نمایش نتایج 1 تا 18 از 18

نام تاپیک: وارد کردن عکس با برنامه نویسی

Hybrid View

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  1. #1
    یه نمونه کد از office online برای فایلهای BlobدرMdb فایل گرفتم که براتون میذارم ابتدا یک پروژه MDB ایجاد کنین حال مراحل ذیل را دنبال نمائید.
    1- ابتدا یک ماژول جدید ایجاد نمایید سپس کد ذیل را درون آن قرار دهید.
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Const BlockSize = 32768
    Const dbOpenTable = DB_OPEN_TABLE
    Const acSysCmdInitMeter = SYSCMD_INITMETER
    Const acSysCmdUpdateMeter = SYSCMD_UPDATEMETER
    Const acSysCmdRemoveMeter = SYSCMD_REMOVEMETER
    '************************************************* *************
    ' FUNCTION: ReadBLOB()
    ' PURPOSE:
    ' Reads a BLOB from a disk file and stores the contents in the
    ' specified table and field.
    ' The specified table with the OLE object field to contain the
    ' binary data must be opened in Visual Basic code (Access Basic
    ' code in Microsoft Access 2.0 and earlier) and the correct record
    ' navigated to prior to calling the ReadBLOB() function.
    ' Source - The path and filename of the binary information
    ' to be read and stored.
    ' T - The table object to store the data in.
    ' Field - The OLE object field in table T to store the data in.
    ' RETURN:
    ' The number of bytes read from the Source file.
    '************************************************* *************
    Function ReadBLOB(Source As String, T As Recordset, _
    sField As String)
    Dim NumBlocks As Integer, SourceFile As Integer, i As Integer
    Dim FileLength As Long, LeftOver As Long
    Dim FileData As String
    Dim RetVal As Variant

    On Error GoTo Err_ReadBLOB

    ' Open the source file.
    SourceFile = FreeFile
    Open Source For Binary Access Read As SourceFile

    ' Get the length of the file.
    FileLength = LOF(SourceFile)
    If FileLength = 0 Then
    ReadBLOB = 0
    Exit Function
    End If

    ' Calculate the number of blocks to read and leftover bytes.
    NumBlocks = FileLength \ BlockSize
    LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize

    ' SysCmd is used to manipulate status bar meter.
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, "Reading BLOB", _
    FileLength \ 1000)

    ' Put the record in edit mode.

    ' Read the leftover data, writing it to the table.
    FileData = String$(LeftOver, 32)
    Get SourceFile, , FileData
    T(sField).AppendChunk (FileData)

    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, LeftOver / 1000)

    ' Read the remaining blocks of data, writing them to the table.
    FileData = String$(BlockSize, 32)
    For i = 1 To NumBlocks
    Get SourceFile, , FileData
    T(sField).AppendChunk (FileData)

    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, BlockSize * i / 1000)
    Next i

    ' Update the record and terminate function.
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)
    Close SourceFile
    ReadBLOB = FileLength
    Exit Function

    ReadBLOB = -Err
    Exit Function

    End Function

    '************************************************* *************
    ' FUNCTION: WriteBLOB()
    ' PURPOSE:
    ' Writes BLOB information stored in the specified table and field
    ' to the specified disk file.
    ' The specified table with the OLE object field containing the
    ' binary data must be opened in Visual Basic code (Access Basic
    ' code in Microsoft Access 2.0 or earlier) and the correct
    ' record navigated to prior to calling the WriteBLOB() function.
    ' T - The table object containing the binary information.
    ' sField - The OLE object field in table T containing the
    ' binary information to write.
    ' Destination - The path and filename to write the binary
    ' information to.
    ' RETURN:
    ' The number of bytes written to the destination file.
    '************************************************* *************
    Function WriteBLOB(T As Recordset, sField As String, _
    Destination As String)
    Dim NumBlocks As Integer, DestFile As Integer, i As Integer
    Dim FileLength As Long, LeftOver As Long
    Dim FileData As String
    Dim RetVal As Variant

    On Error GoTo Err_WriteBLOB

    ' Get the size of the field.
    FileLength = T(sField).FieldSize()
    If FileLength = 0 Then
    WriteBLOB = 0
    Exit Function
    End If

    ' Calculate number of blocks to write and leftover bytes.
    NumBlocks = FileLength \ BlockSize
    LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize

    ' Remove any existing destination file.
    DestFile = FreeFile
    Open Destination For Output As DestFile
    Close DestFile

    ' Open the destination file.
    Open Destination For Binary As DestFile

    ' SysCmd is used to manipulate the status bar meter.
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, _
    "Writing BLOB", FileLength / 1000)

    ' Write the leftover data to the output file.
    FileData = T(sField).GetChunk(0, LeftOver)
    Put DestFile, , FileData

    ' Update the status bar meter.
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, LeftOver / 1000)

    ' Write the remaining blocks of data to the output file.
    For i = 1 To NumBlocks
    ' Reads a chunk and writes it to output file.
    FileData = T(sField).GetChunk((i - 1) * BlockSize _
    + LeftOver, BlockSize)
    Put DestFile, , FileData

