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نام تاپیک: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

  1. #41
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    QuickReport v5.05 Pro for XE,XE2,XE3 (32/64)

  2. #42
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    TEmailServer Component Version 4.2 for Delphi

    TEmailServer is a built-in SMTP server that can simultaneously validate or verify email addresses and send multiple email messages. As long as you have an internet connection, you can send emails from anywhere in the world. You do NOT need any external SMTP server or mess with login password to send emails messages.

    With advance and stable multi-threading operations, TEmailServer enables you to create multiple connections. Depending on your connection speed and bandwidth, you may be able to create as many as 40 connections simultaneously. This will enable you to validate email addresses or send email messages at a lighting speed.

    Improved mail sending capabilities enable you to send plain text, html, embedded graphic html or EML messages.

    TEmailServer comes with a range of practical processing methods which you will be apply to trap any conceivable errors or display events.

    This component has been fully tested on all versions of Windows.

    Email Validator or Verifier. You can easily built an email validator or verifier by using this component. Minimum coding are required to built such application. Please refer to 'Validator Demo' example which demonstrate how this works. Please note that some server may not support email validation.
    Bulk Sender/ReMailer. If you are looking for a stable bulk sender, remailer or just a simple mailer please try the 'Remailer Demo'.

  3. #43
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
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    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    EMS Advanced Excel Report v1.9.1.1 Full Source

    Advanced Excel Report for Delphi is a powerful band-oriented generator of template-based reports in MS Excel. Easy-to-use component property editors allow you to quickly create powerful reports in MS Excel. Now you can create reports, which can be edited, saved to file and viewed almost on any computer. Advanced Excel Report supports Delphi 5-7, 2005-2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3 and MS Office 97 SR-1, 2000-2010.

    Key Features
    Creating report templates directly in MS Excel
    Saving template as in the external *.xls file, as in the *.dfm (.exe) file
    Band-oriented report generator
    Any data source can be used
    Creation of master-detail reports and reports with grouping
    Full integration with Delphi IDE
    High productivity even on slow computers
    Detailed help system and a demo application for a quicker mastering of the product
    Powerful component and property editors, which allow you to set many report parameters at the design-time easily
    Delphi 5-7, 2005-2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3 and MS Office 97 SR-1, 2000-2010 support

  4. #44
    کاربر دائمی آواتار rezamahdizadeh
    تاریخ عضویت
    اسفند 1385
    محل زندگی

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    Windows Ribbon Framework for Delphi

    آیا از قابلیت راست به چپ پشتیبانی می کند؟

  5. #45
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    Envision Image Library V2.58 FullSource for CB6,D7-DX3

    The Envision Image Library*augments Borland's Delphi, C++‎ Builder, and the*Developers Studio*with powerful imaging capabilities. The library provides image file I/O for popular file formats, printing, scanning, and image processing features. It is for Win32 development using versions*7 of Delphi,*C++‎ Builder*6, and BDS 2005, 2006 and Rad Studio 2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2-32 bit, XE3-32 bit.*

    Integrated with the VCL's TImage component*
    Easy to use image viewer component with rubberbanding support*
    Supports popular file formats:* Comprehensive TIFF (Packbits, CCITT group 3, 1d and 2d,* group 4, JPEG compression, Deflate compression, LZW is not supported for legal reasons, multi-page read and write) PNG, JPEG, BMP, PCX, DCX, TGA, ICO, WMF, EMF, PPM, EPS (preview only)*
    TWAIN scanning
    Flexible image printing (original size, full page, specific width, specific height, specific width and height, stretch to page)*
    Image processing: Anti-aliasing, brightness, contrast, convert to gray, edge detection, emboss, sharpen, smooth, flip vertical and horizontal, gamma adjustment, negative, interpolated resize, rotate 90, 180, 270 and arbitrary angle, cropping, format conversion including Floyd Steinberg dithering and color quantization*
    OCR (optical character recognition) *interface
    Executable programs produced with the library may be distributed royalty free.
    Does not require external DLL's. Includes complete source code.

