو هم افزایش دادم از 300 دیفالت

    <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
    * CodeIgniter
    * An open source application development framework for PHP 5.1.6 or newer

    * Session Class
    * @package CodeIgniter
    * @subpackage Libraries
    * @category Sessions
    * @author EllisLab Dev Team
    * @link http://codeigniter.com/user_guide/libraries/sessions.html
    class CI_Session {

    public $sess_encrypt_cookie = FALSE;
    public $sess_use_database = FALSE;
    public $sess_table_name = '';
    public $sess_expiration = 7200;
    public $sess_expire_on_close = FALSE;
    public $sess_match_ip = FALSE;
    public $sess_match_useragent = TRUE;
    public $sess_cookie_name = 'ci_session';
    public $cookie_prefix = '';
    public $cookie_path = '';
    public $cookie_domain = '';
    public $cookie_secure = FALSE;
    public $sess_time_to_update = 300;
    public $encryption_key = '';
    public $flashdata_key = 'flash';
    public $time_reference = 'time';
    public $gc_probability = 5;
    public $userdata = array();
    public $CI;
    public $now;

    * Session Constructor
    * The constructor runs the session routines automatically
    * whenever the class is instantiated.
    public function __construct($params = array())
    log_message('debug', 'Session Class Initialized');

    // Set the super object to a local variable for use throughout the class
    $this->CI =& get_instance();

    // Set all the session preferences, which can either be set
    // manually via the $params array above or via the config file
    foreach (array('sess_encrypt_cookie', 'sess_use_database', 'sess_table_name', 'sess_expiration', 'sess_expire_on_close', 'sess_match_ip', 'sess_match_useragent', 'sess_cookie_name', 'cookie_path', 'cookie_domain', 'cookie_secure', 'sess_time_to_update', 'time_reference', 'cookie_prefix', 'encryption_key') as $key)
    $this->$key = (isset($params[$key])) ? $params[$key] : $this->CI->config->item($key);

    if ($this->encryption_key == '')
    show_error('In order to use the Session class you are required to set an encryption key in your config file.');

    // Load the string helper so we can use the strip_slashes() function

    // Do we need encryption? If so, load the encryption class
    if ($this->sess_encrypt_cookie == TRUE)

    // Are we using a database? If so, load it
    if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE && $this->sess_table_name != '')

    // Set the "now" time. Can either be GMT or server time, based on the
    // config prefs. We use this to set the "last activity" time
    $this->now = $this->_get_time();

    // Set the session length. If the session expiration is
    // set to zero we'll set the expiration two years from now.
    if ($this->sess_expiration == 0)
    $this->sess_expiration = (60*60*24*365*2);

    // Set the cookie name
    $this->sess_cookie_name = $this->cookie_prefix.$this->sess_cookie_name;

    // Run the Session routine. If a session doesn't exist we'll
    // create a new one. If it does, we'll update it.
    if ( ! $this->sess_read())

    // Delete 'old' flashdata (from last request)

    // Mark all new flashdata as old (data will be deleted before next request)

    // Delete expired sessions if necessary

    log_message('debug', 'Session routines successfully run');

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Fetch the current session data if it exists
    * @return bool
    public function sess_read()
    // Fetch the cookie
    $session = $this->CI->input->cookie($this->sess_cookie_name);

    // No cookie? Goodbye cruel world!...
    if ($session === FALSE)
    log_message('debug', 'A session cookie was not found.');
    return FALSE;

    // Decrypt the cookie data
    if ($this->sess_encrypt_cookie == TRUE)
    $session = $this->CI->encrypt->decode($session);
    // encryption was not used, so we need to check the md5 hash
    $hash = substr($session, strlen($session)-32); // get last 32 chars
    $session = substr($session, 0, strlen($session)-32);

    // Does the md5 hash match? This is to prevent manipulation of session data in userspace
    if ($hash !== md5($session.$this->encryption_key))
    log_message('error', 'The session cookie data did not match what was expected. This could be a possible hacking attempt.');
    return FALSE;