    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, _
    ((i - 1) * BlockSize + LeftOver) / 1000)
    Next i

    ' Terminates function
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)
    Close DestFile
    WriteBLOB = FileLength
    Exit Function

    WriteBLOB = -Err
    Exit Function

    End Function

    '************************************************* *************
    ' SUB: CopyFile
    ' PURPOSE:
    ' Demonstrates how to use ReadBLOB() and WriteBLOB().
    ' A table called BLOB that contains an OLE Object field called
    ' Blob.
    ' Source - The path and filename of the information to copy.
    ' Destination - The path and filename of the file to write
    ' the binary information to.
    ' EXAMPLE:
    ' CopyFile "c:\windows\winfile.hlp", "c:\windows\winfil_1.hlp"
    '************************************************* *************
    Sub CopyFile(Source As String, Destination As String)
    Dim BytesRead As Variant, BytesWritten As Variant
    Dim Msg As String
    Dim db As Database
    Dim T As Recordset

    ' Open the BLOB table.
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    Set T = db.OpenRecordset("BLOB", dbOpenTable)

    ' Create a new record and move to it.

    BytesRead = ReadBLOB(Source, T, "Blob")

    Msg = "Finished reading """ & Source & """"
    Msg = Msg & Chr$(13) & ".. " & BytesRead & " bytes read."
    MsgBox Msg, 64, "Copy File"

    BytesWritten = WriteBLOB(T, "Blob", Destination)

    Msg = "Finished writing """ & Destination & """"
    Msg = Msg & Chr$(13) & ".. " & BytesWritten & " bytes written."
    MsgBox Msg, 64, "Copy File"
    End Sub

    2- حال یک جدول ایجاد نمائید و نام آن راblob قرار دهید که حاوی یه فیلد با نام blob و ازنوع ole باشد.
    3- کد ذیل را درون event مورد نظر قرار دهید که شامل کپی فایل در جدولو سپس Save as نمودن آن با یک نام دیگر است
          CopyFile "c:\windows\winfile.hlp", "c:\windows\winfil_1.hlp"

    نمونه برنامه دانلود
    منی که نام شراب از کتاب می شستم
    زمانه کاتب دکان می فروشم کرد.

  2. #2

    نقل قول: وارد کردن عکس با برنامه نویسی

    با سلام، لینک دانلود کار نمیکند. لطف میکنید اصلاح نموده یا دوباره بگذارید. پیشاپیش از لطف شما سپاسگزارم.

  3. #3

    نقل قول: وارد کردن عکس با برنامه نویسی

    نقل قول نوشته شده توسط sarami مشاهده تاپیک
    یه نمونه کد از office online برای فایلهای BlobدرMdb فایل گرفتم که براتون میذارم ابتدا یک پروژه MDB ایجاد کنین حال مراحل ذیل را دنبال نمائید.
    1- ابتدا یک ماژول جدید ایجاد نمایید سپس کد ذیل را درون آن قرار دهید.
    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Const BlockSize = 32768
    Const dbOpenTable = DB_OPEN_TABLE
    Const acSysCmdInitMeter = SYSCMD_INITMETER
    Const acSysCmdUpdateMeter = SYSCMD_UPDATEMETER
    Const acSysCmdRemoveMeter = SYSCMD_REMOVEMETER
    '************************************************* *************
    ' FUNCTION: ReadBLOB()
    ' PURPOSE:
    ' Reads a BLOB from a disk file and stores the contents in the
    ' specified table and field.
    ' The specified table with the OLE object field to contain the
    ' binary data must be opened in Visual Basic code (Access Basic
    ' code in Microsoft Access 2.0 and earlier) and the correct record
    ' navigated to prior to calling the ReadBLOB() function.
    ' Source - The path and filename of the binary information
    ' to be read and stored.
    ' T - The table object to store the data in.
    ' Field - The OLE object field in table T to store the data in.
    ' RETURN:
    ' The number of bytes read from the Source file.
    '************************************************* *************
    Function ReadBLOB(Source As String, T As Recordset, _
    sField As String)
    Dim NumBlocks As Integer, SourceFile As Integer, i As Integer
    Dim FileLength As Long, LeftOver As Long
    Dim FileData As String
    Dim RetVal As Variant

    On Error GoTo Err_ReadBLOB

    ' Open the source file.
    SourceFile = FreeFile
    Open Source For Binary Access Read As SourceFile

    ' Get the length of the file.
    FileLength = LOF(SourceFile)
    If FileLength = 0 Then
    ReadBLOB = 0
    Exit Function
    End If

    ' Calculate the number of blocks to read and leftover bytes.
    NumBlocks = FileLength \ BlockSize
    LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize

    ' SysCmd is used to manipulate status bar meter.
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, "Reading BLOB", _
    FileLength \ 1000)

    ' Put the record in edit mode.