  6. #46
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    HierCube VCL 4.70.0

    HierCube for VCL versions history
    HierCube VCL 4.70.0 (October 23, 2012):
    New features:

    Delphi XE3 support;
    HierCube VCL 4.61.0 (July 23, 2012):
    New features:

    Delphi XE2 Update 4 support.
    Bugs fixed:
    Main features:

    • 100% Unicode support.
    • Supports hierarchical dimensions described by "Parent-Child" relations. Both "balanced" and "unbalanced" hierarchies are supported. No restrictions for the amount of hierarchical levels.
    • Supports "snowflake" schema.
    • An ability to edit fact table data directly in OLAP-view.
    • An ability to show several summaries and several aggregate function at the same time. To compare the values of neighbor cells or calculate cumulative sums can be used sub-functions. See the list of supported functions on the footnote.
    • Calculated dimensions and range-based dimensions. An ability to use a summary as one of the cube dimensions.
    • Three types of calculated summaries:
      • Calculated from the fact table records
      • Calculated using user formulas
      • Calculated using user defined aggregate functions.
    • Supports dimension attributes. Any field from the dimension table may be read from the fact table as a separate attribute of dimension and used later to describe dimension members more fully.
    • Supports supersaturated cubes when one cube cell hold two or more values from the fact table.
    • Using all MOLAP advantages with no problems, related with calculating of "sparse" cubes ("database explosion" and "cube sparsity"). HierCube works easy with hundreds of dimensions and, so solves tasks beyond of the strength of most of industrial OLAP-servers. There are no restrictions for the maximum cube capacity.
    • High performance and very modest memory requirements: algorithms of calculating "on the fly" allow to process the fact table holding a million of records in a single second (excluding the time of data fetching). See benchmarks page for details.
    • Works with any successor of standard TDataSet component, no BDE required. Works with unidirectional datasets (that "remember" only current database record) and datasets that "do not know" the full record count of an executed query.
    • Supports saving to and reading from any component derived from TStream (including TFileStream). Allows to save the "history of analysis" (in other word different slices of the same cube) and switch between them later.
    • Allows to fetch new data from the fact table or full refresh without closing the cube (at that the grid keeps the current slice).
    • Supports user groups, sorting, filtering by dimension members. Can filter by any combination of dimension members in any dimension.
    • Allows to display the current slice as a diagram (any TChart successor). Source code of the charting component are distributed free.
    • Allows to copy the selected grid area into clipboard in different formats.
    • Allows to export grid data to many formats: MS Excel (using OLE or directly to XLS-file), HTML, PDF, WMF, RTF, TXT, BMP, XML for Analysis, XML Spreadsheet, RaveReport, ReportBuilder, FastReport. Also supports direct drawing on printer Canvas.
    • Easy localization. It is possible to localize the evaluation version as well.
    • Supporting OS: Windows 2000 or above.

  7. #47
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    TMS Component Pack for Delphi & C++‎Builder 5-XE3 Full Source

    Grid components
    HTML components
    Edit controls
    Planner components
    Outlook / inspector bar components
    Web connectivity components
    Syntax highlighting memo component
    System components
    Graphic components
    Menu components
    Smooth components
    Miscellaneous components
    Full component list
    List of samples

    Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle.
    TMS Component Pack for Delphi & C++‎Builder includes feature-packed grids, Office 2007 ribbon, Office 2003 style toolbar, planning/scheduling components, advanced edits, toolbars, internet auto application update, Office 2003/2007 style tabs, pager, panel, Outlook navigational controls and much much more...