    // Unserialize the session array
    $session = $this->_unserialize($session);

    // Is the session data we unserialized an array with the correct format?
    if ( ! is_array($session) OR ! isset($session['session_id'], $session['ip_address'], $session['user_agent'], $session['last_activity']))
    return FALSE;

    // Is the session current?
    if (($session['last_activity'] + $this->sess_expiration) < $this->now)
    return FALSE;

    // Does the IP match?
    if ($this->sess_match_ip == TRUE && $session['ip_address'] !== $this->CI->input->ip_address())
    return FALSE;

    // Does the User Agent Match?
    if ($this->sess_match_useragent == TRUE && trim($session['user_agent']) !== trim(substr($this->CI->input->user_agent(), 0, 120)))
    return FALSE;

    // Is there a corresponding session in the DB?
    if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE)
    $this->CI->db->where('session_id', $session['session_id']);

    if ($this->sess_match_ip == TRUE)
    $this->CI->db->where('ip_address', $session['ip_address']);

    if ($this->sess_match_useragent == TRUE)
    $this->CI->db->where('user_agent', $session['user_agent']);

    $query = $this->CI->db->get($this->sess_table_name);

    // No result? Kill it!
    if ($query->num_rows() === 0)
    return FALSE;

    // Is there custom data? If so, add it to the main session array
    $row = $query->row();
    if (isset($row->user_data) && $row->user_data != '')
    $custom_data = $this->_unserialize($row->user_data);

    if (is_array($custom_data))
    foreach ($custom_data as $key => $val)
    $session[$key] = $val;

    // Session is valid!
    $this->userdata = $session;

    return TRUE;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Write the session data
    * @return void
    public function sess_write()
    // Are we saving custom data to the DB? If not, all we do is update the cookie
    if ($this->sess_use_database === FALSE)

    // set the custom userdata, the session data we will set in a second
    $custom_userdata = $this->userdata;
    $cookie_userdata = array();

    // Before continuing, we need to determine if there is any custom data to deal with.
    // Let's determine this by removing the default indexes to see if there's anything left in the array
    // and set the session data while we're at it
    foreach (array('session_id','ip_address','user_agent','las t_activity') as $val)
    $cookie_userdata[$val] = $this->userdata[$val];

    // Did we find any custom data? If not, we turn the empty array into a string
    // since there's no reason to serialize and store an empty array in the DB
    if (count($custom_userdata) === 0)
    $custom_userdata = '';
    // Serialize the custom data array so we can store it
    $custom_userdata = $this->_serialize($custom_userdata);

    // Run the update query
    $this->CI->db->where('session_id', $this->userdata['session_id']);
    $this->CI->db->update($this->sess_table_name, array('last_activity' => $this->userdata['last_activity'], 'user_data' => $custom_userdata));

    // Write the cookie. Notice that we manually pass the cookie data array to the
    // _set_cookie() function. Normally that function will store $this->userdata, but
    // in this case that array contains custom data, which we do not want in the cookie.

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Create a new session
    * @return void
    public function sess_create()
    $sessid = '';
    $sessid .= mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax());
    while (strlen($sessid) < 32);

    // To make the session ID even more secure we'll combine it with the user's IP
    $sessid .= $this->CI->input->ip_address();

    $this->userdata = array(
    'session_id' => md5(uniqid($sessid, TRUE)),
    'ip_address' => $this->CI->input->ip_address(),
    'user_agent' => substr($this->CI->input->user_agent(), 0, 120),
    'last_activity' => $this->now,
    'user_data' => ''

    // Save the data to the DB if needed
    if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE)
    $this->CI->db->query($this->CI->db->insert_string($this->sess_table_name, $this->userdata));

    // Write the cookie

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Update an existing session
    * @return void
    public function sess_update()
    // We only update the session every five minutes by default
    if (($this->userdata['last_activity'] + $this->sess_time_to_update) >= $this->now)

