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نام تاپیک: معرفی کامپوننت های ویندوز موبایل

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  1. #1
    کاربر دائمی آواتار CYCLOPS
    تاریخ عضویت
    بهمن 1386
    محل زندگی
    یه ایران / یه تهران / یه شهرک اکباتان

    معرفی کامپوننت های ویندوز موبایل

    سلام دوستان عزیز
    این تاپیک رو ایجاد کردم تا دوستان بیان و کامپوننت هایی که در زمینه ویندوز موبایل میشناسن رو اینجا معرفی کنن (منظورم ک/ر/ک نیست فقط اسم و امکانات کامپوننت و لینک سایت سازنده)

    خودم اینا رو میشناسم اگر کسی ابزار جدیدی میشناسه بسم الله . . .

    __________________________________________________ _____________________
    کامپوننت های شرکت Resco به نظرم چون Right To Left رو ساپورت میکنه بهترین گزینه است :

    More than 20 Windows Mobile controls and libraries significantly improve the development process of applications for Windows Mobile devices.

    Developer perfection combined with graphic designer creativity creates an unprecedented toolkit. The components and libraries are designed to eliminate hardware limitations of mobile devices, such as small screen or lower performance. A ground-breaking technology — seamlessly integrated in the components — offers multiple benefits to the developer community.

    SmartGrid for .NET CF
    AdvancedList for .NET CF
    AdvancedTree for .NET CF
    DetailView for .NET CF
    CompactChart for .NET CF
    WeekCalendar for .NET CF
    MonthCalendar for .NET CF
    ShortcutBar for .NET CF
    DateTimePicker for .NET CF
    Toolbar for .NET CF
    TabControl for .NET CF
    InkBox for .NET CF
    ImageBox for .NET CF
    ImageButton for .NET CF
    CustomKeyboard for .NET CF
    Tooltip for .NET CF
    Audio for .NET CF
    Zip for .NET CF
    AdvancedCombo for .NET CF
    NumericUpDown for .NET CF
    TouchDateTimePicker for .NET CF

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    این شرکت هم کامپوننت های UI خوبی داره :

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    اینا هم یه سری کامپوننت قوی از سایت pocketpccontrols هست :

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    اینم کامپوننت های شرکت OPC :

    OPC Mobile.NET Component
    100 % managed .NET component providing real-time data access and easy to use Windows Mobile device components. These components can be integrated into any Visual Studio 2008 or 2005 application for Pocket PCs running Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0, or Windows Mobile 6.0. Free development and unlimited components to each licensed OPC Systems Service.

    OPC Mobile Data .NET Component for easy reading and writing data values from local and remote OPC Systems Tags and OPC Server Items.

    OPC Mobile Button .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile CheckBox .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile ComboBox .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile HScrollBar .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile Label .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile ListBox .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile NumericUpDown .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile Panel .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile PictureBox .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile RadioButton .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile StatusBar .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile TextBox .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile TrackBar .NET Component.
    OPC Mobile VScrollBar .NET Component.

    Change BackColor, ForeColor, Text, Tag, Enabled,Visible, Size, Location Properties from any local and remote Tag with no programming.

    Write values to Tags from Button Click, TextBox Enter,CheckBox Click, RadioButton ChangeChecked, ListBox SelectionChange, ComboBox SelectionChange, HScrollBar, VScrollBar, NumericUpDown, and TrackBar ValueChange with no code.

    All Properties can be set directly or programmatically set in code if desired.

    OPC Mobile.NET components can access remote Tag Parameters for values and alarm limits.

    Bad Quality colors and text properties are available for indication of Bad Quality of data.

    Data component has easy to use Add and Remove Tag methods to setup data change event for asynchronous data values.

    Support on-line modification for all properties.

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    این کامپوننت های شرکت component One :
    Studio for Mobile

    Build Windows mobile apps with Chart, Zip, and our award-winning FlexGrid. Develop applications on devices like PDA's, mobile phones, and more with ComponentOne Studio® for Mobile.

    Create 2D charts to display complex data sets in an efficient visual format on your mobile devices.

    Lightweight and powerful grid control that allows you to add robust data presentation functionality to your Mobile Device apps.

    Get a self-validating textbox on your mobile device.

    Add robust data compression and zip file manipulation functionality to your .NET apps.
    __________________________________________________ _____________________
    ابزار ZIP رایگان و کدباز از شرکت rebex

    ZlibStream for .NET - free zlib compression library
    ZlibStream for .NET is a 100% managed version of Zlib (or JZlib) compression library which implements deflate and zlib compression algorithms. Features:
    _ C#‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎ source code
    _ 100% managed, without unsafe blocks
    _ Free for use in commercial software with closed source code
    _ BSD-style license

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    اینجا هم میتونید یک لیست دیگه از کامپوننت ها پیدا کنید :

    آخرین ویرایش به وسیله CYCLOPS : دوشنبه 14 دی 1388 در 07:24 صبح دلیل: افزودن لینک های جدید

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