    What's new & improved in version

    New: Support for Delphi XE3 / C++‎Builder XE3 added
    New: fmLiteral, fmExpress settings for filtering in TAdvStringGrid
    New: Support for use of imagelist or picturecontainer images in HTML hints in TAdvStringGrid
    New: HintShowLargeTextPos property to control position of hints in TAdvStringGrid
    New: ControlLook.HintMaxWidth added to control max. width of hints in TAdvStringGrid
    New: HoverRowCells property added in TAdvStringGrid
    New: Methods GetSelectionAsText/SetSeledctionAsText added in TAdvStringGrid
    New: Title, Footer added in TAdvGridRTFIO for TAdvStringGrid
    New: DisabledColor/DisabledShadow added in THTMLCheckBox, THTMLRadioButton
    New: Event OnAutoClose added in TAdvTaskDialog, TAdvInputTaskDialog
    New: Exposed SelectionColor for TAdvOfficeTableSelector
    New: DroppedDown public property added in TAdvOfficeSelectors
    New: Properties CheckMinValue, CheckMaxValue added in TAdvSpinEdit
    New: Added property HideEmptyText on TCurvyEdit
    New: Property vCalendarVersion property added in TvCalendar
    New: Property GroupLineColor added in TAdvOutlookList
    New: OnIndicatorDblClick event added in TAdvSmoothTimeLine
    New: Public property ExtractRelative: boolean added in TCABFile
    New: Event OnNewSize added in THTMLabel
    New: TAdvMetroTile can be used as container for other controls in TMS Metro Controls
    New: Support for use with actions added to TAdvOfficeRadioButton
    New: CaptionFontStyle and DescriptionFontStyle properties added in TAdvPolyList
    A lot of smaller improvements & fixes in various components. See full version history for details

  8. #48
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 17.0.4625 incl. crack

    Embarcadero Technologies announced a suite of major new releases empowering developers to rapidly build, migrate, and maintain single code base native applications for Windows 8. Embarcadero’s new developer tools, Delphi XE3, C++‎Builder XE3, and RAD Studio XE3, help enterprises support the rapidly growing heterogeneous client environment.

    Embarcadero’s new tools create an opportunity for ISVs to sell to new users in a growing market as well as being more competitive in the Windows packaged software space. Delphi XE3 and C++‎Builder XE3, both included in RAD Studio XE3, enable developers to build native PC and Slate/Surface Pro tablet applications with the Windows 8 UI style widely known as “Metro”.

  9. #49
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
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    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    PaxCompiler v3.1 DateCode Full Source

    paxCompiler is an embeddable compiler of the Object Pascal, Basic and javascript programming languages. The key features of the paxCompiler are:
    The compiler generates machine code for Intel compatible processors (IA-32 architecture).
    It is possible to use the compiler as a scripting engine. You can embed the compiler into host application, register host-defined types, routines, variables and constants for the engine, read/write script-defined variables, call script-defined functions etc. You can save/load compiled scripts to/from a stream.
    The compiler was initially written in Borland Delphi as a set of Delphi components. TPaxCompiler, TPaxProgram and TPaxPascalLanguage are Delphi components that allows you to embed the paxCompiler into Delphi, Kylix or Borland C++‎ Builder application so you can customize and extend the application without having to recompile it.
    Source code of paxCompiler is compatible with Free Pascal 2.0.
    paxCompiler, implemented as paxcompilerlib.dll, can be used for scripting Microsoft Visual C++‎ applications.
    The compiler supports Object Pascal language based on the Delphi 7 standard. Syntax of Basic language is similar to VB.NET.
    Script-defined functions support register (Borland fastcall), cdecl, stdcall, safecall, pascal and msfastcall (Microsoft fastcall) calling conventions.
    Cross-language programming support. You can use Pascal units in Basic and javascript programs and vice versa.
    COM support.
    TPaxCompilerDebugger and TPaxCompilerExplorer components implement debugger (breakpoints, call stack, watches, step over, trace into, run to cursor, pause) and code explorer capabilities.
    Script-defined types support run-time information (RTTI).
    You can bind instances of script-defined classes with dfm files.
    You can import host-defined types with paxCompiler importer.
    You can create stand alone executable files.
    Support of compiled units and run-time packages.
    paxCompiler engine is thread safe.
    The roadmap of the compiler includes: Java compiler, C++‎ compiler, built-in assembler.

