با سلام من برای پرینت گرفتن یک دیتا گرید از کلاس زیر استفاده میکنم ولی در پرینت Preview رویداد Right to Left معکوس میشه و کلاس زیر دیتاگرید مورد نظرم که داری متن فارسی هست رو معکوس میکنه ممنون میشم اساتید در صورت اطلاع پاسخ دهید . سپاسگزارم

Imports System.Collections.Generic

Public Class PrintDGV
Private Shared StrFormat As StringFormat ' Holds content of a TextBox Cell to write by DrawString
Private Shared StrFormatComboBox As StringFormat ' Holds content of a Boolean Cell to write by DrawImage
Private Shared CellButton As Button ' Holds the Contents of Button Cell
Private Shared CellCheckBox As CheckBox ' Holds the Contents of CheckBox Cell
Private Shared CellComboBox As ComboBox ' Holds the Contents of ComboBox Cell

Private Shared TotalWidth As Int16 ' Summation of Columns widths
Private Shared RowPos As Int16 ' Position of currently printing row
Private Shared NewPage As Boolean ' Indicates if a new page reached
Private Shared PageNo As Int16 ' Number of pages to print
Private Shared ColumnLefts As New ArrayList ' Left Coordinate of Columns
Private Shared ColumnWidths As New ArrayList ' Width of Columns
Private Shared ColumnTypes As New ArrayList ' DataType of Columns
Private Shared CellHeight As Int16 ' Height of DataGrid Cell
Private Shared RowsPerPage As Int16 ' Number of Rows per Page
Private Shared WithEvents PrintDoc As New System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument ' PrintDocumnet Object used for printing

Private Shared PrintTitle As String = "" ' Header of pages
Private Shared dgv As DataGridView ' Holds DataGrid Object to print its contents
Private Shared SelectedColumns As New List(Of String) ' The Columns Selected by user to print.
Private Shared AvailableColumns As New List(Of String) ' All Columns avaiable in DataGrid
Private Shared PrintAllRows As Boolean = True ' True = print all rows, False = print selected rows
Private Shared FitToPageWidth As Boolean = True ' True = Fits selected columns to page width , False = Print columns as showed
Private Shared HeaderHeight As Int16 = 0

Public Shared Sub Print_DataGridView(ByVal dgv1 As DataGridView)
Dim ppvw As PrintPreviewDialog
' Getting DataGridView object to print
dgv = dgv1

' Getting all Coulmns Names in the DataGridView
For Each c As DataGridViewColumn In dgv.Columns
If Not c.Visible Then Continue For

' Showing the PrintOption Form
Dim dlg As New PrintOptions(AvailableColumns)
If dlg.ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then Exit Sub

' Saving some printing attributes
PrintTitle = dlg.PrintTitle
PrintAllRows = dlg.PrintAllRows
FitToPageWidth = dlg.FitToPageWidth
SelectedColumns = dlg.GetSelectedColumns

RowsPerPage = 0
ppvw = New PrintPreviewDialog
ppvw.Document = PrintDoc

' Showing the Print Preview Page
If ppvw.ShowDialog() <> DialogResult.OK Then Exit Sub
' Printing the Documnet
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End Try
End Sub

Private Shared Sub PrintDoc_BeginPrint(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs) Handles PrintDoc.BeginPrint

' Formatting the Content of Text Cells to print
StrFormat = New StringFormat
StrFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
StrFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
StrFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter

' Formatting the Content of Combo Cells to print
StrFormatComboBox = New StringFormat
StrFormatComboBox.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
StrFormatComboBox.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap
StrFormatComboBox.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter

CellHeight = 0
RowsPerPage = 0

' For various column types
CellButton = New Button
CellCheckBox = New CheckBox
CellComboBox = New ComboBox

TotalWidth = 0
For Each GridCol As DataGridViewColumn In dgv.Columns
If Not GridCol.Visible Then Continue For
If Not SelectedColumns.Contains(GridCol.HeaderText) Then Continue For
TotalWidth += GridCol.Width
PageNo = 1
NewPage = True
RowPos = 0
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End Try
End Sub