    // _set_cookie() will handle this for us if we aren't using database sessions
    // by pushing all userdata to the cookie.
    $cookie_data = NULL;

    /* Changing the session ID during an AJAX call causes problems,
    * so we'll only update our last_activity
    if ($this->CI->input->is_ajax_request())
    $this->userdata['last_activity'] = $this->now;

    // Update the session ID and last_activity field in the DB if needed
    if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE)
    // set cookie explicitly to only have our session data
    $cookie_data = array();
    foreach (array('session_id','ip_address','user_agent','las t_activity') as $val)
    $cookie_data[$val] = $this->userdata[$val];

    array('last_activity' => $this->userdata['last_activity']),
    array('session_id' => $this->userdata['session_id'])));

    return $this->_set_cookie($cookie_data);

    // Save the old session id so we know which record to
    // update in the database if we need it
    $old_sessid = $this->userdata['session_id'];
    $new_sessid = '';
    $new_sessid .= mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax());
    while (strlen($new_sessid) < 32);

    // To make the session ID even more secure we'll combine it with the user's IP
    $new_sessid .= $this->CI->input->ip_address();

    // Turn it into a hash and update the session data array
    $this->userdata['session_id'] = $new_sessid = md5(uniqid($new_sessid, TRUE));
    $this->userdata['last_activity'] = $this->now;

    // Update the session ID and last_activity field in the DB if needed
    if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE)
    // set cookie explicitly to only have our session data
    $cookie_data = array();
    foreach (array('session_id','ip_address','user_agent','las t_activity') as $val)
    $cookie_data[$val] = $this->userdata[$val];

    $this->CI->db->query($this->CI->db->update_string($this->sess_table_name, array('last_activity' => $this->now, 'session_id' => $new_sessid), array('session_id' => $old_sessid)));

    // Write the cookie

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Destroy the current session
    * @return void
    public function sess_destroy()
    // Kill the session DB row
    if ($this->sess_use_database === TRUE && isset($this->userdata['session_id']))
    $this->CI->db->where('session_id', $this->userdata['session_id']);

    // Kill the cookie
    ($this->now - 31500000),

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Fetch a specific item from the session array
    * @param string
    * @return string
    public function userdata($item)
    return ( ! isset($this->userdata[$item])) ? FALSE : $this->userdata[$item];

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Fetch all session data
    * @return array
    public function all_userdata()
    return $this->userdata;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Add or change data in the "userdata" array
    * @param mixed
    * @param string
    * @return void
    public function set_userdata($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
    if (is_string($newdata))
    $newdata = array($newdata => $newval);

    if (count($newdata) > 0)
    foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
    $this->userdata[$key] = $val;


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Delete a session variable from the "userdata" array
    * @return void
    public function unset_userdata($newdata = array())
    if (is_string($newdata))
    $newdata = array($newdata => '');

    if (count($newdata) > 0)
    foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Add or change flashdata, only available
    * until the next request
    * @param mixed
    * @param string
    * @return void
    public function set_flashdata($newdata = array(), $newval = '')
    if (is_string($newdata))
    $newdata = array($newdata => $newval);

    if (count($newdata) > 0)
    foreach ($newdata as $key => $val)
    $this->set_userdata($this->flashdata_key.':new:'.$key, $val);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Keeps existing flashdata available to next request.
    * @param string
    * @return void
    public function keep_flashdata($key)
    // 'old' flashdata gets removed. Here we mark all
    // flashdata as 'new' to preserve it from _flashdata_sweep()
    // Note the function will return FALSE if the $key
    // provided cannot be found
    $value = $this->userdata($this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$key);