  10. #50
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    Berg Soft Next Suite 5 1.2013 (VCL) Delphi 7-XE3 Full Source

    Jan 15 2013
    Next Common
    fixed: Bug fixes and internal tweaks.

    NextGrid v5.8
    added: Count property to InsertRow method.
    fixed: Bug fixes and internal tweaks.

    NextDBGrid v5.8
    fixed: Bug fixes and internal tweaks.

    NextInspector v5.8
    added: AutoExpand Boolean property. When set to true, item will be expanded on select.
    added: OnPropertyLoad event. Occur after LoadProperties method is called.
    added: OnPropertyLoaded event.

  11. #51
    کاربر دائمی آواتار mohsen24000
    تاریخ عضویت
    مرداد 1385
    محل زندگی
    شهر مقدس قم

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    Raize Components v6.1.1 Retail Include Serial

    Raize Components is a user interface design system for Delphi and C++‎‎Builder. At its center is a collection of more than 125 general-purpose native VCL controls. Built on a foundation of technology first created more than fifteen years ago, these high-quality components give developers unsurpassed power and flexibility without sacrificing ease-of-use. In addition to the core set of controls, Raize Components includes more than 100 component designers focused on simplifying user interface development. Now more than ever, developers use Raize Components to build sophisticated user interfaces in less time with less effort.

    The primary focus of Raize Components 6 is on the new VCL capabilities that have been added to Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2. Specifically, 64-bit VCL support and the really cool new VCL Styles support. Unlike other releases of RAD Studio which simply required recompiling the existing code base to provide a new set of DCUs and packages, there were a lot of low-level changes made to the VCL in XE2. For example, many controls migrated smoothly to 64-bit, but many others required low-level modifications. In addition, every control in Raize Components was affected by the new VCL Styles. Each control's display code needed to be significantly modified to fully support for VCL Styles when they are available. It has been a lot of work, but we are certain that you will find the end result really cool!

    There are other enhancements and fixes included in Raize Components 6, but 64-bit and VCL Styles support are the major new features. Raize Components 6 definitely leverages RAD Studio XE2, and to get the most out of RC6, you need XE2.

  12. #52

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    یک ابزار جالب هم من میذارم. امیدوارم به کار دوستان بیاید. برای قفل گذاری می توانید از آن استفاده کنید.

    USBPhysic DLL Component v1.1.0 (x86/32-bit)

    USBPhysic is a stand-alone component ( 32/64-bit Windows dynamic-link library - DLL ) that can be used to extract the physical vendor information from almost any USB (Universal Serial Bus) storage device. With USBPhysic you can get the manufacturer serial number, manufacturer name and so on, of the external portable Hard Drives, flash/pen/key drive or any other kind of USB Storage Device.

    The USB storage device serial number is a unique number/string per device and this offers you a chance to programmatically identify the actual device. Let's say you want a way to lock your software to a USB storage device (a small flash pen), or distribute your software only with a USB stick, a fast and reliable way to do that is by generating a serial number based on that USB device serial (the hardware serial number that can not be changed, even after a full format). The physical serial number is not the same as the volume serial number, it will not change after a format, and there is no way to change it unless you change the actual device.

  13. #53

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    با اجازه ایجاد کننده تاپیک

    Bass24 +Sample Demos + bass.PAS and addons x32/x64

    BASS is an audio library for use in software on several platforms. Its purpose is to provide developers with powerful and efficient sample, stream (MP3, MP2, MP1, OGG, WAV, AIFF, custom generated, and more via OS codecs and add-ons), MOD music (XM, IT, S3M, MOD, MTM, UMX), MO3 music (MP3/OGG compressed MODs), and recording functions. All in a compact DLL that won't bloat your distribution.