Private Shared Sub PrintDoc_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDoc.PrintPage

Dim tmpWidth As Int16, i As Int16
Dim tmpTop As Int16 = e.MarginBounds.Top
Dim tmpLeft As Int16 = e.MarginBounds.Left

' Before starting first page, it saves Width & Height of Headers and CoulmnType
If PageNo = 1 Then
For Each GridCol As DataGridViewColumn In dgv.Columns
If Not GridCol.Visible Then Continue For
If Not SelectedColumns.Contains(GridCol.HeaderText) Then
Continue For
End If

' Detemining whether the columns are fitted to page or not.
If FitToPageWidth Then
tmpWidth = CType(Math.Floor(GridCol.Width / TotalWidth * _
TotalWidth * (e.MarginBounds.Width / TotalWidth)), Int16)
tmpWidth = GridCol.Width
End If
HeaderHeight = e.Graphics.MeasureString(GridCol.HeaderText, _
GridCol.InheritedStyle.Font, tmpWidth).Height + 11

tmpLeft += tmpWidth
End If

' Printing Current Page, Row by Row
Do While RowPos <= dgv.Rows.Count - 1
Dim GridRow As DataGridViewRow = dgv.Rows(RowPos)
If GridRow.IsNewRow OrElse (Not PrintAllRows AndAlso Not GridRow.Selected) Then
RowPos += 1 : Continue Do
End If

CellHeight = GridRow.Height

If tmpTop + CellHeight >= e.MarginBounds.Height + e.MarginBounds.Top Then
DrawFooter(e, RowsPerPage)
NewPage = True
PageNo += 1
e.HasMorePages = True
Exit Sub
If NewPage Then
' Draw Header
e.Graphics.DrawString(PrintTitle, New Font(dgv.Font, FontStyle.Bold), _
Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left, e.MarginBounds.Top - _
e.Graphics.MeasureString(PrintTitle, New Font(dgv.Font, _
FontStyle.Bold), e.MarginBounds.Width).Height - 13)

Dim s As String = Now.ToLongDateString + " " + Now.ToShortTimeString

e.Graphics.DrawString(s, New Font(dgv.Font, FontStyle.Bold), _
Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left + (e.MarginBounds.Width - _
e.Graphics.MeasureString(s, New Font(dgv.Font, FontStyle.Bold), _
e.MarginBounds.Width).Width), e.MarginBounds.Top - _
e.Graphics.MeasureString(PrintTitle, _
New Font(New Font(dgv.Font, FontStyle.Bold), FontStyle.Bold), _
e.MarginBounds.Width).Height - 13)

' Draw Columns
tmpTop = e.MarginBounds.Top
i = 0
For Each GridCol As DataGridViewColumn In dgv.Columns
If Not GridCol.Visible Then Continue For
If Not SelectedColumns.Contains(GridCol.HeaderText) Then
Continue For
End If

e.Graphics.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Drawing.Color.LightGray), _
New Rectangle(ColumnLefts(i), tmpTop, ColumnWidths(i), HeaderHeight))

e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(ColumnLefts(i), _
tmpTop, ColumnWidths(i), HeaderHeight))

e.Graphics.DrawString(GridCol.HeaderText, GridCol.InheritedStyle.Font, _
New SolidBrush(GridCol.InheritedStyle.ForeColor), _
New RectangleF(ColumnLefts(i), tmpTop, ColumnWidths(i), _
HeaderHeight), StrFormat)
i += 1
NewPage = False

tmpTop += HeaderHeight
End If

i = 0
For Each Cel As DataGridViewCell In GridRow.Cells
If Not Cel.OwningColumn.Visible Then Continue For
If Not SelectedColumns.Contains(Cel.OwningColumn.HeaderTe xt) Then
Continue For
End If

' For the TextBox Column
If ColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewTextBoxColumn) OrElse _
ColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewLinkColumn) Then

e.Graphics.DrawString(Cel.Value.ToString, Cel.InheritedStyle.Font, _
New SolidBrush(Cel.InheritedStyle.ForeColor), _
New RectangleF(ColumnLefts(i), tmpTop, ColumnWidths(i), _
CellHeight), StrFormat)