    ' Read the leftover data, writing it to the table.
    FileData = String$(LeftOver, 32)
    Get SourceFile, , FileData
    T(sField).AppendChunk (FileData)

    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, LeftOver / 1000)

    ' Read the remaining blocks of data, writing them to the table.
    FileData = String$(BlockSize, 32)
    For i = 1 To NumBlocks
    Get SourceFile, , FileData
    T(sField).AppendChunk (FileData)

    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, BlockSize * i / 1000)
    Next i

    ' Update the record and terminate function.
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)
    Close SourceFile
    ReadBLOB = FileLength
    Exit Function

    ReadBLOB = -Err
    Exit Function

    End Function

    '************************************************* *************
    ' FUNCTION: WriteBLOB()
    ' PURPOSE:
    ' Writes BLOB information stored in the specified table and field
    ' to the specified disk file.
    ' The specified table with the OLE object field containing the
    ' binary data must be opened in Visual Basic code (Access Basic
    ' code in Microsoft Access 2.0 or earlier) and the correct
    ' record navigated to prior to calling the WriteBLOB() function.
    ' T - The table object containing the binary information.
    ' sField - The OLE object field in table T containing the
    ' binary information to write.
    ' Destination - The path and filename to write the binary
    ' information to.
    ' RETURN:
    ' The number of bytes written to the destination file.
    '************************************************* *************
    Function WriteBLOB(T As Recordset, sField As String, _
    Destination As String)
    Dim NumBlocks As Integer, DestFile As Integer, i As Integer
    Dim FileLength As Long, LeftOver As Long
    Dim FileData As String
    Dim RetVal As Variant

    On Error GoTo Err_WriteBLOB

    ' Get the size of the field.
    FileLength = T(sField).FieldSize()
    If FileLength = 0 Then
    WriteBLOB = 0
    Exit Function
    End If

    ' Calculate number of blocks to write and leftover bytes.
    NumBlocks = FileLength \ BlockSize
    LeftOver = FileLength Mod BlockSize

    ' Remove any existing destination file.
    DestFile = FreeFile
    Open Destination For Output As DestFile
    Close DestFile

    ' Open the destination file.
    Open Destination For Binary As DestFile

    ' SysCmd is used to manipulate the status bar meter.
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdInitMeter, _
    "Writing BLOB", FileLength / 1000)

    ' Write the leftover data to the output file.
    FileData = T(sField).GetChunk(0, LeftOver)
    Put DestFile, , FileData

    ' Update the status bar meter.
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, LeftOver / 1000)

    ' Write the remaining blocks of data to the output file.
    For i = 1 To NumBlocks
    ' Reads a chunk and writes it to output file.
    FileData = T(sField).GetChunk((i - 1) * BlockSize _
    + LeftOver, BlockSize)
    Put DestFile, , FileData

    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdUpdateMeter, _
    ((i - 1) * BlockSize + LeftOver) / 1000)
    Next i

    ' Terminates function
    RetVal = SysCmd(acSysCmdRemoveMeter)
    Close DestFile
    WriteBLOB = FileLength
    Exit Function

    WriteBLOB = -Err
    Exit Function

    End Function

    '************************************************* *************
    ' SUB: CopyFile
    ' PURPOSE:
    ' Demonstrates how to use ReadBLOB() and WriteBLOB().
    ' A table called BLOB that contains an OLE Object field called
    ' Blob.
    ' Source - The path and filename of the information to copy.
    ' Destination - The path and filename of the file to write
    ' the binary information to.
    ' EXAMPLE:
    ' CopyFile "c:\windows\winfile.hlp", "c:\windows\winfil_1.hlp"
    '************************************************* *************
    Sub CopyFile(Source As String, Destination As String)
    Dim BytesRead As Variant, BytesWritten As Variant
    Dim Msg As String
    Dim db As Database
    Dim T As Recordset

    ' Open the BLOB table.
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    Set T = db.OpenRecordset("BLOB", dbOpenTable)

    ' Create a new record and move to it.

    BytesRead = ReadBLOB(Source, T, "Blob")

    Msg = "Finished reading """ & Source & """"
    Msg = Msg & Chr$(13) & ".. " & BytesRead & " bytes read."
    MsgBox Msg, 64, "Copy File"

    BytesWritten = WriteBLOB(T, "Blob", Destination)

    Msg = "Finished writing """ & Destination & """"
    Msg = Msg & Chr$(13) & ".. " & BytesWritten & " bytes written."
    MsgBox Msg, 64, "Copy File"
    End Sub

    2- حال یک جدول ایجاد نمائید و نام آن راblob قرار دهید که حاوی یه فیلد با نام blob و ازنوع ole باشد.
    3- کد ذیل را درون event مورد نظر قرار دهید که شامل کپی فایل در جدولو سپس Save as نمودن آن با یک نام دیگر است
          CopyFile "c:\windows\winfile.hlp", "c:\windows\winfil_1.hlp"

    نمونه برنامه دانلود
    با سلام، لینک دانلود کار نمیکند. لطف میکنید اصلاح نموده یا دوباره بگذارید. پیشاپیش از لطف شما سپاسگزارم.

قوانین ایجاد تاپیک در تالار

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  • شما نمی توانید ضمیمه ارسال کنید
  • شما نمی توانید پاسخ هایتان را ویرایش کنید