  14. #54
    کاربر دائمی آواتار gholami146
    تاریخ عضویت
    آبان 1388
    محل زندگی
    مشهد مقدس

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    با سلام خدمت تمامی دوستان برنامه نویس مخصوصا دلفی کار های عزیز
    امشب خوشحال هستم و تصمیم دارم خوشحالیم رو با همه شما تقسیم کنم
    میخواهم واستون مکانی رو معرفی کنم که میتونید از اونجا یک عالمه کامپوننت جدید رو بصورت مجانی دریافت کنید البته باید برای ورود به این سایت از بوووق استفاده کنید
    البته یک کم تیز بازی هم در آوردم و برای اینکه کلیک خور سایتم بالا بره ادرس رو براتون تو سایتم قرار دادم
    (در قسمت ستون چپ در بخش متداولترین تجهیزات به نام دریافت کامپوننت ها)
    باید ببخشید خیلی شرمنده هستم ولی این مطلب دروغ نیست ارزش امتحان رو داره
    برای ادامه اینجا کلیک کنید
    اگه هرکی رفت و با موفقیت دانلود کرد لطفا از دکمه تشکر استفاده کنه تا دیگر کاربران هم با دیدن تشکر ها از واقعیت این موضوع مطلع بشن
    موفق باشید
    آخرین ویرایش به وسیله gholami146 : پنج شنبه 10 اسفند 1391 در 17:43 عصر

  15. #55

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    من میخوام

  16. #56

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    کسی madCodeHook رو نداره؟؟ (کاملشو)
    اگه دارید لطفاً برای من ارسال کنید.
    Everything that has a beginning has an end. ... The End?

  17. #57
    کاربر جدید
    تاریخ عضویت
    آبان 1390
    محل زندگی

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    دوستان از این سایت هر کامپوننتی دلتون میخاد دانلود کنید
    زود باشید تا فیلتر نشده!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

  18. #58

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    كسي DevExpress VCL 12.2.6 رو براي XE4 نداره؟ البته با سورس C++‎ Builder. براي دلفي رو خودم دارم.

  19. #59
    کاربر جدید آواتار yekta
    تاریخ عضویت
    بهمن 1381
    محل زندگی

    نقل قول: Fast Report v4.12.6 XE3 Full Source

    سلام دوست عزیز اگر امکان دارد fastreport برای XE3 را برایم ارسال کنید y_ghanbari@yahoo.com

  20. #60

    نقل قول: Fast Report v4.12.6 XE3 Full Source

    اگه میشه لینک رو برای من هم بفرستین ممنون
    برای C++‎‎Builder 2011 نیاز دارم .

  21. #61
    کاربر دائمی آواتار SayeyeZohor
    تاریخ عضویت
    اسفند 1387
    محل زندگی

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    دوستان مي تونند با گذاشتن pm يا ارسال ايميل به آدرس M_Nikoei2005@hotmail.com و ذكر نام كاربري خودشون در سايت برنامه نويس ، كامپوننت هاي مورد نيازشون رو دريافت كنند .

  22. #62
    کاربر تازه وارد
    تاریخ عضویت
    شهریور 1384
    محل زندگی

    نقل قول: ImageEn v4.1.4 Full Source for Delphi 5-XE3

    من تو سایتش هم چرخیدم، اما نتونستم ImageEn رو دانلود کنم!!!
    من از Delphi EX3 استفاده می کنم!!!

  23. #63

    نقل قول: ImageEn 4.0.2 FS D5-XE2

    من این کامپوننت را نیاز دارم
    چطوری می توانم آن را دریافت کنم
    با تشکر

  24. #64

    نقل قول: کامپوننت های غیر رایگان

    من کامپوننت
    ImageEn v4.1.4 Full Source for Delphi 5-XE3

    را نیاز دارم لطفا با ایمیل زیر تماس بگیرید

  25. #65
    کاربر دائمی آواتار abdullah20
    تاریخ عضویت
    فروردین 1390
    محل زندگی

    نسخه اورجینال کامپوننت Kylix SMS ActiveX 5

    در این پست میتونید نسخه اورجینال کامپوننت ارسال و دریافت پیامک در دلفی یعنی Kylix SMS ActiveX 5 را دریافت کنید

    ادامه و دریافت

صفحه 2 از 2 اولاول 12

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    نوشته شده توسط amir.NET2 در بخش ASP.NET Web Forms
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