' For the Button Column
ElseIf ColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewButtonColumn) Then

CellButton.Text = Cel.Value.ToString
CellButton.Size = New Size(ColumnWidths(i), CellHeight)
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(CellButton.Width, CellButton.Height)
CellButton.DrawToBitmap(bmp, New Rectangle(0, 0, _
bmp.Width, bmp.Height))
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, New Point(ColumnLefts(i), tmpTop))

' For the CheckBox Column
ElseIf ColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn) Then

CellCheckBox.Size = New Size(14, 14)
CellCheckBox.Checked = CType(Cel.Value, Boolean)
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(ColumnWidths(i), CellHeight)
Dim tmpGraphics As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)
tmpGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, New Rectangle(0, 0, _
bmp.Width, bmp.Height))
CellCheckBox.DrawToBitmap(bmp, New Rectangle(CType((bmp.Width - _
CellCheckBox.Width) / 2, Int32), CType((bmp.Height - _
CellCheckBox.Height) / 2, Int32), CellCheckBox.Width, _
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, New Point(ColumnLefts(i), tmpTop))

' For the ComboBox Column
ElseIf ColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewComboBoxColumn) Then

CellComboBox.Size = New Size(ColumnWidths(i), CellHeight)
Dim bmp As New Bitmap(CellComboBox.Width, CellComboBox.Height)
CellComboBox.DrawToBitmap(bmp, New Rectangle(0, 0, _
bmp.Width, bmp.Height))
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, New Point(ColumnLefts(i), tmpTop))
e.Graphics.DrawString(Cel.Value.ToString, Cel.InheritedStyle.Font, _
New SolidBrush(Cel.InheritedStyle.ForeColor), _
New RectangleF(ColumnLefts(i) + 1, tmpTop, ColumnWidths(i) _
- 16, CellHeight), StrFormatComboBox)

' For the Image Column
ElseIf ColumnTypes(i) Is GetType(DataGridViewImageColumn) Then

Dim CelSize As Rectangle = New Rectangle(ColumnLefts(i), _
tmpTop, ColumnWidths(i), CellHeight)
Dim ImgSize As Size = CType(Cel.FormattedValue, Image).Size
e.Graphics.DrawImage(Cel.FormattedValue, New Rectangle(ColumnLefts(i) _
+ CType(((CelSize.Width - ImgSize.Width) / 2), Int32), _
tmpTop + CType(((CelSize.Height - ImgSize.Height) / 2), _
Int32), CType(Cel.FormattedValue, Image).Width, CType(Cel.FormattedValue, _

End If

' Drawing Cells Borders
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(ColumnLefts(i), _
tmpTop, ColumnWidths(i), CellHeight))

i += 1

tmpTop += CellHeight

End If

RowPos += 1
' For the first page it calculates Rows per Page
If PageNo = 1 Then
RowsPerPage += 1
End If

If RowsPerPage = 0 Then Exit Sub

' Write Footer (Page Number)
DrawFooter(e, RowsPerPage)

e.HasMorePages = False
Catch ex As Exception
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

End Try
End Sub

Private Shared Sub DrawFooter(ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs, ByVal RowsPerPage As Int32)
Dim cnt As Integer

' Detemining rows number to print
If PrintAllRows Then
If dgv.Rows(dgv.Rows.Count - 1).IsNewRow Then
' When the DataGridView doesn't allow adding rows
cnt = dgv.Rows.Count - 2
' When the DataGridView allows adding rows
cnt = dgv.Rows.Count - 1
End If
cnt = dgv.SelectedRows.Count
End If

' Writing the Page Number on the Bottom of Page
Dim PageNum As String = PageNo.ToString + " of " + _
Math.Ceiling(cnt / RowsPerPage).ToString
e.Graphics.DrawString(PageNum, dgv.Font, Brushes.Black, _
e.MarginBounds.Left + (e.MarginBounds.Width - _
e.Graphics.MeasureString(PageNum, dgv.Font, _
e.MarginBounds.Width).Width) / 2, e.MarginBounds.Top + _
e.MarginBounds.Height + 31)

End Sub

End Class