    $this->set_userdata($this->flashdata_key.':new:'.$key, $value);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Fetch a specific flashdata item from the session array
    * @param string
    * @return string
    public function flashdata($key)
    return $this->userdata($this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$key);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Identifies flashdata as 'old' for removal
    * when _flashdata_sweep() runs.
    * @return void
    protected function _flashdata_mark()
    $userdata = $this->all_userdata();
    foreach ($userdata as $name => $value)
    $parts = explode(':new:', $name);
    if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) === 2)
    $this->set_userdata($this->flashdata_key.':old:'.$parts[1], $value);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Removes all flashdata marked as 'old'
    * @return void
    protected function _flashdata_sweep()
    $userdata = $this->all_userdata();
    foreach ($userdata as $key => $value)
    if (strpos($key, ':old:'))


    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Get the "now" time
    * @return string
    protected function _get_time()
    return (strtolower($this->time_reference) === 'gmt')
    ? mktime(gmdate('H'), gmdate('i'), gmdate('s'), gmdate('m'), gmdate('d'), gmdate('Y'))
    : time();

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Write the session cookie
    * @return void
    protected function _set_cookie($cookie_data = NULL)
    if (is_null($cookie_data))
    $cookie_data = $this->userdata;

    // Serialize the userdata for the cookie
    $cookie_data = $this->_serialize($cookie_data);

    if ($this->sess_encrypt_cookie == TRUE)
    $cookie_data = $this->CI->encrypt->encode($cookie_data);
    // if encryption is not used, we provide an md5 hash to prevent userside tampering
    $cookie_data = $cookie_data.md5($cookie_data.$this->encryption_key);

    $expire = ($this->sess_expire_on_close === TRUE) ? 0 : $this->sess_expiration + time();

    // Set the cookie

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Serialize an array
    * This function first converts any slashes found in the array to a temporary
    * marker, so when it gets unserialized the slashes will be preserved
    * @param array
    * @return string
    protected function _serialize($data)
    if (is_array($data))
    array_walk_recursive($data, array(&$this, '_escape_slashes'));
    elseif (is_string($data))
    $data = str_replace('\\', '{{slash}}', $data);
    return serialize($data);

    * Escape slashes
    * This function converts any slashes found into a temporary marker
    * @param string
    * @param string
    * @return void
    protected function _escape_slashes(&$val, $key)
    if (is_string($val))
    $val = str_replace('\\', '{{slash}}', $val);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Unserialize
    * This function unserializes a data string, then converts any
    * temporary slash markers back to actual slashes
    * @param array
    * @return string
    protected function _unserialize($data)
    $data = @unserialize(strip_slashes($data));

    if (is_array($data))
    array_walk_recursive($data, array(&$this, '_unescape_slashes'));
    return $data;

    return (is_string($data)) ? str_replace('{{slash}}', '\\', $data) : $data;

    * Unescape slashes
    * This function converts any slash markers back into actual slashes
    * @param string
    * @param string
    * @return void
    protected function _unescape_slashes(&$val, $key)
    if (is_string($val))
    $val= str_replace('{{slash}}', '\\', $val);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------------

    * Garbage collection
    * This deletes expired session rows from database
    * if the probability percentage is met
    * @return void
    protected function _sess_gc()
    if ($this->sess_use_database != TRUE)

    if ((rand() % 100) < $this->gc_probability)
    $expire = $this->now - $this->sess_expiration;

    $this->CI->db->where("last_activity < {$expire}");

    log_message('debug', 'Session garbage collection performed.');


  3. #3

    نقل قول: مشکل با Expiration مربوط به session در درخواستهای ajax

    به نام خدا ، تشکر ، به نظر می رسد در حال حاظر توی git یک کارهایی انجام دارد می شود ، اما معلوم نیست که نسخه آینده کی می آید. یک مورد دیگر هم این بود که من یک جایی خوندم که اگر مقدار sess_time_to_update را زیاد بکنی مشکل امنیتی رخ می دهد ، درست است ؟

  4. #4
    کاربر دائمی آواتار plague
    تاریخ عضویت
    آبان 1388
    محل زندگی

    نقل قول: مشکل با Expiration مربوط به session در درخواستهای ajax

    نه فکر نمیکنم مشکل خیلی حادی پیش بیاد

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  • شما نمی توانید پاسخ هایتان را ویرایش کنید