من هرچی به مغزم فشار آوردم متوجه نشدم این vcl واسه php چی میتونه باشه؟! آخه تا جایی که از 5 6 سال پیش که یه چند ساعتی با دلفی کار کردم یادمه این vcl یکسری کامپوننت بود که با پاسکال نوشته شده بود و برای اینکه کار کنه باید کامپایل میشد، در حالیکه php یه زبان اسکریپت نویسیه که فقط موقع اجرا کامپایل میشه و بنابراین از این کامپوننتها نمیشه استفاده کرد مگر اینکه بیان همه این کامپوننتها رو دوباره با php بنویسن که کاریست بس دشوار!!!
What is VCL for PHP?
VCL for PHP are the open source PHP scripts and libraries, including Qooxdoo, Adodb, DynAPI, Smarty, XAjax and JSCalendar. Inspired by VCL for Delphi, the component architecture is 100 percent written in PHP. Developers can create and integrate components into the IDE and extend the existing components to fit their needs.
Delphi for PHP looks like a product called qstudio. Is it qstudio?
CodeGear has partnered with qadram software to jointly develop Delphi for PHP. qadram software, the development team behind VCL for PHP, had been working on a pre-beta project called Qstudio that became the foundation of Delphi for PHP.Development of Delphi for PHP is being done by CodeGear and qadram software at CodeGear headquarters in Scotts Valley, CA.
Where is the VCL for PHP open source project hosted?
The VCL for PHP open source project will be hosted at:
Delphi for PHP FAQ